Pumpkin Fest: Where Darkness Gathers Event Update

Additional Information on the Ongoing Event PUMPKIN FEST Where Darkness Gathers

As of Oct. 24 7:00 PM PDT, the ongoing Pumpkin Fest: Where Darkness Gathers has been updated. With the addition, you can now acquire Lucia's exclusive weapon, the Pumpkin Blaster, by clearing event battles or at the Exchange.

Additional Rewards


Pumpkin Blaster

C. Ability

Solid Manaward

Boost a single ally's Magic Defense! Also, heal a single ally up to 13% of the caster's Healing potency!

R. Ability

Boost HEAL

Boost HEAL by up to +27pt!

New Event Exchange Added

The Pumpkin Blaster, a weapon exclusive to Lucia, can be obtained up to 11 times through the Exchange and by clearing event battles. Acquire multiple to Overboost it.

In addition to weapons, we have added new items to the Event Exchange, such as 4★+ Wpn. Guaranteed Draw Tickets, character-specific weapon parts, draw tickets, and memories. *A new Doltish Lantern Exchange has been added.

Additional Boss Information

Inferno Lantern

Rec. Elem: Wind

Rec. Sigils: Circle

Rec. Attack: Any

*The recommended Sigils change depending on the difficulty level.

Tips for Conquest

At the start of the battle, the boss will grant itself strong physical and magical resistance. Physical and magical resistance are temporarily lifted after an Interrupt, and also after a summoned allies are defeated. Therefore, it's recommended to start by defeating the allies. Also, Wind abilities are very effective against the bosses and allies, so it's recommended to try using Wind abilities.

Please check the event notice, Pumpkin Fest: Where Darkness Gathers, for details.

Please Note:

- The event period and content are subject to change without notice.

- Images displayed in the Notices may differ slightly from those in-game. Items at the Event Exchange are exchangeable for a limited time only.

- This event may reappear in the future.

- Thank for your continued support of FINAL FANTASY VII EVER CRISIS.


Dirk is a devoted stay-at-home dad. His days are filled with the joyful chaos of raising two amazing sons. When he's not in full dad mode, you often find him diving into the world of video games, where he can escape into fantastic adventures and challenges.

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