Dota 2 Tier List

Dota 2 Tier List – Top Beginner Friendly Heroes in 2025

We list 25 beginner-friendly heroes in Dota 2 with our tier list. Start playing the game with easy picks and find your favorite role!


If you've found your way to our Dota 2 tier list, you're likely either curious about the game or just starting out. Welcome to one of the most complex, challenging, and rewarding Esports titles out there. Dota 2 is a game of unparalleled depth, but for new players, navigating its complex roster of heroes can feel overwhelming - Yes, it’s far more complex than any mobile MOBA out there. With 126 heroes in the roster, knowing which ones are the easiest to pick up can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable.

The International returns to Germany, to Hamburg's Barclays Arena

This guide ranks 25 heroes, organized into a tier list from SS-Tier (the most beginner-friendly) to C-Tier (challenging for new players but still manageable). We’ve included some heroes that are slightly more complex, but they’re great for learning as you play more matches, improve your skills, and navigate the game’s steep learning curve.

Whether you’re looking for a forgiving safelane carry, a sturdy offlaner, an acceptable midlaner or a reliable support, this list will help you find the perfect hero to kick off your Dota 2 painful experience.

Dota 2 Newbie Heroes Tier List

SS-TierWraith King
Crystal Maiden
Dragon Knight
Witch Doctor
Shadow Shaman
Treant Protector
Keeper of the Light
Centaur Warrunner
Winter Wyvern
Void Spirit

Dota 2 Tier Placement Justification


  • Wraith King - Very forgiving with Reincarnation and straightforward abilities
  • Luna - Simple farming and team fight utility with straight forward AoE abilities
  • Sven - Easy to farm with and a great starter carry
  • Crystal Maiden - Basic spells with strong lane presence and team utility
  • Jakiro - Simple, effective AoE abilities that control lanes well


  • Juggernaut - Versatile and self-sufficient with healing and a strong ultimate
  • Lifestealer - Straightforward mechanics, but positioning is important
  • Dragon Knight - Tanky, simple skills with a forgiving playstyle
  • Witch Doctor - Effective disables and healing, but positioning for Death Ward requires care
  • Necrophos - Strong sustain and simple spells, but requires attention to positioning
  • Shadow Shaman - Strong disables and push potential, but squishy and positioning-dependent


  • Kunkka - Easy to lane with but requires good timing and aim for spells like Torrent
  • Snapfire - Versatile utility hero, but managing skill shots and positioning can be tricky
  • Treant Protector - Can feel slow to play and relies on good map awareness
  • Keeper of the Light - Excellent wave-clear, but managing mana and using his ultimate effectively requires some skill
  • Underlord - Durable with good lane control but relies on decision-making for ultimate use
  • Tidehunter - Simple abilities, but effective Ravage use requires good timing and positioning


  • Axe - Requires understanding creep aggro and proper initiation timing
  • Centaur Warrunner - Strong tank, but ultimate usage and positioning are crucial
  • Bristleback - Positioning-dependent hero that requires knowing how to manage stacks effectively
  • Hoodwink - Relies heavily on landing skillshots and good positioning
  • Winter Wyvern - Useful in teamfights but requires precise use of abilities to avoid harming allies


  • Dawnbreaker - Positioning-dependent and requires strong map awareness for her ultimate
  • Void Spirit - Demanding mobility-based hero reliant on combos and timing
  • Pangolier - Mastering Rolling Thunder and his utility requires precision and map awareness


Mastering Dota 2’s vast roster of heroes may feel daunting, but starting with beginner-friendly picks can make the journey much more approachable.

Just play Wraith King - ALL the way

The goal is to familiarize yourself with these 25 heroes and discover which hero types and lanes suit you best. From there, understanding what each hero does will help you prepare for matches where opposing players use specific heroes. Item optimization, builds, timing, and other aspects can be learned as you play.

We hope you found our Dota 2 Tier List for beginner-friendly heroes helpful and look forward to seeing you again at DotGG for more guides like this.

Mr. Rapha
Mr. Rapha

Mr. Rapha, a lifelong gamer with over 20 years of TCG experience and 30 years of video gaming, brings his passion and expertise to writing. He creates informative and entertaining guides and tier lists for fellow gamers.

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