Dev Note #10


Greetings, Regulars!


This is <Tower of God: New World> PD, Eonsan Jeong.


As mid-March passes by, the gentle spring breeze begins to warmly embrace us. The Tower of God: New World team is in full swing preparing for the update scheduled for March 27th.


In this developer's note, we've prepared details about the highly anticipated changes such as the revamp of Pass items and the expansion of rewards through monthly missions. Additionally, we've included information about new content, Hell Train Arena and Revolution.


Before the upcoming update arrives, we invite you to take a sneak peek at the newly added features, eagerly anticipating the joy they'll bring.


Now, let's dive into the scheduled updates and ongoing development items slated for March 27th.


* The screenshots in this Dev Note were taken in a test environment, and may be subject to change. Due to the nature of the test environment, all images are displayed in Korean. We ask for your understanding.



[Planned Update for 3/27]


1. Pass Revamp


The long-awaited Pass revamp, eagerly anticipated by many Regulars, will be implemented as planned. Following the direction outlined in Dev Note #9, the final details have been confirmed and will be applied through the March 27th update.


The newly integrated Passes will operate as Mission Pass+ and Underground Pass+. The reset cycle of existing Passes was initially set at 50 days, but due to feedback suggesting that the waiting period after claiming all rewards was too long and inconvenient, the reset cycle has been shortened to 21 days for improved convenience. Additionally, the revamp has been structured to increase reward efficiency.


Furthermore, we aimed to alleviate the burden of continuous purchases by applying discounted prices when repurchasing Passes. Below are the detailed compositions of each pass.


①  Mission Pass+ (Integrated Reward Pass)

- Revamped as an integrated pass to acquire currency/items (EXP/Shinsu/coins) and draw tickets


② Underground Pass+ (Selectable Reward Pass) -> Unlocks upon clearing 16-20.

- Configured as a selectable reward pass where players can choose higher rewards, which allows them to select rewards based on their situation each season

- You can choose from items related to [Black Market Tickets], [Ignition Weapons], and the newly added [Revolution] in this update.


We hope that these improvements to the Pass products will be greatly beneficial to your gameplay. 


2. Introduction of the Teammate Growth System "Revolution"

As announced in Dev Note #9, we are excited to unveil the "Revolution System" on 3/27. Revolution is a system designed to enhance the benefits of each Teammate’s Limit Break while considering overall balance aspects.


Revolution will activate for each Teammate upon clearing Adventure Stage 16-20 and completing the respective Teammate’s Limit Break Tier 6. The system consists of base nodes and bonus nodes that can be enhanced through the activation of base nodes. Base nodes have unlocking conditions based on the Teammate’s Limit Break Tier and can be activated using "Revolution Fragments". These base nodes allow for enhancements to ATK, HP, and DEF at each Tier.


Once base nodes are activated, you can level up bonus nodes using "Radiant Revolution Fragments" as materials. These bonus nodes are designed to enhance elements beneficial to each Teammate’s role. For instance, tanks may gain EVA, Effect Resistance, and HP Recovery Per Second, while Mage may acquire Effect Hit, ACC, and Swiftness.


Items required for the Revolution system can be obtained through rewards from the newly introduced monthly missions and event rewards.  They are also available for acquisition from the Workshop store.

The composition of both base and bonus nodes varies depending on the Natural Grade and role of each Teammate.

Natural Grade

Number of Base Nodes

Number of Bonus Nodes

Max Level for Bonus Nodes




Lv. 20




Lv. 10








Lv. 10

In this 3/27 update, a total of three base nodes and three bonus nodes, covering Revolution Tiers 1 to 3, will be added initially. Subsequently, nodes will be sequentially expanded and updated. 


The bonus nodes for stages 4 to 6 that are scheduled to be implemented will correspond to Teammates of SSR grade or higher, with added skill enhancement effects in preparation. We anticipate that the Revolution system will provide a sense of accomplishment for the growth of Teammates and address shortcomings in stage strategies.


3.  Addition of Monthly Missions

As previously mentioned, the primary source for acquiring Revolution Currencies/items will be available on 4/1. Additionally, as requested by many Regulars, various rewards, including Soulstones for acquiring one SSR+ Teammate and A-Rank Ignition Weapon Selection Chests, will be provided to aid players in their journey climbing up the tower


For more information on the Monthly Missions, we will provide detailed guidance through the 3/27 Update Details. 


4. Addition of Hell Train Arena Content


Finally, the first season of the Hell Train Arena will commence on 4/11. We have designed this content for all Regulars across the entire server to enjoy together.



The Hell Train is arriving.

Board quickly!

You've made it to the entrance of the Name Hunt Station!


The Hell Train Arena will run for a total of 14 days, during which the starting train car will be assigned based on the progress of Adventure. To advance to the next car, players must win battles to earn points, and upon fulfilling the clear conditions of the respective car, they can receive rewards for moving and entering. Since losing battles results in losing points, it's crucial to focus on defense as well.


The Hell Train Arena is divided into three main types: the lower section where battles are fought with a single Deck, the upper section where battles are fought with three Decks, and the station section and Named Area that can be reached upon achieving 10,000 points. In the Named Area, battles are fought with five Decks, featuring a rotation-style competition. The Named Area is a highly contested section where only 500 players can ascend, and intense battles are expected to take place. 


In the Hell Train Arena, the Shinsu Link Rank and Level are standardized to A-Rank level 240 across the entire server, which helps to adjust the growth rate between Regulars to some extent. However, individual distinctions can still be made based on factors such as the Teammate’s Limit Break Tier, and additional stats obtained through the newly added Revolution, equipment, and Ignition Weapons.


Rewards, such as daily rewards and season rewards, are distributed based on the current zone. Various rewards are allocated, including rewards for up to 5 single battles per day and entry rewards based on each train car.






The final 500 players in the Named Area will receive rewards including special Borders for the Hell Train Arena, along with newly added Titles, providing new excitement. We hope for your enthusiastic anticipation for these new additions.


5. Addition of Ad Features and Perks

The advertising-related system, which was previously introduced to assist in additional growth balance, will be implemented on 3/27. While it is primarily designed to not interfere with gameplay, players can choose to watch ads voluntarily and receive rewards. This system will be applied to the Obtain Quick Loot, additional requests in the Agency Service Center, additional items in the Workshop Store, and Mailbox.



6. Addition of New Ignition Weapons ‘‘Abgrund’ & ‘Idea’  


Let us walk you through the newly added Ignition Weapons in this section.


First up, 'Abgrund'. This weapon is particularly well-suited for concealment dealers like 'Khun Kiseia' or 'Khun Ran.' It increases the Critical DMG Increase when equipping 2 sets while providing an HP healing effect during concealment for 4 sets, which will maximize the survivability of concealment dealers. When concealment ends, there will be an additional increase in Critical Hit Rate for 5 seconds, showing excellent synergy with the 2-set effect.


Next is 'Idea'. It is designed to be compatible with most Teammates, with a greater value for those who are heavily reliant on Special Move skills. It grants Effect Resistance for the 2-set effect. For the 4-set effect, the Teammate equipped with this weapon gains 500 energy recovery when using their first Special Move during combat. We expect this will allow maximization of the Special Moves by quickly using two consecutive Special Moves.


We encourage you to try various combinations with existing Teammates using these newly added Ignition Weapons.


7. Title System


On 3/27, a new Title system will be introduced. Titles can be utilized to adorn oneself, along with Borders. They can be obtained through various event rewards or Achievement completions. Titles are composed of names, colors, scroll animations, backgrounds, and more.


The Title system will be configured to allow players to view all available Titles through the Title Codex. Combine Titles and Backgrounds effectively to make yourself stand out even more.








8. New Spring Campaign: ‘A Scarf in the Flowery Spring’

Starting with this campaign, the operational status of the campaign can be immediately checked in the lobby. An event banner and the number of tickets charged on a time basis will be displayed above Loots, which allows efficient management for the Regulars participating in the event.


A new mini-game called "Untrustworthy Doors" will be introduced. Players will choose from among several doors to progress to the next stage. It's a mode where participants compete to see who reaches the final stage 50 first. Make sure to aim for rewards by clearing each stage and the final rank reward.



The theme of this campaign is designed to welcome spring, focusing on the reminiscence of a young Ha Yuri and Lero-Ro. From their childhood days to thrilling battles with giant bosses alongside various Teammates dressed in Preppy Style, the story of this campaign will be filled with exciting tales. It's divided into Parts 1 and 2, each provided with a substantial volume over two weeks, which has been meticulously prepared for your enjoyment.


Additionally, a system for ranking competition based on event points obtained from pre-stages will be added. Depending on the final rank, players can acquire Revolution Fragments and Titles.



(Let us give you a sneak peek of a teen Ha Yuri and Lero Ro!)

Aside from Ha Yuri and Lero-Ro, there's another amazing hidden card, and we can't wait to show it to you all!







9. Friend Support Function Improvement


On 3/27, an update will be applied to expand the scope of Friend Support beyond existing friends to include Alliance Members' Envoy Teammates. We hope that this expansion will provide our Regulars with more support options and greatly assist in your gameplay.


Additionally, we have enhanced the convenience features by allowing players to view information such as Ignition Weapon details and enhancement levels of supported Teammates through long-touch interactions. This will provide useful references during battles.





10. Official Web Shop Opens


We are excited to announce the launch of our official Web Shop, where in-game purchases can be made conveniently without being restricted to PC or mobile environments.


The Web Shop will be accessible following the 3/27 update, allowing you to enjoy seamless transactions outside of the game. Further details regarding the Web Shop will be provided through relevant announcements for your convenience.


[Other Improvements]  - Will be applied in the 3/27 update


1. Friend Function Improvement


We've improved the Friend List functionality so that sending Friendship Coins once a day will now be distributed to all players collectively which will eliminate the inconvenience of having to send them multiple times a day. Additionally, we've added sorting options in the Friend List, which will allow the list to be arranged by login order, Bond, and Combat Power.


2. Auto Progress Unlock Timing Improvement


We've adjusted the unlock timing for Auto Progress to be accessible relatively early, which will start after clearing the Stage 4-36. This allows players to utilize the Auto Progress function earlier in the game.


3. Adventure Balance Additional Improvements


The level increase between Floors 25 and 30 in Adventure was slightly high, so we conducted flattening work to adjust the level increase. Additionally, we've made fine-tuned balance adjustments to the level increase between Floors 31 and 36 to align with the previous adjustments.


We also loosened the activation condition for the Administrator's Blessing, which you receive upon defeat in Adventure, from 5 failures to 2 failures. This will allow players to receive benefits more quickly.


4. Addition of Convenience Features for Boss Battles


A convenience feature has been added to Boss Battles, allowing players to view records of their previous attempts and apply the Deck they used at that time directly. Keep challenging yourself to achieve the highest score through various attempts.


5. Item Usage Convenience Improvement


We are implementing an improvement in regards to using multiple items at once for convenience purposes. Players will now be able to set both minimum and maximum values, as well as input the desired quantity directly.


Additionally, for items where players need to selectively receive among multiple types, as there is no space to input both minimum and maximum values, we have made improvements by allowing users to directly input the quantity they wish to receive.







6. Ignition Weapon Convenience Improvement


In response to separate requests, we have doubled the preset management capacity of Ignition Weapons from 30 to 60. Additionally, when Fusing Ignition Weapons, the quantity you possess will now be displayed, aiding in better management. Furthermore, a paging feature, which allows you to move to the left and right, has been added to easily navigate through acquired Ignition Weapon information.





7. Agency Service Center Reset Cost Adjustment

In response to the suggestions from many Regulars, we have lowered the cost of resetting the Agency Service Center Reset Cost from 300 Suspendium to 100 Suspendium.


8. Game Optimization

We have improved the UI scroll response speed to provide a smoother experience compared to before.


[Flame Concept Yihwa Yeon Production Progress]


The Yihwa Yeon illustration of the flame concept, which was selected through the half-year-anniversary popularity vote mentioned in the previous Dev Note, has been completed and is now being unveiled. We are diligently working to repay the interest and support shown by many Regulars. Currently, we are progressing to the modeling stage. We can't wait to receive it as well and appreciate your support.


<The Original Illustration of the Flame Concept Yihwa Yeon for the Half-Year-Anniversary Popular Vote!>





[Regarding Major Updates for the 2nd Quarter]

It feels like 2024 has just begun, yet the first quarter has already passed us by. With the upcoming update on 3/27, we hope to address many of the inconveniences you've experienced. We'd also like to share our plans for the major updates in the second quarter.


First, towards the end of April, we're preparing events focused on providing more diverse goals and fun for the game. This includes competitions like stage climbing among those who started at similar times and personalized growth missions. Additionally, Act 8 of the Main Story will be updated.


As mentioned in the previous roadmap, the mini-game "Fish Slapping Dance" is currently in the polishing stage and is scheduled to be included in the update at the end of April. We hope it becomes a mode that players can enjoy in their downtime while climbing the tower. 


We are currently preparing a dungeon which will tentatively be called the "Revolution Room" for the May update. 

We were inspired by the concept of the Secret Floor where Data Edahn creates a "room" similar to a cooking pot in order to teach Bam about the Revolution using stones and Shinsu.


This is content that we are planning to operate on a seasonal basis. Each season will feature a unique buff system that operates differently. Players will strengthen these buffs by using Currencies/items obtained by clearing dungeons.


Through strategic character combinations utilizing these buffs, players will compete indirectly during the operational period to see who can climb the higher Floors. Additionally, we plan to introduce the concept of "Nemesis" in specific stages. This concept involves the Decks, used by players during their ascent appearing as enemies which provides a sense of encountering adversaries similar to the Nemesis concept in the original Tower of God story, particularly during Eduan's revolution process.


We will utilize the newly implemented Revolution Growth system along with the seasonal buff system to provide new levels of enjoyment.  Additionally, we are preparing new Ignition Weapons and Story events. We are also developing a trial/experimental event system that links the growth rates of new characters with those of existing characters of the same grade. This system will allow players to experience new characters for a certain period in advance and make decisions on their usability.


In the June summer season, we have plans to revive the "Xia Xia's Dangerous Vacation♪’ campaign which was hosted back in 2023, and we are also preparing for an event that will tentatively be titled The Corridor of Memories. " “The Corridor of Memories event will be a stage-clearing PvE mode that utilizes Teammates stored in the Archive.


We are also preparing for a league battle where teams of 25 members each will compete while utilizing all the stats they have enhanced. The final winner of the league battle will ascend to the Hall of Fame. Additional auxiliary systems, which allow Regulars to shine with honor, will also be provided. We aim to prepare this mode as an integrated server league, which will provide a new level of enjoyment by utilizing various characters.


As the highly anticipated month of July approaches, marking the first anniversary of Tower of God: New World, we are diligently preparing related updates and events.


We aim to provide content fitting for the one-year anniversary, which will allow us to express our gratitude for the support we have received. Once preparations are ready to be announced, we will inform you through future developer notes.



Through this Dev Note, we hope to have addressed some of the questions and concerns you may have had. We kindly ask for continued support for the 3/27 update


We will continue to strive to provide you with a more epic gaming experience.


Thank you.









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