Honor of Kings Tier List (2025)

Honor of Kings Tier List (2025) – Top 10 Heroes for Rank Solo-Q

We list the top 10 heroes to use during your Solo-Q ladder climb. Our Honor of Kings Tier List introduces you to the top broken META heroes.


Welcome to our Honor of Kings Tier List to kickstart the Year of the Snake 2025! We won’t classify all the available heroes in the pool right now. Instead, we’ll provide you with a top 10 list of heroes to pick from and dominate solo queue ranked mode. Since mastering all the heroes in a short period of time is challenging, why not focus on META heroes to rank up faster? Let’s look into the tier list first and then discuss each hero in detail later.

Honor of Kings Solo-Q Tier List

Marco Polo
Hou Yi
Da Qiao
N-TierThese heroes fall into one of three categories: they’re the "just play whatever heroes you enjoy" type, they’re almost always banned in ranked play, or they’re too difficult to master (I'm not accusing you of having skill issues) and are better suited for a 5-friends composition in ranked mode (not that you have any). As such, they will not be discussed.

Top Tier Heroes in Honor of Kings

No.10 - Da Qiao

Da Qiao is a powerful hero, thanks to her game-changing teleportation skill, which enables strategic repositioning and provides solid crowd control to disrupt enemies during crucial moments. Time her teleportation ability carefully to either save teammates or set up surprise ambushes against the enemy team. Focus on building cooldown reduction and durability to enhance her effectiveness. Pair her with burst-damage heroes to maximize her utility.

No.9 - Daji

Daji is an expert in single-target burst damage and punishing enemies who position poorly, making her very important to take down specific opponent heroes in team fights. Focus on picking off high-priority targets before engagements to secure an advantage for your team. However, be cautious—Daji is highly vulnerable to crowd control (she's is very squishy too). Prioritize building magic power and penetration to maximize her damage potential and eliminate key targets efficiently.

No.8 - Hou Yi

Hou Yi’s exceptional AoE damage and long range make him an excellent choice for controlling team fights and shredding enemy formations. Positioning is crucial when playing Hou Yi—maintain a safe distance while maximizing your damage output. Prioritize building critical chance and attack speed to ensure optimal performance. It doesn’t matter who your teammates are—just focus on carrying everyone to the next rank. If you lose, it’s not your fault; you just had bad teammates.

No.7 - Marco Polo

Marco Polo is a high-tier Marsman to his true damage, which bypasses shields and defenses, making him a cheat-code for tanky enemies. His mobility also enables him to dodge key abilities. Save Marco Polo’s ultimate for critical moments to deal massive AoE damage. Pair him with supports like Yaria to enhance his survivability. Focus on building lifesteal, penetration, and attack speed to maximize his damage output. REMEMBER, If you lose, it’s not your fault; you just had bad teammates.

No.6 - Lam

Lam is an excellent Assassin-class hero, even for new players. He specializes in diving into the backline and eliminating squishy targets, making him a nightmare for enemy marksmen and mages. Use Lam’s mobility to disrupt the backline and escape before enemies can retaliate. Timing is crucial—enter fights after the enemy has used their crowd control abilities. Build attack damage and penetration to maximize his burst damage and ensure quick eliminations.

And remember—if you lose with Lam, it’s never your fault.

No.5 - Loong

We're half way through our Honor of Kings tier list and I'll be writing in more detail from here onwards. Loong’s consistent damage output and scalability make him a powerhouse in the late game, capable of shredding through enemy defenses and carrying his team to victory. During fights, stay behind the frontline to avoid getting picked off by enemy assassins. Loong excels when paired with supports who can peel for him, allowing him to maintain pressure. Build attack speed and crit chance to maximize your damage output and ensure consistent pressure throughout the game. In the laning phase, take short trades and NEVER extend fights early on, as Loong has great burst but weak DPS during the early and mid-game. He has built-in sustain, so use it to trade and easily return to full health—most marksmen lack this ability, so you can abuse this advantage to trade multiple times and heal.

Loong also has a non-skillshot stun, so tell your support to wait for your third skill to guarantee a CC chain, which remains effective even in the late game. His ultimate is a lifesaver, so unless you’re extremely strong, DO NOT USE IT TO ENGAGE. Save it for escaping and baiting, as it allows you to dodge most abilities. As a marksman, your life is more important than securing kills, so prioritize your survival. You can surprise enemy assassins or fighters with a double Skill 2 burst for healing, or surprise tanks with double Skill 1 for insane true damage. Just ensure you mix your utility, healing, and damage for maximum passive value. Lastly, don’t forget to spam Skill 3 to get back to lane quickly—I've seen many good players overlook this.

No.4 - Augran

Augran is a powerful character with unique abilities that make him a formidable opponent. In this post, we'll explore his skills, optimal builds, and gameplay techniques to help you master him. If you have any heroes you'd like to learn more about, leave your suggestions in the comments, and the most upvoted one will be featured in my next post. Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to follow for more guides!

Augran is a sustained DPS warrior with excellent mobility, top-tier healing, and versatility. His passive skill allows him to deal magic damage through soul chains, while his first skill grants high-speed boosts and terrain-ignoring mobility. The second skill provides group slows and healing, and his ultimate offers both shield and healing, summoning spirits for additional damage. For optimal builds, focus on attack speed, HP stacking, and tanky items to enhance his healing and damage output. Upgrade the second skill first, then the first skill, and prioritize his ultimate when available. Augran’s versatility makes him a strong choice for map control, sustained damage, and tanky survivability in team fights.

No.3 - Dolia

Dolia excels in providing utility and crowd control during team fights, making her a game-changer in certain team fights. Communication is key when playing Dolia—coordinate with your team to maximize her abilities. She pairs well with burst-damage heroes like Daji, Lubu, and Marco Polo, as she can reset teammates' skills for even greater impact. Focus on building cooldown reduction and durability to maximize her presence in fights. Dolia’s aggressive support role hinges on her first skill, which pressures the enemy ADC while ensuring your own ADC gains a gold advantage from bird creeps. In the early game, help clear lanes quickly, secure jungle camps, and take the mid sprite, before roaming to support other lanes or taking down towers.

While playing Solo-Q, farm the lane first, then roam with teammates to other lanes to help with tower pushes, leaving the ADC to assist others or farm. When the enemy support roams to farm lane and kills our ADC, stick to farming first. Dolia’s Skill 2 provides significant healing, especially for teammates who need to stay in lane to clear waves. To sustain in the laning phase, leave a pool for teammates to heal and push back enemies. Focus on the marksman (just tag along) since they often get ganked by junglers (and then blame you for it), and rotate to the mid lane to support the mage after pushing an enemy tower. Playing as a support, you should always keep an eye on the mini-map, and stay in the river to increase your teammates' map vision.

No.2 - Dyadia

Dyadia excels in healing, sustaining her team in extended fights, and providing crowd control that secures victories. Positioned at the backline, she avoids being focused while keeping her team alive. Her best assets are her momentary lockdown and powerful single-target heals, especially when an assassin or jungler targets her backline. In such situations, she can lock them down while her team repositions, then heal them back up. Dyadia is an excellent anti-engagement support mage, keeping the backline safe and allowing DPS to do damage. Pair her with damage-heavy heroes to amplify your team’s potential. Focus on cooldown reduction and survivability in her build.

Dyadia requires precise skill timing, as she has a steep learning curve and is more effective when played with precision. Her first skill offers both healing and a leap, allowing her to escape danger if necessary (barring any CC). She is a disruptor support, and her build should prioritize magic, HP, and survivability over damage. She also marks up to two allies, granting them gold and healing when near, while reducing enemy movement speed and gold when enemies are marked. This mechanic encourages allies to stick together and disrupt enemies, making Dyadia a key support for team cohesion and control.

No.1 - Yixing

Yixing is an SS-tier mage known for his high damage and reliable crowd control, making him a formidable presence in team fights and skirmishes. Position him carefully to avoid being targeted while maximizing his damage output. His crowd control can secure key kills and disrupt enemy formations. Build magic power and cooldown reduction to maintain constant pressure in fights. Yixing excels as a mastermind in team coordination, so it’s essential to align his ultimate skill with teammates. His passive grants strong survivability by preventing him from being killed in a single blow, but it’s best not to roam alone.

Yixing's short cooldowns and chargeable skills allow frequent use, achieving high damage with general attacks. His ultimate amplifies damage in teamwork scenarios, but his low AP scaling (0.15 for key skills) means he relies on precise chess piece placement for triggering passive explosions. To maximize his damage, master the range of his skills and place chess pieces strategically, especially to reveal enemies or prevent ganks. Focus on sustained damage, avoid overextending, and use his ultimate for counterattacks rather than initiation. Prioritize upgrading his first skill to manage mana and clear lanes effectively. This hero deserves he no.1 spot in our Honor of Kings Tier List!


Thank you for checking out our 2025 tier list for Honor of Kings! I had the urge to write this up since I play the game and it ranks highly in my personal favorites. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and I look forward to you returning to DotGG in the future to check out the other games we cover.

Mr. Rapha
Mr. Rapha

Mr. Rapha, a lifelong gamer with over 20 years of TCG experience and 30 years of video gaming, brings his passion and expertise to writing. He creates informative and entertaining guides and tier lists for fellow gamers.

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