Table of Contents

PVE Story | PVP | Fiend Hunt |
S | C | S |
Last Night | Tower of Pride | Tower of Salvation |
C | S | B |
+ Insane damage potential: nobody else comes close to her max power against a full board (up to 1800% + 80% M.ATK boost from Track and Field Loen)
+ Huge range
+ Great synergy with other costumes
- Big SP cost and cooldown: can only be used once or twice in most PVE battles.
- Needs investment in Loen's other costumes
- Fire is a crowded element with several other good AOE options
- Only necessary for high scoring in fiend hunts and guild raids. We don't yet have enough hard content where such high damage is needed.
Loen for PVE
Like Loen's other costumes, Celebrity Bunny Loen is all about big fiery AOE damage. Loen's role is simply to nuke, and Celebrity Bunny fills that role very well.
Damage comparison
Loen's skill is very similar to Sacred Justia, who also hits a large 12-tile AOE and has damage that scales with the number of enemies hit.

A side by side comparison of Sacred Justia and Celebrity Bunny Loen (at +5 full potential) is below:
Enemies | Sacred Justia | Loen |
1 | 400% | 225% |
2 | 500% | 400% |
3 | 600% | 575% |
4 | 700% | 750% |
5 | 800% | 925% |
6 | 900% | 1100% |
7 | 1000% | 1275% |
8 | 1100% | 1450% |
9 | 1200% | 1625% |
10 | 1300% | 1800% |
As you can see, Loen's damage completely outclasses Sacred Justia against large mobs. In a normal PVE battle (outside of guild raids which have larger fields), Loen can reach up to 1800% damage against a "full house" of 10 enemies. Loen's skip targeting (now known as "vault" targeting) will also usually given her the advantage to get better coverage over large mobs, whereas Sacred Justia may have to rely on Zenith to assist.
Loen also has better base stats for PVE than Sacred Justia: Although Loen's base M.ATK is lower (319 vs Sacred Justia's 352), Loen has much higher base crit damage (100% vs Sacred Justia's 50%).
Even though Loen deals lower damage than Sacred Justia against small mobs (3 enemies or less), this is not really relevant because you simply wouldn't pick Celebrity Bunny Loen or Sacred Justia for that kind of battle.
Of course, Sacred Justia is different because she has no cooldown, whereas Celebrity Bunny takes 9 turns to reload. Sacred Justia is therefore more effective in dealing continuous damage, but not one off damage.
Synergy with other costumes
The comparison with Sacred Justia above shows Celebrity Bunny Loen without any buffs. However, what makes Celebrity Bunny truly insane is that her damage can be further boosted by Track and Field Loen, which at +5 gives Loen an 80% M.ATK buff for 4 turns. When you apply that buff to the numbers above, you can see that Celebrity Bunny Loen's damage potential soars above and beyond any other attacker in the game. It is therefore strongly recommended to have investment in Track and Field Loen to make the most of Celebrity Bunny's insane damage.

It is also strongly recommended that you also have investment in Last Hope Loen. Celebrity Bunny Loen will usually be better than Last Hope Loen in fiend hunts and guild raids: Celebrity Bunny only needs to hit 4 enemies to deal 750% damage (4x175%+50%), which is the same damage as Last Hope except with better range. However, Celebrity Bunny has a very long cooldown time of 9 turns, so it needs to be saved for your big nuke turn. In the meantime, you will need to cycle between Track and Field Loen and Last Hope Loen until you are ready to unleash Celebrity Bunny.

Game modes
Loen is obviously great for any battles where you need big AOE damage against large mobs, especially fiend hunts and guild raids. She is also perfect for high scoring on Tower of Pride.
She can be hit or miss in Tower of Salvation: her big SP cost makes a big difference in this game mode. There will be some battles where she will be well worth the cost, and some where she will be dead weight.
Loen for PVP
Loen is not good for PVP due to her high cost and mediocre impact. She is also more expensive than Sacred Justia, who is already too expensive to see competitive play.
Absolute degeneracy. A must have for Loen lovers, but just keep in mind that you will need all of Loen's other costumes to make Celebrity Bunny work, otherwise you will have a lot of dead turns during her long 9 turn cooldown.