11/28 Suggestion Feedback


Greetings, Regulars!

This is <Tower of God: New World> PD. Eonsan Jeong.


We have checked all the comments left on the Suggestion board.

With gratitude, we would like to tell you what the development team is currently preparing for the suggestions you made.


In order to answer everything, even if it is simple, the questions have been organized by type.

We will provide detailed information on the direction of improvement through upcoming Update Notices and Dev. Notes.


We will continue to check our Regulars' opinions through various channels as well as the Suggestion board and communicate with you on a regular basis.


Check below for more details.



Q. Lack of Communication


After uploading 'Future Communication Plans' on 11/22, we received various feedback about the lack of communication. We also received comments expressing our Regulars’ concern that the number of communications may have decreased further.


This tells us that we need to communicate with Regulars more often and work harder. Accordingly, we plan to collect opinions every two weeks and answer as many as possible, and we will also share future improvement plans on a regular basis.


While the standard is to post Dev. Notes once a month, we will do our best to upload them more frequently after checking the Operation situation.



Q. Difficulty in Acquiring Teammates, and Suggestions for Lowering Summon Pity and Adjusting Limit Break Tier


Regarding summoning teammates, we are continuing to improve so that our Regulars can get Summon opportunities from more diverse sources. SSR+ Teammates should be obtained with a higher rate through the Black Market system that will be added on the 11/29 Update, and the guaranteed acquisition through the Pity system will also be strengthened.


However, since lowering the Summon pity or adjusting the Limit Break tier are already existing rules, so for the sake of fairness, it seems difficult to change them at this point.


Still, we plan to increase the Floor Achievement Mission Rewards so that our Regulars can obtain 10 Normal Summon Tickets for clearing Floors. We will continue to monitor and review rewards feedback so that rewards for clearing contents can be further strengthened in the future.



Q. ACC and EVA Stats Balance Adjustments


It has also come to our attention that our Regulars are having difficulty progressing through the Adventure since ACC and EVA stats are of high importance, but difficult to acquire through the Tri-Essence Facility.


Accordingly, balance adjustments were initially made on 11/15 and 11/17 by lowering the enemies' ACC and EVA stats, and further balance adjustments are scheduled to be made on 11/29. Information about the adjustment will be provided through the upcoming Update Details Notice.


In addition, another feature will be added through the upcoming 'Ignition Weapon' system, which will complement the fun of farming and planning the strategy in the game.



Q. Teammate Skill Balance Adjustments


We received some opinions that the performances of some SSR+ teammates were poor and the balance adjustments were needed. Thank you for providing great feedback.


As announced in a previous Dev. Note, teammate skill balance adjustments are scheduled to take place on 11/29. A total of 9 characters, including Viole and Karaka, are subject to balance adjustments.



Q. The Adventure Difficulty


Adventure difficulty is being continuously adjusted. Additional balance adjustments related to Adventure difficulty are scheduled for 11/29, and with the Ignition Weapon, you will be able to clear the upper floors of the Tower more easily.



Q. 'Equip / Unequip All' Feature


From the beginning of launch, many suggestions were made regarding the 'Equip/Unequip All' function for equipment. However, it is not easy to develop the 'Equip / Unequip All' function for all teammates due to system load.


Although it has never been formally introduced to the game, during the development stage we planned to indicate whether or not equipment was installed at the top with a red dot. However, it was excluded because it was deemed very inconvenient to see the red dots for non-main teammates.


Still, as many Regulars have suggested, we will continue to review suggestions and features that can be more convenient, and that is within the range of implementation.



Q. Difficulty Supplying Growth Materials


On 11/29, Daily and Weekly Mission and Guardian's Test rewards will be slightly increased, and clear floor Achievement Mission rewards will also be increased. Additionally, you can directly increase Loot such as shinsu, coin, and Link EXP through the 'Astrolabe' system, which is scheduled to be added on the 12/20 Update. We will make improvements so that you can obtain more growth materials through various events.



Q. Lack of Contents and Entertainments


Although we want to quickly provide our Regulars with a variety of fun things to enjoy, there are times where we cannot do so due to the developing circumstances and schedule. We agree that there is no excuse for the current lack of content, and our Dev. Team is working hard to release more content as quickly as possible.


The Secret Floor, a dungeon where you can obtain Ignition Weapons, will be added on 11/29, and a minigame that our Regulars can enjoy will be added on the 12/06 Update. Alliance co-op content and other PVP systems are also currently in development. We will share more details about content under development through future Dev. Notes as soon as it is finalized.



Q. Bi-weekly Update Cycle is Too Long


We think the biggest reason for these opinions is the lack of things to enjoy for two weeks rather than the simple number of Updates. We are preparing to reinforce content so that there is enough content to enjoy between updates. We will also do our best to speed up development to provide more events and contents for our Regulars to enjoy.



Q. Lack of the Alliance Contents


The Alliance Mission event, where Alliance members must complete missions together will be added on 12/06. The Tower of Alliances Event, briefly introduced in the Dev. Note #6, is currently under development, and we estimate it should be complete by 01/03.


We are currently developing other various events that Alliance members can participate in, and we will inform you through future Dev. Notes once they are finalized.



Q. Summon Rates


Many Regulars mentioned that it is difficult to trust the in-game Summon rates. However, probabilities are a sensitive issue even for developers, and it continues to be operated in the same manner as has been announced so far.


Expanding the supply source to obtain more teammates, increasing the adventure stage clear reward to ensure that Summon Tickets can be obtained, and changing the event route and event reward are scheduled to be applied on the 11/29 Update.


In addition, the Summon History feature, announced through the previous Dev. Note will also be implemented.



Q. P2W Oriented Event and Product Sales


We apologize that many Regulars have not gotten the chance to enjoy certain events due to the P2W aspect of it. Future events will be designed so that you can obtain more core rewards through effort. We will introduce improved events on 11/29.



Q. The Secret Room Event Improvement Patch


Regarding the Secret Room Event, we intended to encourage Regulars playing various contents in order to obtain Keys, which are event goods.


However, we decided to carry out a balance patch based on the judgment that the supply of Keys needed to participate in the event was insufficient. As we were trying to make up for the shortcomings related to obtaining Keys, we were unable to fully consider the aspect of fairness with Regulars who proceeded first.


We will make every effort to prevent such problems from occurring starting from the events taking place on 11/29.



Q. Hoaqin's Illustration


As Hoaqin is a popular character in the original webtoon, his illustration was reworked several times to become the current illustration. However, it seems that we were not able to satisfy our Regulars in the process of reinterpreting the original webtoon.


In the future, we will work harder to provide more complete illustrations by continuously adjusting the balance between the feeling and reinterpretation of the original work.



Q. Strategy Becomes Gradually Less Important than Shinsu Link Growth as the Game Progresses


We will do our best to expand the range of team composition and provide our Regulars with the enjoyment of "challenging" stages through continuous monitoring and balance adjustments. There will also be additional Adventure stage balance adjustments on 11/29.



Q. Expansion of Alliance Coin Usage


Additional items that can be purchased with Alliance Coins are being prepared with the aim of release on 12/14.



Q. Concerns About the Tower of Alliances (To be Updated on 01/03)


Tower of Alliances is a content where all Alliance members create a Tower based on the teams they have set, and the Alliances compete against each other. The Tower of Alliances is being developed as a concept that all Alliance members can enjoy together, and will be matched in the form of rivalry between Alliances of similar levels.


We will take your concerns into consideration and develop content so that our Regulars can enjoy it to suit the individual situation.



Q. Alliance Management Improvements


Improvements related to the Alliance management are currently being prepared and will be applied sequentially with the target date of 12/20. Alliance notices will be visible immediately upon entering the Alliance screen, and the Alliance chat will become more accessible.


As mentioned in the previous Dev. Note, adjustment of the Alliance Leader and Officers' privileges and the creation of additional Alliance positions are also being prepared. We will continue to address any inconveniences related to the Alliance management.


In the case of Alliance member rankings, Regulars can check contribution rankings within the Alliance information during the Alliance Expedition Event. We will further supplement them to improve accessibility.



Q. Skills Order Setting Feature


Thank you for your suggestions regarding the feature to set the order of skill use. However, since active skills are currently programmed under the rule that they are automatically used based on cooldown, system modification and UX adjustment in the current situation is a heavy development burden.


Setting the order of skill use can provide more fun to our Regulars in terms of detailed control, but there are concerns that it will further increase the complexity of battle, so we will think about it more carefully.



Q. The Poll about New Teammates Release Order


There was a suggestion about voting on the release order of new teammates. All major characters from the original webtoon are scheduled for release, and the order of release is being tailored to the story as much as possible. Regarding this opinion, we will consider the possibility of an event using this format.



Q. R and SR grade Teammates' Utilization


Currently, R and SR teammates who are specialized in certain content are also being used. However, since their usability is lower than that of SSR and SSR+ teammates, many Regulars gave feedback on finding additional ways to utilize them. An Arena mode that utilizes low-grade teammates as events is currently being considered.



Q. Spam Messages on Chat


The automatic chat ban function through reporting is currently in effect, but new accounts are constantly posting spam messages. We are currently discussing additional response methods and will develop additional anti-spam features to improve the chat so that it can utilize its original communication function.



Q. Increasing Adventure Floor Clear Rewards


The Adventure Floor Clear Rewards will be adjusted so that Regulars can obtain 10 Normal Summon Tickets as an Achievement Mission reward when clearing  Adventure Mode 16F and above on 11/29. Rewards will be distributed  retroactively to Regulars who have already cleared the Floor.



Q. Item Quantity Adjustment / Control Feature


We will consider making improvements so that Regulars can adjust it by directly entering the quantity. Thank you for your feedback.



â—† Other Improvements and Fixes


8 teammate issues reported through the customer center, community, etc. will be fixed through the 11/29 Update. The issue where the camera settings automatically change to 'OFF' when moving to the next round in a multi-deck battle will also be fixed.


Lastly, we have reflected the opinion that some parts of the video that appear when downloading game data are uncomfortable to watch in public areas. The video will be played excluding that part.



We are well aware that these are all valuable opinions born out of love and support for Tower of God: New World.


Our Dev. Team is checking everything you send us, and it is with a heart full of gratitude that we will keep doing our best to actively communicate with our Regulars.


The days have become much colder.

I hope you dress warmly, stay safe and healthy.


Thank you.





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