Monster Hunter Wilds Charge Blade Builds

Charge Blade

Best Monster Hunter Wilds Charge Blade builds and complete guide to the High Rank progression until endgame.

The savage of them all, the Charge Blade, is by far the most mechanical yet most rewarding weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds. Thanks to the new Power Axe mode, the CB is now even more brutally savage than in previous entries. However, you need the right build to maximize its damage. So, in this guide, I will provide you with the best Charge Blade builds and progression in MH Wilds, from early to endgame.

This guide will be updated regularly along with future content!

Charge Blade Gameplay and Combo in MH Wilds

New mechanics introduced in Wilds have successfully shifted the gameplay meta, not only for the Charge Blade but for other weapons as well. The Charge Blade's gameplay is now slightly different from previous entries due to the Power Axe mode.

Power Axe mode activates when you charge your Axe with full phials. This allows you to perform the Savage Axe combo without consuming phials, making it the new bread and butter for the Charge Blade.

The best combo to start with is filling up your phials by using Circle (hold) → Triangle + Circle → Circle (hold). This instantly fills your phials. After that, immediately charge your shield by pressing R2 + Circle → Circle.

Once your shield is charged, refill your phials again, as the next goal is to activate Power Axe mode. You can do this by either triggering Focus Strike on a wound or performing a Perfect Guard by pressing R2 → Triangle while in Sword Mode. Either method will grant you Power Axe mode.

Once Power Axe is activated, the real fun begins. The best combo right now is Savage Axe, which you can execute by holding Circle → Circle → Triangle. This deals massive elemental or impact phial damage.

Another combo you can use is Circle (hold) → Circle → Circle → Circle. However, this takes longer to execute, meaning it’s only viable when the monster is down or exhausted.

Super Amped Element Discharge (SAED), which reigned supreme in Monster Hunter: World, is now less optimal. However, you can still use SAED when the monster is about to move to a different area.

With that in mind, let's take a look at the best builds and progression.

Charge Blade Low Rank Build and Progression

Starting your journey in MH Wilds, you will receive the default Hope armor set. Use it, as it comes with Level 3 Divine Blessing, which is extremely helpful for early progression.

After defeating Lala Barina, immediately craft the Barina Charge Blade, as it is the best option in Low Rank. Alternatively, Hirabami's Windthrash Charger I is a solid choice since it grants the Focus skill.

Once you defeat Guardian Doshaguma and Guardian Rathalos, craft their armor sets to gain higher defense and the Weakness Exploit skill, allowing you to deal more damage.

Best Charge Blades for Low Rank

  • Barina Bouclier II
  • Winthrash Charger I
  • Rey Astrapi I
  • Arachnoscale I

Charge Blade High Rank Build and Progression

The Low Rank set should carry you safely into mid High Rank, up until you face High Rank Guardian Fulgur Anjanath, Guardian Rathalos, and Blangonga. After defeating them, it’s best to immediately craft their armor sets.

This setup provides 4 Weakness Exploit, 4 Agitator, and 3 Max Might, significantly boosting your damage and critical chance, which are essential for a Savage Axe Charge Blade build.

At this point, crafting the Exploiter Charm is highly recommended, as it will be crucial later on.

For your weapon, continue upgrading the Barina Charge Blade up to Level IV, as it remains one of the best options available. Alternatively, you can try Chthonian Flame II for the Offensive Guard skill or Axelion Blade I for Critical Boost.

Best Charge Blades for High Rank

  • Barina Bouclier IV
  • Chthonian Flame II
  • Axelion Blade I
  • Rey Astrapi III

Charge Blade Best Endgame Builds

After reaching HR 40+, you’ve entered the endgame, where the real fun begins (fun = endless grinding). To maximize the Charge Blade’s potential, whether you prefer Savage Axe or Elemental SAED, these are the best endgame builds available.

CB Endgame Raw Savage Axe Build

This Raw Savage Axe build is currently the strongest and highest damage-dealing setup for the Charge Blade. With max Weakness Exploit, 4 Agitator, and 3 Max Might, combined with Black Eclipse and Antivirus, you’ll have almost 100% Affinity, ensuring consistent critical hits.

For the Chrono Gear, Paralysis or Blast is the best status to aim for, with full Attack Infusion. The optimal reinforcement setup is 4 Attack + 1 Sharpness, so if you can roll it, that would be ideal.

Lastly, Load Shells and Razor Sharp are crucial skills to slot into the weapon’s jewel slots, as they enhance the Charge Blade’s efficiency.

CB Endgame 4-Gore Savage Build

Instead of Agitator, this build focuses on the Black Eclipse II set skill. The damage and Affinity boost are more consistent, though slightly weaker than the first build.

If you’re aiming for speed runs, the first build is the better choice.

CB Endgame Elemental Burst / SAED Build

This build revolves around Burst and Burst Boost, which significantly enhance elemental attacks. It’s the perfect setup for elemental matchup hunts, allowing you to completely shut down element-heavy monsters like Nu Udra or Uth Duna.

This build is also perfect for SAED gameplay. You can swap Crit Element for a Focus jewel to charge phials faster, which is essential for executing SAED combos efficiently.

For the weapon, elemental Artian options are still superior to monster variants. However, if you prefer non-Artian weapons, here are the best choices for each element:

  • Bequeathed Enmity (Dragon)
  • Astrapi Clairaxe (Thunder)
  • Windthrash Tamebami (Ice)
  • Valeroje-of-the-Waves (Water)
  • Bardichion Blade (Fire)

CB Endgame Comfy Build

If you prefer relaxed hunts over sweaty speed runs, then this comfy build is perfect for you. It utilizes Decimator II from the G. Arkveld set, which grants healing whenever you destroy a wound. When combined with Recovery Up 3, your healing becomes even more effective.

Flayer 5 makes it easier to create wounds, which is essential for triggering the Decimator set skill.

For the Chrono Gear, Paralysis is the best option, as it helps immobilize the monster consistently, making your hunts even smoother.

Best Charge Blades for Endgame

  • Chrono Gear Para/Blast (all Attack infusion & 4 Attack + 1 Sharpness reinforcement)
  • Chrono Gear Element (all Attack & 4 Element + 1 Sharpness reinforcement)
  • Bequeathed Enmity (Dragon)
  • Astrapi Clairaxe (Thunder)
  • Windthrash Tamebami (Ice)
  • Valeroje-of-the-Waves (Water)
  • Bardichion Blade (Fire)

Now that you know the best Charge Blade builds in Monster Hunter Wilds, you’re ready to savagely destroy your target monsters. Whether you prefer raw power or elemental dominance, these builds will maximize the Charge Blade’s potential and ensure you hunt at peak efficiency.


ShodiMadian is a gamer who cherishes Space and Time (among other Infinity Stones). He loves playing shooting games, whether FPS or TPS. Games like Marvel Rivals, Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, and Counter-Strike really pump up his days. He’s also passionate about pop culture, from Marvel and DC to various movies and TV series.

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