I am at the point where I am considering dropping the game

I am someone who has been a player since week 1, I have spent thousands on this game maxing almost all the SSR and SSR+ and at this point I no longer want to keep supporting the game anymore.


Every update there is always some new monetization of products that requires you to buy more of to keep up to date on your characters.


The latest revolution expansion really is the straw that breaks the camels back for me.  I am sick of the overly monetization this game keeps constantly shoved in my face.  Every update is some new thing I have to buy, and as a paying customer/fan of this game I just feel like its an endless blackhole of dumping money in order to just keep my current rankings.


This game started off really strong and enjoyable, but over "almost" one year it has turned into a complete cashgrab and many of my community members have all dropped the game due to sheer frustration.


There are so many mobile games on the market that don't have this overly aggressive monetization with alot more quality and production value, and here, netmarble is continuously trying to fleece its existing paying customers for more and more money on top of what they are already spending and its sickening.


This is one of the reasons why I didn't even have a taste to try Netmarble's new game solo leveling because of the fact that I've seen this track record for ToG:NW and I don't have confidence anymore.


I will just play this alittle longer until anniversary and see if there is any improvement.  But at this point I am not spending anymore money on packs until I stop getting monetization shoved in my face every update.


Out of all the players from the Prydwen ToG community that started day 1, I am the last one that still plays where everyone else has taken their business elsewhere.  Your over monetization and greed has cost you many paying customers already.  And your monthly profits reflect that.  Maybe it is already too late to turn it arround? but I am not going to be a victim of an EoS cashgrab this is turning into.


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