Young Sephiroth’s Best Free-to-Play Builds: A Comprehensive Guide

If you're wondering about the best free-to-play builds for Young Sephiroth, you've come to the right place.

I'll break down the best main, secondary, and sub-weapons for Young Sephiroth, assuming each weapon is at level 90 with no overboost levels. Additionally, I'll provide alternative builds and optional sub-weapons depending on your needs.

Young Sephiroth is clearly meant to be an ice magical damage dealer for now, based on his featured weapon and costume. His best main weapon is the Edged Wings, the featured weapon on the banner. It allows him to hit hard with ice attacks and provides a decent MATK and ice potency boost, with 24 points in magic attack and 9 points in ice potency at level 90.

He also has a weapon that self-buffs MATK, which is the Aonibi. At OB0, it's not particularly great. Desusnow on Reddit explains that Aonibi at OB0 doesn't significantly increase his damage, especially in auto mode. Young Sephiroth will use the buff twice to max out high potency and spend 8 ATB to gain 33% more damage on succeeding attacks. In short, it's not worth it in auto mode, though it breaks even in manual mode in terms of damage but does provide some healing via regen.

At OB1, however, the buff will last for 40 seconds instead of 36 seconds, enough to fire off 4 Edged Wing skills even with auto turned on. We won't look at the OB6 numbers since that's beyond the scope of our free-to-play build. In summary, for Aonibi to be useful, aim for at least two copies of it.

Now that we've covered that, let's talk about his builds.

For Young Sephiroth's ice mage build, we'll use Edged Wing as his main weapon and Aonibi OB1 as his secondary weapon. We'll have a few choices for his sub-weapons, namely Sun Umbrella, Mythril Saber, Absolute Royal, Silver Staff, and Enhance Sword.

Here's what his bonuses will look like with the following build:

And if you don't have Aonibi at OB1, you can use the Mithril Type 0 Katana instead for an HP and magic potency boost, providing 15% instead of 5% from the Aonibi build.

Both builds will cap his magic attack bonus at level 7. Focus on overboosting Edged Wing or Absolute Royal so you can reach the next threshold for ice potency or the Katana for the HP boost.

Other sub-weapons to consider are:

  • Silver Staff
  • Enhance Sword
  • Powersoul
  • Bald Eagle for the ice potency; attack also helps with summon damage.

For a fire mage build, we'll use the Prototype Crimson Blade for the main weapon, Aonibi for secondary, Flame Projector, Sun Umbrella, and Mythril Saber for sub-weapons.

His stat bonuses will look like this:

And if you don't have Aonibi at OB1, you can use the Mithril Type 0 Katana again for an HP and magic potency boost, providing 15% instead of 5% from the Aonibi build.

Focus on overboosting Crimson Blade to reach the next threshold for fire potency and ATK.

Other sub-weapons to consider are:

  • Powersoul
  • Crystal Sword Z
  • Rage Collar
  • Crewkicker

For a lightning mage build, we'll use the CC Alloy Sword for his main weapon, Aonibi for secondary, Sun Umbrella, Wizard Staff, and Mythril Saber for his sub-weapons. This will give him the following bonus stats:

And if you don't have Aonibi at OB1, you can use the Mithril Type 0 Katana again for an HP and magic potency boost, providing 15% instead of 5% from the Aonibi build.

Other sub-weapons to consider are:

  • Murasame; not optimal but better than nothing
  • Powersoul
  • SSR1976
  • Shockbuster
  • Seaside Collar
  • Crystal Gloves

For a non-elemental mage build, we'll use his Shinra Blade: Model I for his main weapon and Aonibi OB1 as his secondary weapon. Sun Umbrella, Mythril Saber, and Wizard Staff will be his sub-weapons. This will give him the following bonus stats:

For other sub-weapons, you can use:

  • Flame Projector
  • Jiggy Fam
  • Edged Wings
  • Absolute Royal
  • Rage Collar
  • To name a few

This build might deal less damage than his elemental mage builds; however, it can be useful against bosses like the Iron Giant, who is resistant to elemental attacks.

Now, if you've managed to max overboost the free event weapons, namely Thousand Waves and Beach Parasol, you can use them both and still get better stats, even though they only have defensive R abilities. The raw stats they provide are massive. Take a look at these numbers:

Sephiroth gets more HP and magic defense compared to the standard builds. This assumes both weapons are fully leveled to 90 and overboosted to 10. It's impossible to do this if you missed the event or haven't obtained all the copies. Still, it's something to consider if you have them lying around un-upgraded and unused.


Dirk is a devoted stay-at-home dad. His days are filled with the joyful chaos of raising two amazing sons. When he's not in full dad mode, you often find him diving into the world of video games, where he can escape into fantastic adventures and challenges.

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