Crisis Dungeon Update

Logues Ruins VH and Cawpine Caverns N/H/VH will be released on October 18, 2023 10:00 AM.

The Debrave recipe will be available as one of the clear rewards.

Cawpine Caverns Enemy Info


  • Fire Rangda, Bomb, Bomb [Power: 44300] [Ice]
  • Bomb, Fire Rangda, Fire Rangda [Power: 44300] [Ice]
  • Fiery Condor, Fire Rangda, Fire Rangda [Power: 44300] [Ice, Wind] [▲✖]
  • Motor Ball [Power: 44300] [Lightning] [▲✖◆]
  • Red Dragon, Bomb, Bomb [Power: 44300] [Ice] [▲]
  • Mole Crawler [Power: 44300] [Lightning, Earth]
Fire RangdaImmunities: Poison At the start of battle, uses the fire-element magic attack Flame Dance. Physical attacks are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
BombImmune to stun. Extremely vulnerable to ice-element attacks. When HP falls below a certain amount, uses the powerful multi-target fire-element attack Burst and reduces own HP to 0.Weakness:
Fiery CondorImmunities: MDEF Down Uses fire-element physical attacks. Grants self Fire Potency Up and Physical Resistance and inflicts Ice Resistance Down on self with Fiery Veil. Physical attacks are effective against this enemy. Magic attacks are effective for destroying sigils.Weakness:
Ice, Wind
Red DragonImmunities: Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fog / DEF Down Uses many fire-element magic attacks including Red Dragon Screech. Inflicts fog with Fog Breath.Weakness:
Motor BallImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fatigue / Fog / ATK Down / DEF Down / MATK Down / MDEF Down Uses the powerful fire-element magic attack Rolling Fire. Becomes more aggressive the more time has passed during stream phase.Weakness:
Mole CrawlerImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fatigue / Fog / PATK Down / PDEF Down / MATK Down / MDEF Down Inflicts MDEF Down with Tear Gas Bomb, and subsequently uses the fire-element magic attack Blazing Ray. Magic attacks are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
Lightning, Earth


  • Varghidpolis, Varghidpolis [Power: 90200]
  • Thunder Bomb, Thunder Bomb, Varghidpolis [Power: 90200] [Water]
  • Moth Slasher, Varghidpolis, Varghidpolis [Power: 90200] [Lightning, Water]
  • Armored Scorpion, Thunder Bomb, Thunder Bomb [Power: 90200] [Water] [▲]
  • Gallonbaloir [Power: 90200] [Fire] [▲]
  • Reno [Power: 90200] [Ice] [▲✖]
  • Zetant Ratel [Power: 90200] [Earth, Water] [▲✖]
VarghidpolisImmunities: None Inflicts stun with Screech. Physical attacks are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
Thunder BombImmunities: Stun When HP falls below a certain amount, uses the powerful lightning-element magic attack Burst and reduces own HP to 0.Weakness:
Moth SlasherImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Fatigue / Fog / DEF Down / MDEF Down Uses many lightning-element magic attacks. After a certain amount of time or when HP falls below a certain amount, its Charge Level increases and it grants itself Lightning Potency Up.Weakness:
Water, Lightning
Armored ScorpionImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Fatigue / Fog / PATK Down / MATK Down Uses Tail Laser A, the powerful multi-target magic attack that gradually grows in strength. Grants self Water Resistance Up, PDEF Up, and MDEF Up with Water Wall.Weakness:
GallonbaloirImmunities: Stun ATK changes based on Force Gauge: Charge. The gauge can be depleted with damage. Restores own HP during stream phase Mend. Abilities that deal great damage and buffs like DEF Up are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
RenoImmunities: Darkness / Silence Uses many lightning-element physical attacks. Also uses Pyramid to incapacitate a single target.Weakness:
Zetant RatelImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fatigue / Fog / PATK Down / PDEF Down / MATK Down During Battery Assist, grants self MATK Up, and subsequently uses the lightning-element magic attack Prismatic Ray. Magic attacks are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
Earth, Water

Very Hard

  • Moth Slasher, Moth Slasher [Power: 104000] [Lightning, Water]
  • Electro Rangda, Electro Rangda, Electro Rangda [Power: 104000] [Water]
  • Mole Crawler [Power: 104000] [Lightning, Earth]
  • Death Machine, Moth Slasher, Moth Slasher [Power: 104000] [Lightning] [▲]
  • Motor Ball [Power: 104000] [Lightning] [▲✖◆]
  • Red Dragon [Power: 104000] [Ice] [▲]
  • Zetant Ratel [Power: 104000] [Earth, Water] [▲✖]
Moth SlasherImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Fatigue / Fog / DEF Down / MDEF Down Uses many lightning-element magic attacks. After a certain amount of time or when HP falls below a certain amount, its Charge Level increases and it grants itself Lightning Potency Up.Weakness:
Water, Lightning
Electro RangdaImmunities: Poison At the start of battle, uses the lightning-element magic attack Thunder Dance. Physical attacks are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
Mole CrawlerImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fatigue / Fog / PATK Down / PDEF Down / MATK Down / MDEF Down Inflicts MDEF Down with Tear Gas Bomb, and subsequently uses the fire-element magic attack Blazing Ray. Magic attacks are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
Lightning, Earth
Death MachineImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Fatigue / Fog Uses many physical attacks including the multi-target fire-element attack Fire Blast. Uses Shield Deployment when HP falls below a certain amount, and interrupting it will inflict DEF Down. Magic attacks are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
Motor Ball
Immunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fatigue / Fog / ATK Down / DEF Down / MATK Down / MDEF Down Uses the powerful fire-element magic attack Rolling Fire. Becomes more aggressive the more time has passed during stream phase.Weakness:
Red DragonImmunities: Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fog / DEF Down Uses many fire-element magic attacks including Red Dragon Screech. Inflicts fog with Fog Breath.Weakness:
Zetant RatelImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fatigue / Fog / PATK Down / PDEF Down / MATK Down During Battery Assist, grants self MATK Up, and subsequently uses the lightning-element magic attack Prismatic Ray. Magic attacks are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
Earth, Water

Logues Ruins Enemy Info

Very Hard

  • Blugu, Blugu [Power: 104000] [Lightning, Wind]
  • Tenowatt, Tenowatt [Power: 104000] [Lightning, Wind]
  • Airbuster Prototype [Power: 104000] [Lightning, Wind] [✖◆]
  • Spooky Balloon [Power: 104000] [Lightning, Wind]
  • Icy Raven [Power: 104000] [Fire, Wind] [⬤✖]
  • Mad Anchor [Power: 104000] [Fire, Wind]
  • Behemoth [Power: 104000] [✖]
BluguImmunities: None When HP falls below a certain amount, uses the powerful physical attack Hellish Spikes.Weakness:
Lightning, Wind
TenowattImmunities: None Inflicts darkness on all targets with Spume Spray. Physical attacks are effective against this enemy.Weakness:
Lightning, Wind
Airbuster PrototypeImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fatigue / Fog / ATK Down / DEF Down / MATK Down / MDEF Down Inflicts DEF Down to all targets with EM Field. Tankbuster's potency is based on the time it takes to interrupt the stream phase.Weakness:
Lightning, Wind
Spooky BalloonImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Fatigue / Fog / ATK Down / DEF Down / MATK Down / MDEF Down Uses Threat Assessment I to determine the elements of the target's powerful abilities, and acquire resistances to those elements. Resistance to only one element can be acquired at a time.Weakness:
Lightning, Wind
Icy RavenImmunities: MDEF Down Uses ice-element physical attacks. Grants self Ice Potency Up and Physical Resistance and inflicts Fire Resistance Down on self with Icy Veil. Physical attacks are effective against this enemy. Magic attacks are effective for destroying sigils.Weakness:
Fire, Wind
Mad AnchorImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Fatigue / Fog / ATK Down / DEF Down / MATK Down / MDEF Down Uses Threat Assessment II to determine the elements and physical or magic properties of the target's powerful abilities, and acquire resistances to those elements and properties. Resistances to only one element and one property can be acquired at a time.Weakness:
Fire, Wind
BehemothImmunities: Poison / Darkness / Silence / Stun / Fatigue / Fog / DEF Down / MDEF Down Frequently grants self ATK Up with Furious Tantrum. Counters magic attacks during Alert. Physical attacks are effective during Alert.Sigils:

Dirk is a devoted stay-at-home dad. His days are filled with the joyful chaos of raising two amazing sons. When he's not in full dad mode, you often find him diving into the world of video games, where he can escape into fantastic adventures and challenges.

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