Table of Contents
MATK | 396 |
HP | 1470 |
MRES | 0% |
CR | 10% |
CDMG | 75% |
Levia is a Magic Fire Attacker/Amplifier with a potent magic vulnerability debuff. Aside from being very potent in single target scenarios, she offers a damage boost that is multiplicative to most other amplifiers.
Check out my other Character Guides:
Strengths and Weaknesses
+Levia's magic vulnerability debuff is multiplicative to MATK buffs and property DMG boosts, making her useful for magic teams.
+Night of Jealousy is ridiculously strong in single target scenarios.
Levia currently has 3 costumes. Night of Jealousy is a DMG skill with middling AoE damage, but insanely high single target DMG, while Track and Field Team Captain is a DPS skill that also provides utility for magic DMG. Overheat is a great follow up nuke to the vulnerability debuff from Captain.
Night of Jealousy

Gates of Tartarus
SP ◆ 5 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 4 Times, each attack deals Magic DMG based off of 30% of Magic ATK. Instead deal Magic DMG based off of 80% of Magic ATK to the main target.
Skill Potential 1
Magic DMG +20%
(All Targets)
Skill Potential 2
Magic DMG +40%
(Main Target)
Skill Potential 3
Range Upgrade
+1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |
SP Cost | Magic DMG | Magic DMG | Magic DMG | Magic DMG |
5 ▸ 4 | 30% 80% ▸ 120% | 30% ▸ 50% 120% ▸ 160% | 50% 160% ▸ 200% | 50% ▸ 70% 200% ▸ 240% |
This costume has amazing single target damage, having the highest damaging skill for Last Night.
Her AoE damage is admittedly below rate, but this is a fine trade off considering that it's amazing in single target, and that her other costume has a really potent vulnerability debuff.
Consider investing in this costume if you need a DPS for Last Night, or if you want it to supplement Track and Field Team Captain.
Key Upgrades: +1, DMG Upgrades add up.
Track and Field Team Captain

Explosive Rush!
SP ◆ 5 — CD ● 5 Turns
Attack 4 Times, each attack deals Magic DMG based off of 30% of Magic ATK. Target's Incoming Magic DMG increases by 40% for 4 turns. The main target's Incoming Magic DMG instead increases by 60%.
Skill Potential 1
Magic DMG +10%
Skill Potential 2
Magic DMG +10%
Skill Potential 3
Vulnerability +20%
(All Targets)
+1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |
SP Cost | Vulnerability | Magic DMG | Vulnerability | Magic DMG |
5 ▸ 4 | 40% ▸ 60% 60% ▸ 80% | 30% ▸ 50% | 60% ▸80% 80% ▸ 100% | 50% ▸ 70% |
This costume is pretty much a magic counterpart to Game Club Rafina, dealing very respectable damage in a wide AoE while also applying a magic vulnerability debuff. This is an amplification that is multiplicative to other boosts, such as MATK buffs and chains. This costume gives magic teams another avenue of boosting their damage—especially teams that use Angelica, whose damage does not scale off MATK buffs.
Key Upgrades: +1, Vulnerability upgrades, DMG upgrades are nice to have.

Beast Overdrive
SP ◆ 5 — CD ● 3 Turns
Deal Magic DMG based off of 200% of Magic ATK. If the enemy is vulnerable, instead deal Magic DMG based off of 450% of Magic ATK. Remove Vulnerability from the target.
Skill Potential 1
Boosted DMG +50%
Skill Potential 2
Boosted DMG +50%
Skill Potential 3
Cooldown -2 Turns
+1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |
SP Cost | Magic DMG | Boosted DMG | Magic DMG | Boosted DMG |
5 ▸ 4 | 200% ▸ 275% | 450% ▸ 600% | 275% ▸ 350% | 600% ▸ 750% |
This costume works best as a follow up to Track and Field Team Captain, dealing tons of damage to vulnerable enemies. It comes with the downside of removing vulnerability from enemies hit, so make sure to use this costume after any other damage dealers on that turn.
The vulnerability removal isn't too big of a deal, but there will be cases where you have to choose between Overheat's extra damage, or Night of Jealousy's damage plus 4 chains to support another DPS like Loen. This decision will be contextual, and it will depend on your investment levels between Levia and any other DPS, and whether you're trying to optimize damage against a single foe or weakspot, or against an area of enemies.
Overheat's cooldown reduction potential is worth it if you're missing either of her other costumes, but if you already have them invested in, the main use case for a 1 turn cooldown is to pair her with Zenith, who can provide Levia with a consistent source of vulnerability application.
Key Upgrades: +1, DMG upgrades add up.
Building Levia
Levia will primarily be used in PvE content, so she will be built for optimal damage. If you're only using her as a support for another DPS, then you may not need to focus on building her.

Tome of Liberation
Exclusive Stat — 45% MATK
Correct Main Stats — MATK + CDMG
This weapon is pretty good for Levia's damage.
Engraving: LIF
243 HP
Engraving: STR
Engraving: PSV
Awakening 1
12% MATK
Awakening 2
10% Fire DMG
Bond Potential
♦ Several bond nodes are locked behind a skill potential.
MATK | 80 |
MATK | 14.2% |
CDMG | 47.2% |
MATK | 66.2% |
Fire DMG | 30% |
- | - |
MATK | 75.6% |
CDMG | 28.4% |
- | - |

Night of Jealousy is Levia's best bonds for general content, as she needs tons of CDMG. If you want an edge against wind enemies, then use Track and Field Team Captain.
Optimal Build [PvE]




Optimal Substat Spread (Assuming BBS Refinements) — 3 MATK% substats + 12 CDMG substats