June Suggestion Feedback


Greetings, Regulars.

This is <Tower of God: New World> PD, Eonsan Jeong.


We would like to take this opportunity to respond to our Regulars’ most frequently shared feedback and suggestions from mid-May through mid-June


See below for more details.


Q. Suggestions regarding Improvements to the Revolution Room


Since the opening of the Revolution Room content, numerous Regulars have provided feedback. 


Here are our responses to the feedback:


● Suggestions regarding the Direction of Revolution Room Content


The Revolution Room is essentially competitive content where players compete to see how many stages they can progress based on various factors such as the Revolution Tier and the combination of Teammates. 

Since this content was originally designed for all participants, there will inevitably be differences in the stages each player can reach.


Some of you have expressed concerns that the Revolution Room might be content catering to only a select few Regulars. While its ultimate goal is to add a competitive element to the game, we have still configured it to allow everyone to enjoy it to a certain extent by separating the sections where rewards are given for general participation from those where rankings are contested.


We hope you enjoy the challenge of pushing the limits of how many stages you can conquer within each season. As the next season approaches, experience even greater satisfaction in conquering more stages with your improved abilities.


● Suggestions Regarding Content Difficulty Adjustment


As the SSR-grade Teammates’ Revolution will expand to Tier 6, we anticipate that Regulars will be able to progress further through Revolution, and the relative difficulty is expected to decrease naturally over time.


Detailed balance adjustments are planned based on the results following the conclusion of each season. We will continuously monitor and make adjustments accordingly every season.


In addition, we have received feedback from Regulars requesting that different types of Teammate stats should not be further subdivided.


Utilizing these differing stats was previously implemented to highlight the unique characteristics of each Teammate. We currently do not anticipate releasing additional types of stats beyond the currently expanded ones.


● Request for the Addition of an Auto-Battle Feature


We understand this request as Regulars asking for a new feature development that will allow them to take on as many challenges as possible with a single setup.


While maintaining the current [Quick Results] feature, we are preparing to develop an additional function that allows automatic progression to the next stage challenge. With respect to the Nemesis selection stage, once development is finalized to enable the auto-selection of the 1st slot, we will provide further information through the update notices.


Q. Suggestions regarding the Revolution Reset


Since numerous Regulars have suggested it, our development team has been made aware of this proposal.

Our team is discussing the feature to reset the Revolution and it is still in the early stages of development. Once this progresses further, we will provide more details in the future.


Q. Suggestions regarding the Expansion of Supply of Revolution Resources


Regarding the balance of resources, we would like to first mention that adjustments are already being made by consistently monitoring the data concerning acquisition and consumption rates.


Since we intend to provide Revolution content as a long-term growth objective, we believe that steady growth through consistent gameplay, rather than rushing through the Revolution quickly in the short term, aligns with our intention and the direction we ideally envision.


However, we appreciate the suggestions for increasing opportunities and expanding resource supply. We will continue to monitor and adjust the balance accordingly. In the upcoming update on July 3rd, we plan to allocate additional Revolution resources based on Adventure progress. Furthermore, we will consider gradually distributing them through upcoming daily festivals, campaign events, etc.


Q. Suggestions regarding the Expansion of the Supply of Tower's Blessing Break Stones


We appreciate our Regulars for acknowledging that our response regarding the Tower's Blessing Break Stones was meaningful.


However, Regulars have reiterated concerns that the current scarcity may diminish the utility of this good system. They mentioned that the primary reason for this concern is the lack of opportunities that would be provided to develop collaboration characters.


The availability of alternative characters for collaboration characters seems to be the main point of contention. With a variety of characters in our game as well as ongoing preparations for continuous releases, we believe players will consistently be able to explore diverse combinations. 


While we understand the concern about the slow supply of Tower's Blessing Break Stones, we believe the perspective may differ for those Regulars who have already completed their Limit Breaks within the designated periods. Therefore, we have primarily focused on offering alternative routes for those who have just missed out on completing their Limit Breaks by a relatively small margin. At this point, we plan to maintain the distribution of the resources in an irregular manner such as through events. 


Q. Alliance Store Items & Bingo Event Rewards


In the Alliance Store, we have expanded the Tri-Essence page and additionally launched Tri-Essence items. Also, essential items such as Tri-Essence, Master Keys, and Rare Shinsu Sea Whetstone are continuously available for purchase. In addition, we will consider expanding the products that you have mentioned as essential items. 


We would also like to inform you that the types and quantities of rewards for all events, including the Bingo Event, are not fixed and may be adjusted based on the resource supply situation at the time of the event


Q. Regular Arena Matching Improvement


Regulars have also requested the revamp of Regular Arena content. We have considered expanding the matching units by combining multiple servers for the Regular Arena. However, this has the potential to lead to dissatisfaction among players whose rankings might drop as a result. Therefore we are approaching the application method and timing cautiously.


We will thoroughly review the competitive content to reach an acceptable conclusion and are currently developing a new PVP mode, which we expect to unveil soon.


Q. Suggestion regarding Hiding Qualifiers Deck Information in the Higher Ranker Arena.


We have received feedback requesting that Qualifiers Deck information not be displayed in the High Ranker Arena.


We initially considered displaying only the list of Teammates placed in the Deck during the Qualifiers, however, we determined that this could lead to confusion among other participants. Therefore, Qualifiers will proceed as blind battles where the Teammates in the Deck are not displayed.


The feature to show the Qualifiers Decks during the finals will be retained, and we aim to have it fully implemented by August at the latest.


Q. Suggestions regarding the Expansion of Unused Equipment &  Instruction Manual Uses


We are currently planning a system where items such as unused equipment and Instruction Manuals can be exchanged for desired items. We aim to implement this between August and September.


Q. Suggestions regarding Improving the Gem Products in the Workshop Store


Since the Workshop Store did not originally sell Instruction Manuals for each Element from the beginning, suddenly changing it to fixed sales of Instruction Manuals by each element would pose unfairness issues on those who have already reset and purchased items. Therefore, it will be difficult to make improvements in the way some Regulars have requested.


With the expansion of Origin Orb, the demand for Instruction Manuals for each element has increased. Therefore, we will arrange each Element Instruction Manual to be exchangeable in the July Campaign Event Exchange Shop.


Q. Suggestions regarding Restraint Points of the Secret Floor


The Secret Floor was originally intended as content where players could enjoy a week along with Restraint as they grew stronger. However, in response to requests for difficulty nerf, Restraint has ultimately become a meaningful element only in the early stages.


Considering the situation where it has become merely tedious and monotonous contrary to the original intention, we will aim to implement a system that allows for gaining all Restraint Points every Monday in the July update.


Q. Suggestions regarding Balance Adjustments of the Alliance Expedition and Mock Battle Facility


We conduct balance adjustments for the Alliance Expedition every season. Preparations are underway to increase the maximum damage dealt to bosses during the Boss Phase.


The Mock Battle Facility was created for early-stage players to engage in individual challenges and for mid-stage players to easily earn basic rewards. Therefore, we are currently not planning to introduce any new features or immediate improvements to it.


Instead, for the Underground Laboratory where players vie for rankings, we plan to enrich the experience by increasing maximum damage.


Q. Suggestions regarding the Usage of Special Move


We've received questions from players regarding the situation where the Special Move gauge is full but it does not activate instantly even when the button is pressed manually.


First, if the conditions such as Status Effects, cooldowns for Active Skills, or the revival of Passive Skills prevent the cancellation of the skill, the Special Move will not be used immediately in both manual and Auto modes but will be set to activate when possible.


Second, if the reservation period for the Special Move exceeds a certain duration, the system will search for the next available Teammate to perform the Special Move, which may make it seem like there's a delay. 


While we have considered implementing a system that allows for the cancellation of the currently active skill when the Special Move is tapped, the mechanics of manually using the Special Movel are somewhat complex and may often disadvantage players. Therefore, we believe maintaining the current system is the most optimal approach.


Q. Suggestions to Introduce Content Highlighting the Value of Growth


We are currently preparing a new Arena mode where Regulars can compete with everything they have developed so far, without any adjustments, to demonstrate the value of growth. This mode is scheduled to be released with the 1st-anniversary update.


Additionally, we will review whether we can implement a feature in the Revolution Room content that allows players to receive assistance from their Alliance members' Teammates, in the next season.


Q. Suggestions regarding a Deck Save Feature During Event Boss Battles


A system that allows for automatically saving Decks with borrowed Teammates can lead to issues when new Teammates are used in Event Boss Battles. Therefore, the feature to save the played Deck state has been excluded from implementation.


However, if you play with Teammates that are already in your possession (without borrowing the Teammates that you do not own), we will work on an improvement to allow for the saving the previous Deck state.


Q. Suggestions to Introduce “Progress All” Feature in the Agency Service Center


The suggestion to add a confirmation pop-up when using the Progress All feature in the Agency Service Center has been implemented with the 6/19 update. We will continue to dedicate ourselves and work diligently for further improvements.


Q. Suggestions regarding the Lobby Screen


Regulars suggested adding a lobby screen and proposed an event where the lobby Background is granted as a reward.


In the upcoming 1st-anniversary update, a commemorative Lobby Background will be distributed for free. Additionally, a BGM that complements the background has been created, so please look forward to the 1st-anniversary update.


The target date is July 17th.


Q. Suggestions regarding the Locking Feature for Tri-Essence


When obtaining desired Elements in the Tri-Essence Facility, locking all three Elements signifies the completion of the stat modification process. Therefore, we aim to develop this feature by mid-August at the latest.


Q. Suggestions to Add Border Rewards for Event Boss Battles


Starting from the [Rerun] Xia Xia’s Dangerous Vacation Boss Battle Event, Borders will be awarded as ranking rewards.



Your suggestions and feedback have been duly noted and responded to. We will continue to do our best to offer an epic gaming experience.


We will soon provide the direction for the upcoming 1st-anniversary update through the Dev Note, so please stay tuned. 


Thank you.







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