June 19th (UTC) Routine Maintenance and Update

Hello. This is BrownDust2.

Routine maintenance and update are scheduled for June 19th (UTC).
Please refer to the details below.

■ Maintenance Schedule: June 19th 11:50 pm – June 20th 3:00 am (3 hrs 10 mins) (UTC)
■ Effect: Game access unavailable
■ Details:

1. POST: SUMMER KNIGHT Season Event Update
- The new season event 'POST: SUMMER KNIGHT' will be updated.
- 'POST: SUMMER KNIGHT' Season Event Period: After June 19th maintenance - Before July 3rd maintenance (UTC)
- You can proceed with the 'POST: SUMMER KNIGHT' season event by touching the season event logo on the right side of the home menu.
- 'POST: SUMMER KNIGHT' season event consists of 'Event Story / Normal Battle / Challenge Battle / Field Quest / Fiend Hunter / Event Shop'.
Here's the information on when each content starts:
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- You can purchase various items at the event shop with event currency acquired from each content.

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1) POST: SUMMER KNIGHT Event Story Information
The insider selection contest has ended, but the party continues.
Nebris and Venaka, who were cleaning up after the competition, get a sweet break...
At that time, an unidentified giant octopus appears at the pool party and begins attacking female partygoers.
In a party hall covered in sticky slime sprayed by a giant octopus,
Nebris and Venaka rush to find the cause of the incident and a solution.
The two got a hint from Mamonir, the owner of the octopus, and Dalvi, a mysterious woman.
They are fully prepared to face the giant octopus...!

- All stories will be revealed on the first day of the season event opening, and you must check the previous story to check the next story.
- You can earn event currency and Dias every time you watch the story.

2) POST: SUMMER KNIGHT Event Battle Guide
- Event battles are divided into normal battles that anyone can easily challenge, and challenge battles that require growth and strategy.
- Upon entering the battle screen, you can check the recommended combat power for each stage, your current account's combat power, challenge objectives, and rewards for completing objectives.
- Use the buttons at the bottom of the battle entry menu to check monster information or enter the battle.
- Clearing each stage and achieving challenge objectives per battle rewards a certain amount of event currency.
- Entering a battle requires AP. Free AP is charged every day at 9 AM (KST), and you can purchase additional premium AP with diamonds in the event shop.
- Winning a battle reduces AP by 1 and grants rewards. If you lose or give up, AP is not consumed.
- If you complete all challenges in a battle on a specific stage, you can use the quick battle function in that stage,
and during a quick battle, you will immediately receive the reward for that battle.
- In won battle stages, you can proceed with repeat battles, gaining rewards with each victory.

3) 'Pool Party Treasure Hunt!' Field Quest Information
- You can participate in the field quest, 'Pool Party Treasure Hunt!'.
- Collect coins hidden in every corner of the party within the time limit and achieve the highest record. You can earn event currency equal to the highest score you achieve.
- Only search/stealth/danger detection/dash/swiftness can be used in field quests.
* When using a talent skill in a field quest, the Ability Pill is not consumed and talent skill EXP cannot be obtained.
- Reward acquisition records are reset every day at 09:00 AM (KST).

4) Fiend Hunter Guide
- Octovius I hunting preparation period will open.
- You can enter by touching 'Fiend Hunter' at the bottom of the UI of the season event main screen.
- Fiend Hunter Hunting Preparation Period: After June 19th maintenance - June 26th 11:59 pm (UTC)
- Fiend Hunter Hunting Period: After June 27th 12:00 am – July 3rd, 2:59 PM (UTC)

Octovius I

As I was taking a rest after the pool party, a report came in that the pool was dirty.
He was tired, but he couldn't just sit there, so he grabbed some cleaning supplies and went out.
...and then he showed up there.
Sticky... long... big...
And he swelled up as if he was very angry...!
...Wait a minute, I'm just explaining a dangerous strange creature that appeared in the pool.
Why is everyone blushing so much...?

- Taylor's witness

5) POST: SUMMER KNIGHT Event Store Information
- You can purchase various items at the event shop with event currency (Leftover Raffle Ticket) acquired from each content.
- Key items available in the event shop include the following:

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* In addition to the above products, various items necessary for growth will be sold.

- Paid AP sold at the event store will be reset when the season event ends. Please use all remaining AP before it is reset.
- The event store will be open for 7 days after the POST: SUMMER KNIGHT season event ends, and items can be purchased using the remaining Leftover Raffle Ticket.

* The store for the currently ongoing SCARLET SWORD season event will also remain open for 7 days after the event ends.
You can receive rewards using your remaining event currency during this period.
* The logo of the SCARLET SWORD season event will be changed to the Berserker logo / The broken wooden sword will be changed to broken wood. Items in the store are the same as before.

6) Season Event Bonus Costume
- If you possess the event costume designated for each season event, you can obtain additional event currency at a certain rate from the [Normal Battle / Challenge Battle / Field Quest] content of the season event.
- The costumes that can receive bonuses in the season event that runs from after June 19th maintenance to July 3rd (UTC) are as follows.
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- If you own multiple event costumes, the amount of additional event currency acquired is added together.

2. Summer event pack ‘Summer Knight’ rerun
- The summer event pack ‘SUMMER KNIGHT’ will have a rerun.
- Event packs are packs that can be rented and played only for a specific period of time, and are automatically returned after the event period.
- Summer Knight Pack Rental Period: After June 19th maintenance - Before July 17th maintenance (UTC)
- Event packs in which rental period has expired cannot be played.
- Hard and Very Hard difficulties will be added to the Summer Knight pack (rerun).
- The progress records of users who have previously played the Summer Knight pack will be preserved, so they can continue playing the pack.
* For users who have previously completed until the middle part of the main quest on Normal difficulty, you can continue playing from the middle of the main quest.
* Users who have cleared the normal difficulty main quest can proceed to additional difficulties by accepting the hard difficulty level.
- When you clear the Summer Knight normal difficulty main quest, you can obtain one [Limited] Pool Party Justia Costume as a reward, just like last year.
* Users who previously cleared and received the Pool Party Justia costume cannot receive it multiple times.
- When you clear Hard or Very Hard difficulty levels, you can obtain 10 Draw Tickets as a reward for each difficulty level you clear.
- Check out the story that unfolds at the pool party.

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2-1. Summer event pack ‘[Rerun] Summer Knight’ full voice over support
- The main quest of the Summer Knight Pack supports full voice over in Korean and Japanese.
- You can enjoy the main story with the characters' voices.

3. Battle retry from previous turn function update
- A feature that allows you to return to the previous turn during battle and try again is added.
- When you touch the retry button on the battle pause screen, a retry pop-up will appear.
In the retry pop-up, you can select retry ‘from the previous turn’ or ‘from the beginning’.
- The retry from previous turn function is activated after character 1's first action is completed 3 turns after the start of the battle.
- If you continue the battle, it will be activated after character 1's first action, 3 turns from the time you continued the battle.
- The battles that support the battle retry function from the previous turn are as follows.

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4. Batch reinforcement function
- The bulk reinforcement function has been improved as follows.
Before Change: After setting the maximum gold limit, unconditionally +9 upgrade within that amount
After Change: Target enhancement value, number of enhancement attempts, and maximum gold limit can all be set


5. Filter method improvement
- The filter touch method has been improved as follows.
Before Change: When touching a filter, the filter turns off
After Change: When you touch a filter, the filter turns on
- ALL filter is added. The items added by the ALL filter are as follows.
Bag > Gear Inventory
Companions > Companions Inventory
Companions > Gear Filter
Companions > Gear Management
Talent Skill > Gear Production

6. Preset function improvements
- Improvements will be made so that presets can be changed even during the battle preparation stage.
- The function to delete individual presets and the function to delete all presets are added.

7. Change in Mirror War score calculation method
- By using the ELO system, the difficulty in raising scores in certain tier sections has been improved.
Before Change: ELO system used in all tier sections
After Change: Bronze - Diamond section > Changed to fixed score acquisition method

* ELO system: A system that compares the victory points of oneself and the opponent, and the larger the score difference, the greater the victory points earned and deducted.
* Fixed score acquisition method: The points earned and deducted are reflected as a fixed value depending on the tier you belong to.

8. Other improvements and changes
- 'Simplified Chinese' is supported in-game.
- The 200% bonus for first-time purchase of paid Dias sold in stores will be reset.
* Paid Dia products can be purchased at Home Menu > Shop > Charge Store > Dia tab.

■ New Pickup and New Character
- DJ Venaka costume and Venaka's Exclusive Gear, Sing in Harmony will appear in the pickup.

1) DJ Venaka Costume: After June 19th maintenance - Before July 3rd maintenance (UTC)
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※ The above information may change upon update.
※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game Collection menu.
※ DJ Venaka Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop and Selective Draw after July 3rd maintenance (UTC).

2) Sing in Harmony: After June 19th maintenance - Before July 3rd maintenance (UTC)
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※ The above information is based on the ability value of UR Sing in Harmony at the time of initial acquisition.
※ For more detailed stats and information, please check the collection menu in the game.

- [Limited Rerun] Pool Party Scheherazade costume and Scheherazade's Exclusive Gear, Plentithoum will appear in the pickup.

1) [Limited Rerun] Pool Party Scheherazade Costume: After June 19th maintenance - Before July 3rd maintenance (UTC)
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※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game Collection menu.
※ [Limited Rerun] Pool Party Scheherazade Costume is NOT added to the Powder of Hope Shop or Selective Draw.

2) Plentithoum: After June 19th maintenance - Before July 3rd maintenance (UTC)
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※ The above information is based on the ability value of UR Plentithoum at the time of initial acquisition.
※ For more detailed stats and information, please check the collection menu in the game.

- [Rerun] Adventurer of the Unknown Diana costume and Diana's Exclusive Gear, White Pixie will appear in the pickup.

1) Adventurer of the Unknown Diana Costume: After June 19th maintenance - Before July 3rd maintenance (UTC)
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※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game Collection menu.
※ Adventurer of the Unknown Diana Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop after July 3rd maintenance (UTC).

2) White Pixie: After June 19th maintenance - Before July 3rd maintenance (UTC)
※ The above information is based on the ability value of UR White Pixie at the time of initial acquisition.
※ For more detailed stats and information, please check the collection menu in the game.

- Laid-back Lifeguard Nebris costume and Nebris' Exclusive Gear, Moon Shadow will appear in the pickup.
1) Laid-back Lifeguard Nebris Costume: June 27th 12:00 am - July 10th 11:59 pm (UTC)
2) Moon Shadow: June 27th 12:00 am - July 10th 11:59 pm (UTC)
※ Laid-back Lifeguard Nebris Costume will be added to the Powder of Hope Shop and Selective Draw after July 17th maintenance (UTC).

■ New costume
- We will provide information on skills for the new costume Summer Vacation Dalvi.
- The Summer Vacation Dalvi costume can be obtained from various events commemorating the 1st anniversary, and the costume will be provided to help you enhance it to +5 upgrade.
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※ The above information may change upon update.
※ For more detailed abilities and information, please check the in-game Collection menu.
※ Summer Vacation Dalvi Costume will NOT be added to the Powder of Hope Shop or Selective Draw.

■ Schedule for Costume and Exclusive Gear Additions
- Costumes and Exclusive Gears will be added according to the schedule below.
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■ Issue Fixation
- An issue where Twing Glutti remains on the field when summoning/absorbing talent skills is used simultaneously has been fixed.
- An issue where the button in the request pop-up does not work when requesting a hunt under certain circumstances has been fixed.
- An issue where the season event boosting mission completion count behaves abnormally will be fixed.
- Mirror Wars popular costumes will be modified to be displayed properly based on the tier filter set.
- Changes will be made so that presets are not applied inside the Evil Castle's Tower of Pride.
- An issue in the Story Pack 12 pub where recruitable companions appear in locations where they cannot be recruited has been fixed.
- An issue where the gear is released when the gear is automatically equipped in certain situations has been fixed.
- An issue where the cutscene is displayed slowly when setting the comeback idol Yuri cutscene on the home screen has been fixed.

Thank you.


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