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The newest Dragon Ball Super Card Game Masters set, Beyond Generations, is just days away from its official release! Today we're taking a look at the best decks for the upcoming metagame! Let's go! 😀
Today we're taking a bit of a different approach. While I'd usually turn this into a tier list, DBSCG Masters has about 40-ish leaders, out of 200+, which can be considered viable so I'll just stick to the meta ones and we'll do one leader for each color!
We just recently got the newest banlist, the rules update and now that we know everything, we can judge accordingly! If you wish to see my actual tier list, check out the video below!
Future Gohan

The title of the best deck in the upcoming meta goes to Future Gohan! This deck had taken the previous meta by storm and now that yellow has been nerfed, there is little opposition left! What does the deck do? Great, question, let's check it out!

Above is Ivan's, my team mate's, top 16 list from the European Finals 2023! Going into the next meta, we can expect Future Gohan to look something like this!
Alright, what does the leader do? What's the gimmick?
Future Gohan puts cards from hand under his z-extra card, which you can think of as a field card in Fusion World, and he later gets to combo with them. Even better, he draws 2 cards when he puts one under the z-extra with his own effect AND he draws 1 more card when he uses the z-extra's effect! That's 3 new cards in hand for doing nothing! Just by existing, he keeps drawing like mad!
The main gimmick comes from Trunk's activate:battle effects. Each Trunks, on combo and as activate:battle, can give your Gohan or Trunks cards keyword skill: barrier, double strike or critical! Basically, unexpected keywords mid-battle!

Exceptional card draw, tons of combat tricks, access to the best floodgate in the game (Explosive Dance) and a strong unison to serve as a backbone, all of these turn Gohan into an actual monster of a deck! If you wish to learn more about how to play the deck, check out our video below!
U7 Yellow Goku

Yellow U7 Goku was the big boogeyman of the previous format! Since then, it got obliterated on the banlist but, just like Goku himself, the deck refused to give up and now is coming back even stronger!
The biggest change was the loss of the Z-leader win condition, the loss of un-interactive burn and, finally, the loss of Swift Retaliation Cooler, which was used to secure that your last attack doesn't get negated! At first, it looked like the deck was done for, but the newest Bardock SR and Porunga SCR are going to bring it back in a big way!

Here is the blueprint for the upcoming U7 Goku builds!
The whole gimmick is that the deck draws like crazy! Whenever we combo with more than 1 card, we draw 1 (most of the time tbh). The first time that we combo with a U7 card, we draw a card! At this rate, we will go through most of our deck lightning fast!

Our wincon is the 6 cost Goku SR! Due to his ability to restand a billion times and attack again, once your opponent is fully tapped out you can go for the game! Granted, your opponent will never fully tap out knowing that a Goku is on his way, but that's where you will use the Porunga SCR to switch up to 3 of your opponent's energy to rest mode!

This is what SCRs look like in Masters! Pay to energy, rest up to 3 of your opponent's energy! In fact, if that doesn't seem optimal you can just discard 3 cards from their hand...and draw 3! Going forward, Porunga will be securing U7 Goku's spot in the meta!
Green Gohan

Green Gohan just refuses to die! This deck has been hit on the banlist so many times and it still keeps going! Gohan is best described as a green deck which does everything: card draw, free plays, critical attackers, hand destruction and borderline infinite aggro!

Here's what a modern Green Gohan build looks like! You can check the full list here!
Basically, you hide behind infinite floodgates, shutting down each of your opponent's turn. Then, on your turn, you swarm the field with attackers! If your opponent tries to clap you back on their turn, play Cooler to send his card into drop (if it costs 4 or less). At this rate, your deck will truly go off by turn 3, when you can start using Cell's Kamehameha do randomly discard cards from your opponent's hand. Afterwards, you just wrap it up by spamming Father-Son Solidarity, the best boss monster in the game!
Simple, isn't it? That's basically green Gohan in a nutshell!
Aegis Gogeta

The blue representative on this list is non other but Aegis Gogeta!

Aegis is a skill which triggers when your opponent attacks you. If you want, you can warp 2 cards from your drop (only Gogeta can use it like this), one blue and one yellow, to switch 2 of your energies to active mode! Yes, for free, restand 2 energies in defense!
Not crazy enough? Aegis Gogeta is also a blue/yellow deck, the combination of two strongest control colors in the game! The deck itself plays very passively, you mostly defend until turn 4 when you start dropping down big Gogeta boss monsters! What's the wincon? Give your Z-leader, a 20,000 power baseline leader, +30,000 power AND triple strike (deal 3 damage), turning him into a huge 50,000 power triple strike attacker BEFORE you event start to combo cards from hand! Wow!
With yellow being neutered on the latest banlist and Android 21 dropping down in power, Aegis Gogeta positions himself as the only blue representative among the meta decks!
SS4 Vegito:Xeno

Black finally has a meta deck! It only took about 6 sets but it is here now! SS4 Vegito:Xeno, the new leader that will carry black to greatness!

This deck is an insane value engine! You spam big beaters for dirt cheap or, sometimes, for completely free and you hide behind your boss monster and Z-unison! Vegito can, as activate:battle, combo with his potara piece from underneath one of his battle cards or Z-unison, giving any card +10k combo power for free! Then, there is the big beater!

This absolute monster of a card is a 30k power double striker, with barrier and blocker, which can restand itself at the end of your turn to defend you from incoming attacks! That is insane value for just 1 energy! In addition, it fills your drop with cards, making it easier to use Over Realm for free play on the following turn! This, combined with one of the best counter:plays in the game and a monster of a Z-unison, makes SS4 Vegito:Xeno one of the top dogs in the upcoming meta!
The top end of the upcoming Masters metagame is mostly filled with familiar faces, with one new addition! However, there is a long list of competitively viable leaders, even budget ones, which are expected to see a lot of play in the near future. The first regional events are happening on the 23rd of March, you can watch them on our Twitch channel, so soon we'll know which other decks will rise to the top! That's it for this article, I'll see you in the next one with the best budget decks for the upcoming meta!