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In every single card game I've played, there is always that deck looking to gain extra energy to unleash much more powerful cards than other decks. Most of the time, these strategies can go two very different ways. Either they get bullied by rapid builds, which bring too much pressure and damage until you can stabilize the situation. Alternatively, you stomp your competition with cards they have no answer to, as these cost more than their full energy bank.
Green as a color has emerged as the dominant color early in Fusion World's metagame. Its ramp ability, combined with cards almost impossible to answer for most opponents, turned it into a late game machine, unstoppable once it stabilized the situation. FS03-10 in particular, has become the most wanted card from starter decks, selling for some nice money considering you get two with Broly, alongside a card most players don't want to go against. Indeed, the sole 8-cost in the game has become a synonym of "Broly has reached a point you didn't want him to reach", often announcing the game is as good as lost.
The green leaders were quickly met with aggressive builds, praying on their relatively slow development. Son Gohan in particular, lost a lot of momentum with more of Ginyu and red leaders adopting a faster pace overall. However, thanks to reaching 25,000 power when awakened, Broly managed to stay afloat, remaining a very popular leader in Dragon Ball Fusion World. Still, even if the field isn't as favorable as it was early on, Broly still has the ability to dominate using its unique mix of signature synergies, and the biggest cards the game has to offer.
Base Deck and Immediate Improvements
Broly pushes for a specific gameplay, aimed at delaying the match until it can reach enough energy to simply take over and dominate with cards too strong for the opponent to handle. FS03-10 in particular, can be considered the best standalone card in the game at this point, and will regularly win the game if you manage to stay afloat until you can play it.
Unfortunately, this kind of strategy is looking for a very reliable deck, which the starting list doesn't necessarily provide. Then, buying a second Broly Starter Deck will make a ton of difference already, especially to get two more copies of FS03-15, FS03-10 and FS03-04.
Build With Two Starter Decks
Once you have four copies of every card, the deck becomes much stronger at the two things it aims to do: gain energy and slow down the match. Indeed, with four copies of each Paragus, you are already in a much more comfortable situation to slow down the early portion of the match through summoning plenty of Shamoian. Then, you are also incredibly more reliable when it comes to finding Turles and Broly : BR, both cards in charge of turning the match around after your ramp phase. In particular, this will make the choice of which card to place in your Energy area, a key part of this deck, less of a headache. Indeed, with four copies of each of your most powerful cards, you can use one for energy early on without fearing your late-game might be ruined as you won't find the other copy.
The important balance to find once you are in this position is the balance of early and late game cards. The cheap ones will help you stabilize, taking care of opposing battle cards, alongside provide more combo power a lot of the time. On the other end, packing more big cards will make you stronger in the mirror match.
I personally would side with a better early game, as this is Broly's weaker point in my opinion. This is why we have four FS03-14 and FS03-05, as a way to keep our opponent at bay in the early stages of the match. However, this is the flexible part of the deck, which you should match to your play style, and current environment.
Great Booster Pack Cards to Strengthen the Deck
Super Rare cards are overall great in green, but these two have shined the most so far. Both have solid power for their cost and a killer ability. Double Strike isn't necessarily what we are after, but it can help pressure other green leaders, or race an agressive opponent we can't wait for too long against.
We have many Saiyans to fetch in the deck, so this Son Gohan : Childhood makes sense to help with consistency. Naturally, it will weaken our early ability to trade a bit. Yet, the 5,000 combo is decent to protect your leader from opposing 15,000 power cards. Little less power, but more reliability later on.
With this card in play, Broly's awakened ability has no downside, and you have a free 30,000 power hit every turn with your leader. Plus, it fits the intended curve of playing Destructive Strength into a 5-cost card.
Another solid 5-cost to consider in the deck, but to control the field rather than ramp this time. The great upside of this card is that you will play it on turn four if you used Destructive Strength, meaning you could destroy the 4-cost your opponent just played.
Broly wants to focus on battle cards first and foremost. With this Trunks, we have a great card to attack rested Battle cards early, while 25,000 is enough to challenge some 4-cost cards as well. More importantly, this card is very difficult to take out early in the match, tilting card advantage in our favor.
Ideal List for Broly
Game Plan and Strategy
Broly is all about dominating the late game with bigger cards than its opponent, which can attack without fearing to be in Rest mode during your opponent's turn. Plus, with a 25,000 power awakened leader, Broly is a little bigger than everyone else, representing another advantage late in a match.
The most important part of Broly's game plan is to figure out how to safely get to a time when you can slam Broly : BR and such cards, which your opponent will get tired of really quickly. Most of the time, when you start playing your big bombs, the only way out for them is to target your leader and try to finish the match as soon as possible. Then, in order to get ready for this last offensive, we need to have a couple of key points in mind through the whole match.
Awakening is a significant part of Dragon Ball Fusion World, except for Broly, who loses the ability to draw a card in exchange for the added power. You could awaken for the extra energy you get from it, but slowing the game down will also get you that energy naturally. Keep in mind that Double Strike exists, and some colors have access to battle cards with 25,000 power for just two energy, so they could play several in the same turn late in the match. Then, awakening can be more of a detriment rather than a benefit with Broly, a leader looking to just get into the late game.
Ideally, you want to awaken and then be in a position to stop your opponent from freely attacking your hero anymore. Aiming to awaken around the time you will play your 5-cost card seems like a good balance, this will get you immediately to eight energy (Turles adds an energy, awakening is another one, plus the energy phase next turn). Until you are comfortable balancing your leader's health and your need to draw cards, I would recommend adopting a defensive mindset early in a match.
If you do awaken, try to do it during your opponent's turn, so the energy is usable immediately during your turn.
In addition to awakening your leader, Broly also has little benefit helping the opponent awakening theirs. As such, unless you only have their leader to attack, I would suggest you refrain from dealing damage to your opponent's leader until you have the game under control. Basically, you aren't really trying to beat them, just create a situation they have no possibility of winning because you have more cards, bigger battle cards, and more energy to work with.
This rule does not apply if you have a reason to awaken your opponent because of their ability.
You might have guessed it by now, the green starter is all about keeping the opposing battle cards in check, building its own side of the field, and protecting Broly himself from the few lethal attempts from its opponent. Then, although you can play Broly as a basic ramp deck, gaining energy to race up to five, and then eight for your big bomb. The next step would be to know how much power the opponent is likely to attack you with, or how many attacks are on their way when they are coming for the kill, and prepare adequately.
Amongst the four starters, I would say Vegeta is the hardest one to contain, as their leader will hit you for 35,000 power every turn once they awaken. Yet, as you meet more experienced players, red and yellow are also able to pack quite a punch. Then, I would say Broly is a solid leader, but also has a bit of a learning curve to it once you start playing against skilled opponents.
Closing Words
Broly represents an archetype we all know, from Druid in Hearthstone, to Electro in Marvel Snap, or Elves in Magic the Gathering, ramping to slam big cards on the table is a basic of the card game genre. While it isn't necessarily my favorite way to play the game, I do see a lot of upsides to starting your Dragon Ball journey with Broly.
First, this leader has a clear goal of outlasting its opponent to make the match about who gets the bigger cards, a fairly simple way of playing the game, perfect for a beginner. Plus, Broly also relies on a key mechanic of the game: card advantage. Indeed, as you aren't trying to kill your opponent anytime soon, you will focus on the cards they can play and how to protect yours. Then, playing Broly will teach you how to manage your different resources efficiently to reach your goal, from your leader's health, to removing an opposing card, or using your combos at the right time.
I hope this guide was a nice first look at the green starter deck. We will have similar pieces for every leader in the game, so you can make an educated choice on which you want to invest into before spending money, or in game currency. I wish you a lot of fun on Dragon Ball Super Fusion World, and feel free to reach out for any question you might have, in the comment section or through my Twitter page.
Good Game Everyone!