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Welcome to our Summoners War tier list of all natural 5-stars available in the game right now! Summoners War is a popular mobile turn-based strategy game where players collect, summon, and train a vast array of monsters to build powerful teams. Released by Com2uS, it features engaging PvE content, competitive PvP battles, and a colorful fantasy world filled with quests and challenges.

With over 1,000 monsters to choose from, each with unique abilities, players can create strategic team combinations to dominate battles. Whether you’re exploring dungeons, conquering the Arena, or teaming up in Guild Wars, Summoners War offers endless entertainment for gacha game enthusiasts.
Ultimate Tier List for Summoners War
This tier list compiles raw data and insights from players worldwide, collected through TierMaker. It reflects community-driven opinions on the strongest monsters in Summoners War, helping you make informed decisions for your team.
Ranking all Natural 5-star Monsters

Including the Recent Demon Slayer Units

Top 9 Monsters to Six-Star First in Summoners War
Now that we’ve settled the tier list for this game, let’s put it into practical use. If you’re new to Summoners War, knowing which monsters to prioritize for six-starring can make a big difference in your progress. Here are the top nine monsters, based on their utility, ease of access, and overall effectiveness across different game modes.
9. Shannon (Wind Pixie)

Second Awakened Shannon is a supportive powerhouse. Her third skill grants attack and defense buffs to her team, while her second skill applies a slow debuff to all enemies. Shannon is essential for early-game stability in Giants Dungeon, although not a top priority to six-star immediately. She is easy to obtain through the Summoner’s Way quest line, Unknown Scrolls, or the Magic Shop.
8. Belladeon (Light Inugami)

Belladeon is a versatile healer and debuffer, perfect for Advent of the Abyss and other PvE content. With a defense break, a smart heal, and a buff strip, Belladeon provides utility unmatched by most monsters. You can acquire Belladeon from the Hall of Light on Sundays.
7. Naomi (Wind Martial Cat)

Naomi’s ability to auto-crit against debuffed enemies makes her one of the best damage dealers for early-game Giants Dungeon teams. Her second skill also applies a branding effect to increase damage dealt to enemies. She’s an excellent choice for players who need consistent wind damage and can be part of versatile starter teams.
6. Spectra (Fire Griffon)

Spectra is a crowd-control hybrid with high damage potential. His third skill reduces enemies’ attack bars and applies attack break and slow, making him invaluable in Trials of Ascension and Abyss Dungeons. He’s obtainable from the Hall of Fire on Tuesdays.
5. Crow (Dark Inugami)

Crow shines as a damage-dealing beast, scaling his third skill’s damage with the number of debuffs on the enemy. He’s also a reliable choice for Giants, Dragons, and Abyss content. Crow is available in the Hall of Dark on Mondays or weekends.
4. Veromos (Dark Ifrit)

Veromos is the first fusion monster you should prioritize. His AoE damage skill stuns enemies, and his passive cleanses one debuff from all allies at the start of his turn, making him invaluable in Trials of Ascension and early PvE progression.
3. Verdehile (Fire Vampire)

Verdehile is a core monster for Dragons and second awakening dungeons. His passive boosts the attack bar of your entire team by 40% with every turn, provided he lands critical hits. As part of the “Summoners War Holy Trinity,” he’s a must-have for progressing through PvE content.
2. Lauren (Light Cowgirl)

Lauren offers unmatched utility with her passive, which combines attack bar reduction, defense break, and slow. She is invaluable for controlling enemies in dungeons and PvP content alike. She can be obtained from the Hall of Light on Sundays.
1. Fran (Light Fairy Queen)

Fran remains one of the most versatile monsters in the game. She provides healing, immunity, and attack buffs, making her a cornerstone for any team. Fran is handed to players via the Summoner’s Way quest line, making her an easy and essential pick for six-starring early on.
Wrapping Up
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