Table of Contents

Key Points
- Level 10 DMG Threshold: 355M.
- 0 DEF & MRES, 0 Light RES, 0 Dark DMG.
- 4 Initial SP, 3 SP gained per turn.
- Skill Sequence: S1 → C1 → S2 → S3 → S4.
- Avoid stacking 9 chains on any part!
- Bring DEF Gear.

Skill Rundown
Boring, Meow!

Trigger: Stack 9 or more chains on any tile.
Triggering this conditional skill will cause the Fiend to reduce all your unit's M/ATK to 0. Therefore, you must not trigger it!
Play With Me, Meow!

This skill is tricky, since the chain buff makes you more likely to trigger C2. You can just have your entire team dodge this hit to save yourself the headache, but you may also have someone with a 2 hit skill become the main target to get closer to 9 chains without reaching it.
The taunt makes it so that you will always hit the weakpoint. Sweet!
Gotcha, Meow!

Trigger: Any part has the taunt buff.
C1 will trigger immediately after S1, so simply have your light DPS units tank this hit for the Property and DMG buffs.
I'm Bored, Meow!

Again, tank this hit with your DPS units for more offensive output. After this, all of the Fiend's buffs have been applied. The following two turns are your nuke turns.
I'm Angry, Meow!

A simple damaging skill. Keep attacking!
Exciting, Meow!
A team wipe! Your next team then takes the stage as the Fiend loops back to S1 and refreshes its conditional skills.
Hunting the Fiend
S1 → C1 → S2 → S3 → S4
C1 will trigger no matter what after S1. Stack buffs from C1, and S2, and go ham on the Fiend.
Make sure not to trigger C2, which happens when you apply 9 chains on any part.
Light DPS Review

Ventana (×6 AoE) — The single target queen, this field is tailored for her. Her ridiculous damage on the weakpoint makes her a really strong choice for this Hunt.
Sacred Justia (×12 AoE) — Also a very strong contender, being able to hit every tile (7 targets).
Angelica (×9 AoE) — Given the various buffs that she's been getting lately, her damage for Fiend Hunt is really strong. She's the best magic DPS for this Hunt.
Michaela (×8 AoE) — Unfortunately, Michaela doesn't shine well in hypercarry scenarios. She will lag behind, but it should be possible to clear level 10 with her.
Yuri (×8 AoE) — A decent DPS for this Hunt. Just make sure not to dispel the Fiend's taunt buff before C1.