Goddess of Victory: Nikke

Union Raid Boss: Mace

An air-type Rapture that moves at lightning speed and emits laser beams. A strong shield is crucial for going up against this creature, as it will protect your squad from its attacks.
135.84M21.63K4.33KUnion Chip x 80
271.68M21.63K4.33KUnion Chip x 90
3179.2M21.63K4.33KUnion Chip x 100
4179.2M21.63K4.33KUnion Chip x 100
5358.41M21.63K4.33KUnion Chip x 110
6559.33M32.8K6.56KUnion Chip x 120
7559.33M32.8K6.56KUnion Chip x 120
8766M43.19K8.64KUnion Chip x 130
9766M43.19K8.64KUnion Chip x 130
10766M43.19K8.64KUnion Chip x 130
Rifle BlastFires an assault rifle at a single Nikke, dealing damage.
FusilladeFires many rocket launchers at a single Nikke, dealing damage.
Laser GunFires a laser cannon at a single Nikke, dealing damage.
Stiffened HullEnhances its hull, reducing damage taken temporarily.
Hollow PointDeals higher damage to Nikkes and Cover without Shields.