Book of Lorath

Book of Lorath

Episode 1 For untold eons, an Eternal Conflict has raged between the demonic hordes of the Burning Hells and the angelic host of the High Heavens. Arm yourself for the fight on Sanctuary with the…

Make Your Mark

Diablo IV Hardcore Victories Contest

Think you can cheat death? Reach level 100 on hardcore mode and tweet #Diablo4Hardcore with proof to have your username immortalized on a statue of Lilith. Offer limited to first 1000, restrictions apply. Rules BY…

Diablo 4 Twitch Drops

Diablo 4 Launch Twitch Drops

The official launch of Diablo IV begins on June 5 at 4 p.m. PDT, awakening a new era of Hellish abominations to slay and 4 weeks of Twitch Drops to earn! Wanderers are stronger in numbers—keep members…

Button Remapping

Diablo 4 Accessibility Guide

On June 6, a new plane of Hell will open, giving way to endless hours of demon-slaying fun in Diablo IV. The team saw this as an opportunity to improve the accessibility offerings within the…

Sorcerer Open Beta Build

Sorcerer Open Beta Build

While there may be several viable builds for the Sorcerer, it can be overwhelming to create a build due to the sheer amount of options available. This section aims to help players create a skill…

Necromancer Leveling Build

Introduction While there may be several viable builds for the Necromancer, it can be overwhelming to create a build. This section aims to help players create a skill build to help with the early to…

Diablo 4 Server Slam

Diablo 4 Server Slam Guide

Another Open Beta for Diablo 4 is coming on May 12! The limitations are similar to the previous Open Beta, except the level cap is 20, loot drop rates are normalized, and there are more…

Barbarian Whirlwind Build

Video Showcase Equipment Ring that gives empowered can be replaced with the aspect that gives CD reduction to shouts per mob hit. Really strong option for this build that I unfortunately could not get myself.…

Druid Open Beta Pulverize Build

Video Showcase Equipment Skill Tree Enhanced Wind ShearWind Shear has a 20% chance to makeenemies Vulnerable for 4 seconds. Wild Wind ShearWind Shear grants 3 additional Spirit foreach enemy hit beyond the first. Enhanced PulverizeYour…

Druid Open Beta Werewolf Build

A rather off-meta build, if the user wants to fulfill their dreams to becoming a full fledged werewolf, here’s what I have found to work out decently. Video Showcase Equipment Boots, ring and torso can…

Druid Open Beta Earth-Bending Build

Video Showcase Equipment Skill Tree Enhanced Storm Strike Storm Strike has a 15% chance to Immobilize all enemies hit for 2.6 seconds. Fierce Storm Strike Storm Strike has a 50% chance to make enemies Vulnerable…

Druid Overview

Introduction Strengths Weakness Equipment Stats Will power is the primary choice of a core stat for the Druid as it provides a boost to skill damage multiplier, Healing received and Overpower damage . Both Intelligence…

Diablo 4 Open Beta Stats

Diablo 4 Open Beta Stats

With 62 million hours played, Diablo 4 was the largest Beta in Diablo franchise history! Blizzard shared some interesting stats from the Open Beta weekends leading up to the full release on June 6, 2023…

Necromancer Overview

Necromancer Overview

Strengths  Weakness Equipment The Necromancer can use a 2 Handed Weapon that gives a 100% Aspect bonus when imprinted or a 1 Handed Weapon + Focus/Shield that allows both items to have two different Aspects. …

Diablo 4 Map


Diablo 4 map that helpd track locations, quests, dungeons, Altar of Lilith, waypoints, and more.


Shrines Overview

Introduction Shrines are interactable objects that can be found scattered around the map and randomly spawn in dungeons. These can provide players with buffs of varying effects or trigger an event that when completed, grants…

Diablo 4 Open Beta Angel

Diablo IV Open Beta – Patch Notes

Diablo 4 Open Beta is opening up to the public in just a few days! Blizzard posted a small update with the game for the weekend ahead. First, we want to thank the wonderful community…

Sorcerer Enchantment

Sorcerer Enchantment Overview

Introduction Enchantment is a mechanic unique to the Sorcerer, it allows you to select a skill to add an additional effect to it. Enchanted skills can trigger regardless if they are equipped to your skill…

Barbarian Overview

This is an overview of the Barbarian class in Diablo 4 to help get you started. We outline the strengths, weaknesses, equipment, stats, and some skill build ideas for the beginning of the game. Introduction…

World Tier 1

World Tiers: Difficulty Overview

Beginner Difficulties Beginner difficulties are available from the start of the game, upon character creation you will be asked to select a difficulty. You can also change this any time via the World Tier Statue…

Sorcerer Overview

Sorcerer Overview

This is an overview of the Sorcerer class in Diablo 4 to help get you started. We outline the strengths, weaknesses, equipment, stats, and some skill build ideas for the beginning of the game. Introduction…