Diablo 4 Uber Unique Crafting - Version 1.3.2 Patch Notes

Uber Unique Crafting – Version 1.3.2 Patch Notes

Diablo 4 Version 1.3.2 will be arriving on February 13, 2024 around 8 AM Pacific Time, and will have a major itemization update!

Currently, the most powerful items in the game - the "Uber Unique" items - are extremely rare drops. They can drop from the world, or more commonly farmed from the Duriel, King of Maggots boss, at around a 2% drop rate. However, you cannot always get the piece that you want and may end up never getting it despite your best efforts.

To remedy this a little bit, players will be able to salvage these items to obtain the new Resplendent Sparks crafting item, and Transmute 5 of them at the Alchemist to create an Uber Unique item of their choice! Notably, drop rates for Uber Unique items outside of the boss is increased in this patch, but currently it is already at impossibly low rates - so to what extent, is unknown as of now.

Make sure to hold on to those items (if you are lucky enough to have any) until the patch if you are sitting on a few of them in your stash! Check out the full list of changes below, as well as some additional bug fixes.

Game Updates

Uber Unique Crafting

Developer’s Note: Uber Unique items are highly sought after. With Season of Blood, we introduced target-farming Uber Unique Items with Uber Duriel to gives players another source of acquiring this type of item. However, we want to give players increased autonomy in obtaining their desired Uber Unique by addressing feedback that expressed how acquiring duplicate or undesired Uber Unique Items lessens that feeling of triumph. A new system empowers players to make use of duplicate and undesired Uber Unique items by salvaging them for a new resource which can be used to eventually craft an Uber Unique of their choosing. Additionally, the chance for Uber Unique Items to drop everywhere but in Uber Duriel encounters has been increased.

  • Uber Unique Items can now be salvaged to provide a new resource, Resplendent Sparks. Players can bring 5 Resplendent Sparks to the Alchemist and Transmute an Uber Unique of their choice.
    • The Refine Resources tab at the Alchemist has been renamed Transmute, and the option to craft an Uber Unique item can be found under that tab.
    • Note that the preview window for crafting an Uber Unique won't display the item’s affixes.
  • The drop chance of Uber Unique items acquired outside of Uber Duriel encounters has been increased.


  • The Cursed Shrine event now gives the Shrine bonus at the start of the event instead of when it is finished.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the Screen Reader did not read the Claimed status for Lunar Awakening rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where the Screen Reader did not read Ancestral Favor Tiers correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Screen Reader misread Ancestral Favor upgrade text.

Season of the Construct

  • Fixed an issue where Vizier Wasp Constructs were not affected by Immobilizing effects.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip for Igneous Cores was missing information.
  • Fixed an issue where Journal pages didn’t drop during the Kulle's Heart Quest.
  • Fixed an issue where only the first person in the party would get credit for looting Obelisks Whispers.
  • Fixed an issue where Arcane Tremors in Hawezar and Scosglen could have Voltaic Brazier's that can't be interacted with.
  • Fixed an issue where attacks from Malphas could still damage players after he’s defeated.
  • Fixed an issue where the Season Journey Objective Keeper of Nothing still referenced Pearls of Warding to summon Echo of Malphas instead of Igneous Cores.

Lunar Awakening

  • Fixed an issue where the final quest for Lunar Awakening could not be started if the player already had maximum Ancestral Favor.
  • Fixed an issue where the Shrine related to the Cleanse the Northshore Shrine Whisper could be missing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ancestral Favor window wouldn't automatically close when walking away from Ying-Yue.


  • Fixed an issue where Treasure Goblins could fail to spawn while fighting Avarice.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies killed via an execute effect could not drop loot.
  • Fixed an issue where the Melted Hear of Selig was not always rolling the maximum value for its movement speed affix.
  • Fixed an issue where the Echoing Fury aspect didn't grant bonus Fury if Tactical Rallying Cry was learned.
  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Rapid Fire would incorrectly override the bonus Critical Strike Damage from other sources.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage increase and resource reduction cost from Ring of the Starless Skies was not calculating correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the final Lieutenant failed to spawn in The Onyx Watchtower, preventing completion without a reset.

User Interface and User Experience

  • Fixed an issue where adding a friend when playing with a controller would immediately re-open the menu for adding friend.
  • Fixed an issue where setting a note on a friend would open the menu for adding a friend after adding the note.
  • Fixed an issue where icons for Animus were missing from the mini map in the Betrayer's Row Dungeon.


  • Fixed an issue where a Socketed Gem in a Legendary or Unique Item could disappear if the item was dropped.
  • Fixed an issue where some players using NVMe Solid State Drives were experiencing instability.
  • Various visual, performance, and stability improvements.

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