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For players trying to find the right agents to play or aiming to climb the ranks, this Valorant Sentinel tier list could be a handy guide.
A Sentinel’s playstyle might not be as flashy as a Duelist’s, but a team without one can fall apart fast. Known for their laid-back approach, Sentinels focus on locking down areas with their traps, blocking pushes, and keeping an eye on flanks. There are six Sentinels in the game right now, each bringing something different to the table. That said, their effectiveness varies.
This tier list ranks all Sentinels in Valorant from S to C, highlighting how they stack up against each other across different ranks. The rankings are based on their viability and performance within the current map pool.
Best Valorant Sentinel Tier List
Here’s a breakdown of all the Sentinel agents in Valorant, ranked from the weakest to the strongest. C-tier agents are having a rough time in the current meta or map pool, struggling to keep up with the competition. B-tier agents are decent and can make a difference if played well, albeit still fall short compared to the top picks. A-tier agents are solid choices, reliable and effective. As for the S-tier, these agents are either overpowered or exceptionally strong, allowing them to dominate the game with ease.

Vyse claims the top spot as the best Sentinel in the current Valorant meta. During the recent VCT Masters Bangkok, she also boasted the highest pick rate among all Sentinels, thanks to her impressive versatility.
First off, Vyse deters pushes effortlessly on defense and is overall great at stalling. She can isolate an enemy from the team with her wall and follow it up with a flash for an easy pick. Once the wall gets triggered, the area or site becomes a no-entry zone for almost eight seconds. The damage that Razorvine can deal has also been increased, which outright makes it the best defensive molly in the game. It deals so much damage that no player in their right mind will move while inside its range unless they want to throw the game. When used, it stays there for an entire ten seconds, which is long enough to buy time for your team. She is also capable of watching flanks just fine, the same as Cypher and Killjoy. Equipped with a flash ability that detects presence, akin to Skye’s, Vyse can also work as a pseudo-initiator for the team. Not to mention, her ultimate can give an upper hand as the enemies affected will lose access to their primary weapons.
Another reason Vyse is a good agent to pick up is she meshes well with other agents like Tejo and Deadlock and can pull off devastating plays with them.
Second agent in this Valorant Sentinel Tier list is gonna be Cypher. Cypher is in a decent spot right now in the meta and is still one of the best Sentinels in the game. The Moroccan agent has been a top pick in competitive play and has made multiple appearances in pro play. He also excels in nearly every situation, as he can gather information, watch flanks, and prevent enemies from effectively taking over a site. Good trips often lead to free kills, too. Having global abilities also means he can play anywhere across the map without worrying about disabling his trap. This also makes him the best lurker, allowing him to put pressure elsewhere on the map.
Cypher though gets a lot trickier to play in higher elo since pulling off effective setups and plays means staying unpredictable. Sure, some of his tripwires are indestructible, but abilities like Sova’s shock dart, Raze’s paint shells, Killjoy’s swarm grenade, and KAY/O’s knife can still break them. Even so, making enemies burn their utility on his trips instead of clearing corners or areas is still a win.
In patch 10.04, Deadlock’s kit got a slight revamp, making Gravnet her signature ability. While Gravnet feels a bit underwhelming on its own, things get interesting when it’s paired with damaging abilities like Tejo’s missiles or Raze’s paint shells. It’s hard for players to escape from it, and even when they do, it gives her information. With the recent change, Deadlock can now toss Gravnet two or three times per round, which is huge. It makes her a bigger threat on defense and even helps her secure key picks on attack. However, she still struggles as a solo Sentinel since she can’t watch flanks as effectively as Killjoy or Cypher.
Killjoy is a pretty straightforward agent to pick up, and she brings a ton of impact whether she’s attacking or defending. With a reliable kit that prevents flanks and deters pushes, and an ultimate that’s good for retake, she is still a mile better than other sentinels such as Sage. With Ascent and Icebox back in the rotation, which are arguably two of her best maps, and Lotus still in the map pool, her pick rate is bound to go up. Not to mention, the recent update made sure Tejo’s signature ability no longer messes up her Lockdown. With that in mind, Killjoy mains who ditched her during the Tejo meta can finally come back to her.
Despite being a popular pick since the game’s inception, Sage is still stuck in B-tier. The higher the rank, the less impact she brings. She lacks anti-flank traps, making her less effective as a solo Sentinel, and her healing can be useless against enemies that can one-tap you. Additionally, her wall can be broken down in seconds. Still, her ultimate is a lifesaver when her team’s down in numbers, and her wall’s great during pistol rounds.
The weakest agent in this Valorant Sentinel Tier List is Chamber. After getting slapped with some brutal nerfs, Chamber went from being the most broken agent to pretty average. He’s basically got one ability that makes him a Sentinel, and it’s not even a global ability.
Instead of traps or sneaky setups, Chamber’s way of holding sites is by straight-up gunning enemies down. On defense, Chamber could be played aggressively to gain early picks. You can also utilize his teleport ability to take advantage of cheeky off-angles, and some players won’t expect shots coming from those spots. Chamber is also an operator agent, which can make enemies think twice about pushing his site. TThe main caveat to picking Chamber, though, is that it’s hard to get value out of him unless you have sharp aim. Other Sentinels have traps and grenades that can net them kills or at least delay pushes, while Chamber almost has none unless he gets a kill. Changes made to his teleport ability have also made him quite predictable due to its small range.