AFK Journey Cecia Cosplay - Zekia

New Promo Codes: AFKJourneyDishPAX, AFKJourneyLilyPAX, AFKJourneyZekiaPAX

More AFK Journey promo codes has been released after the conclusion of PAX, from three more content creators. You can claim the following new codes for 100 Diamonds each, for a total of 300 more Diamonds:

  • AFKJourneyDishPAX
  • AFKJourneyLilyPAX
  • AFKJourneyZekiaPAX

Head to Settings ➔ Others ➔ Promo Code in-game, then paste in the codes to receive your free rewards.

Zekia's AFK Journey TikTok video

For the complete list of currently active AFK Journey Promo Codes and detailed instructions and how to redeem them, check out our dedicated guide. You can grab more than a total of 4,000 Diamonds to make another free 10 recruits from the Noble Tavern! is your best AFK Journey information website, featuring guides, database, builds, tier list, news, and more.

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