6/20 Forum Maintenance Notice


Greetings, Regulars!

This is the Tower of God: New World Team.


Forum maintenance is scheduled for 6/20 at 15:00 (UTC+9).

During the maintenance period, the game will remain accessible while forum services may be restricted.


Please refer to the maintenance schedule below for more details to ensure a smooth gameplay.



◆ 6/20 Forum Maintenance Notice ◆


✅ Schedule



Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Start Time

6/20 15:00

6/20 07:00

6/20 01:00

6/19 22:00

End Time

6/20 16:00

6/20 08:00

6/20 02:00

6/19 23:00

* The maintenance schedule may be subject to change. We will notify any changes through this notice


✅ Details

- Maintenance for the official forum and in-game forum-related functions will be conducted.


✅ Note

- Game access will be available during the maintenance.
- During the maintenance, the Official Forums and related in-game functions may be restricted.



We will keep doing our best to provide a better gaming experience.


Thank you.






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