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[Event Duration]
2024/09/26 10:00:00 (server time) – 2024/11/04 03:59:59 (server time)
Complete Main Story "Leisurely Lull: Unexpected New Customer" (available after completing Main Story Chapter 4) to participate.
[Event Details]
Run the Outer Ring diner Cheesetopia and create a banquet hall for the Overlord all on your own.
• The event is divided into three phases that will be unlocked over time. New content will be unlocked when the event reaches the next phase, and the Proxy has completed the previous phase.
• Completing the Event Commissions can earn you Agent [Lucy], [Hamster Cage Pass], [Polychrome], and other rewards.
[Ridu Chronicles]
• Once time is up, the event will be documented in [Ridu Chronicles]. Proxies can continue playing event content in [Ridu Chronicles].
• Limited-time rewards cannot be claimed after the event is over. Please be aware of event times and claim your rewards promptly.