Defect Issues with Trance Abilities
Thank you for playing FINAL FANTASY VII EVER CRISIS.
This is a message from the management team.
Known Issues: We have identified issues related to the Trance Ability obtainable by defeating the Symbol Enemy in the Event Dungeon Ranking: Mako Reactor 1 and Crisis Dungeon. Consequently, we have implemented temporary solutions to address these issues.
Issue Details: Information:
- The Physical Defense Trance Ability is not affecting Physical Defense but instead affecting Magical Attack.
- If you acquire the Physical Defense Trance Ability while already possessing the Magical Attack Trance Ability, the Physical Defense Trance Ability will not take effect during that Dungeon.
- When you acquire the Physical Defense Trance Ability while the Magical Attack Trance Ability is active, the Trance Ability of Magical Attack will not take effect during that Dungeon. *In cases where the effects of Physical Defense and Magical Attack are both active, acquiring a Trance Ability with the same name will result in the effects being added.
Corresponding Actions:
- As a temporary measure, we will modify the notation in the Crisis Dungeon and Dungeon Ranking as follows:
Known Issues: The ability currently labeled as Mag. Attack will be changed to Mag. Attack A.
The ability currently labeled as Phys. Defense will be changed to Mag. Attack B.
Information: We would also like to inform you about the unique behavior issues that will occur due to this temporary change.
- When either Mag. Attack A or Mag. Attack B is in effect, and the same Trance Ability is acquired, the effect values will be combined.
- If you have acquired a Mag. Attack A 20% and then acquire a Mag. Attack A 10%, it will be applied as Mag. Attack A 30%.
- If you acquire both Mag. Attack A and Mag. Attack B, the Trance Ability you obtained first will no longer take effect.
- In the state where Mag. Attack A 20% has been acquired (Trance Ability of Mag. Attack B has not been acquired), if Mag. Attack B 10% is acquired, only Mag. Attack B 10% will be applied.
- If either Mag. Attack A or Mag. Attack B becomes ineffective due to the same name Trance Ability being acquired, the effect value will not be applied.
- If you have acquired Mag. Attack A 20% and then acquire Mag. Attack B 10%, and then further acquire Mag. Attack A -50%, only Mag. Attack B 10% will remain applied.
These Crisis Dungeon effects and their names will be corrected in the next game update. Even if the fluctuation of Mag. Attack due to this issue is used intentionally, it will not be considered misuse of the issue, and no actions will be taken on rankings or account measures.
We are currently not planning to reset the Dungeon Ranking or the scores in the Crisis Dungeon.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your continued support of FINAL FANTASY VII EVER CRISIS.