Fallen Angelica

Costume Guide – The Fallen Angelica

(Updated July 2024)


2 SP cost is cheap compared to Pool Party Angelica.

Good to use as a backup whilst Pool Party is on cooldown.

AOE is difficult to use effectively in PVE battles.

Weaker than Pool Party Angelica.

Damage potential for PVE is limited as she doesn't benefit from M.ATK buffs. Much lower damage than other Light attackers such as Yuri and Sacred Justia.

Heavily crit reliant for PVP, and can't kill 90% M.RES enemies.

Very weak at low levels. Big investment required to make her playable, but the investment does not necessarily pay off.

Angelica for PVE

There was a time when Pool Party Angelica was one of the most useful universal PVE attackers in the game, and having Fallen was useful whilst Pool Party cooled down. With powercreep however, Angelica has been outclassed by many other attackers with better AOE and better damage. Other than the fact that Angelica is magic-type, there are very few reasons to run Angelica over other light costumes like Sacred Justia and Yuri.

For all her costumes, Angelica's biggest strength is also her biggest weakness: all her skills deal damage based on enemy HP (for damage calculation purposes, enemy HP is capped at 20,000). This is great for beginner players, because Angelica gives access to relatively high damage very early on in the game (even without strong gearing). For end-game players though, it's a drawback because Angelica cannot benefit from M.ATK buffers.

Fallen Angelica is basically Pool Party "Lite" edition. Pool Party at +5 full potential deals 29% x 3 = 95.7% HP damage (including chain), whereas Fallen deals only 70% HP damage. Pool Party reduces incoming damage by 75% whereas Fallen reduces by 50%. Pool Party hits up to 4 tiles at a time, whereas Fallen can only hit up to 3 tiles.

The only advantage that Fallen has over Pool Party is that Fallen costs 2 SP instead of 4, and occasionally will have better reach on her AOE.

Overall, Fallen Angelica is not recommended for most PVE game modes. The only PVE modes where she performs reasonably well are Last Night and Tower of Wrath, mainly because she is not reliant on buffs (the effect of M.ATK buffs and other buffs are reduced in Last Night and Tower of Wrath).

Angelica for PVP

Fallen Angelica is playable in PVP, but difficult to use effectively in the current meta.

Firstly, Fallen Angelica is extremely reliant on getting a crit on her single hit skill. If she misses the crit, she is guaranteed to do non-lethal damage. You therefore must have Fallen Angelica at 100% crit rate in order to be able to reliably kill on her own. This will most likely mean that you must run B.Helena to reach 100% crit. The need for 100% crit also means that Fallen Angelica is not very good for defense teams: If B.Helena dies before she can activate the crit buff, Fallen Angelica becomes very unreliable.

Secondly, Fallen Angelica cannot kill 90% M.RES opponents on her own. Even at 700% crit damage, she deals damage equal to 70% x 8 = 560% of the opponent's HP, which becomes reduced to 56% of the opponent's HP against a 90% M.RES unit. Note though that Angelica can reliably deal lethal if paired with Zenith, so long as the enemy does not have energy guards up (e.g. CI.Granhildr, RH.Rou).

Thirdly, the skill range is somewhat tricky to use. For example, if Angelica hits the front left or the back right, chances are that she will only hit one enemy. Furthermore, in the current meta, most formations are already playing around PP.Schera's AOE, which makes it less likely for Angelica to connect against multiple enemies if she attacks without Zenith.

It's definitely possible to build a decent attack team around Angelica with B.Helena and Zenith, but in the current meta there are stronger choices available to fill the 2 SP slot.


Back when Pool Party Angelica was one of the top light units, Fallen Angelica was pretty good value as a secondary costume to Pool Party. However, now that there are much more powerful light attackers available, Fallen Angelica has much less use both in PVE and PVP.

Keep in mind that you can get a free Fallen Angelica from pub recruit. Doing so whilst the banner is up will earn you tickets from the banner event.