Dev. Note #2


Greetings, Regulars!

This is Tower of God: New World PD. Eonsan Jeong.


Since last week’s Vacation Event Patch, we received various suggestions and messages pointing out areas that needed improvements through the Communication Hotline.

We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to submit their suggestions and showed their support even in areas where we are lacking.


We carefully reviewed the various reports and conducted many internal discussions about everything submitted through the Hotline.


As of now, we received 393 submissions through the Hotline (including Korea and Global).

In this Dev. Note, that we will talk about future improvement plans, focusing on the areas brought up by various Regulars through their submissions.



[Improvements in Response to Feedback]


1. Growth Currency Supply Improvement (24% of the inquiries)

Many Regulars commented on the lack of Growth Currency.

We understand and empathize with your frustration with the lack of or difficulty obtaining certain currency in the game, and we will continue to improve it step by step. 


First, we'll add Growth Currency through regular Check-in and content-specific reward adjustments.


Second, we'll use Bonus Time events to increase the chances of getting additional goods periodically.


In addition, we'll be scaling content volumes in the future to remedy the shortfall of the growth currency, and we're excited to share what's happening on 08/30.


A. Periodic Check-in Reward Added

We’ll be adding Monthly Check-in to provide additional Summon Tickets, Soul Crystal, and Rapport Gifts to provide Regulars with growth currencies and the opportunity to summon Teammates. We will also be adding a variety of Check-in Events.


B.  Growth Currency Supply Expansion

We're increasing the rates and amount of rewards in the Agency Service Center.

We're also looking into expanding the sources for Rapport items, and we'll share more details in a future update.


C. Bonus Time Event to Obtain Growth Currency

We'll be running regular Loot and Agency Service Center Bonus Time Events to help you earn some much-needed rewards.


1. Loot Bonus Time Event:  Starts on 08/30, for 7 days.

2. Agency Service Center Bonus Time Event:  Starts on 09/13, for 7 days.


We'll continue to run regular Bonus Time Events in the future, and we'll continue to check and make improvements.




While this won't solve all of your Growth Currency needs, we hope that additional Growth Currency placements and Bonus Time Events will help fill in some of the gaps.

We'll continue to check in with our Regulars to see how you're progressing in the game. 


2. New SSR Teammates acquisition improvement (13% of the inquiries)

 The second most popular area of suggestion was about acquiring SSR+ Teammates.

When SSR+ Viole was released, it was challenging because it was tied to the growth of existing SSR+ Teammates.


In the 08/30 Update, we're making the following improvements to maintain and complement SSR+ iconography.


A. Adding SSR+ Teammate to Gem Shop’s Crystal Exchange

- Added the availability to purchase new Teammates with Crystals received for completing growth.

- Random New SSR+ & SSR Teammates were added to the Workshop Store > Gem Shop > Crystal Exchange Shop.


B. Excluded SSR+ Teammates who have completed Limit Break from 200 Summons reward.

- Provide a definitive path to summon new SSR+ Teammates after completing the SSR+ limit break.

- Improved summoning of SSR+ Teammates by removing the ones with finishedLimit Breaks from the SSR+ options when reaching the 200th time Summon (Summon Mileage System).


- Improvements to the SSR+ option to be awarded for completing all SSR+ limit break.

(This includes the ability to select and receive SSR+ Teammates in the future).


Additionally, we recognize that there are Regulars who continue to inquire and check on the rates of the summons. (4% of the inquiries)

We are working on a separate webpage that will allow you to check the type and number of Teammates you have summoned individually, and we will begin preparations to make it possible for you to check your history.


However, since it is based on data from a number of Regulars, it may take a long time to build a system that can reliably manage and utilize it.

We apologize for not being able to give you a specific timeline right away.


More details and dates will be publicly announced once the schedule is confirmed internally.


3. Content variety and updates (8.9% of the inquiries)

 Next, we had a lot of suggestions from our Regulars about content variety and amount.

The development team is also looking at a number of other areas and is working on a related update.


We're trying to make sure that we don't interfere with the addition and expansion of the main content, which is basically the story and adventure mode, but we're also trying to think of ways that we can actually help you strategize or help you collect and grow your Teammates, rather than simply increasing the amount of content.


Here's what we're adding in the 8/30 Update.


A. Adventure Floor: 26 Floor ‘Starlight Cave’, 27 Floor ‘Skyscraper Hallway’

As adventures expand, so do the Ranking Board and related content like achievements and Major Boss



<26 Floor: ‘Starlight Cave’ Background> <27 Floor: ‘Skyscraper Hallway’ Background>


B. Trial of Chaos Tier Expansion

Trial of Chaos Floor 251 - 300 added.

This will add 275 &  300 Breakthroughs to the Ranking Board.


C. New Content: Arena Simulation

Introducing Arena Simulation, our new research battle content.


With a full deck of Teammates and enemies, and the ability to set up detailed Shinsu Link Grade, Levels, and Limit Break stages, this mode allows you to simulate a wide variety of battles.


We've prepared content for Arena, which is PVP, as well as adventure stages to explore and find teammates.

This content will be available in the 8/30 Update and will be available in the Arena Tab.

We hope this helps you find different strategies and combinations.



*The above images were taken in a test environment and are subject to change.


D. Alliance Expedition Event

We appreciate your interest in the First Alliance Expedition.

We've listened to your suggestions on the Alliance Expedition, and we've improved the balance of the Search Phase, and raised the hp on bosses to make them more discriminating in the Major Boss phase, as players are ranked by damage output.

We're also bringing back the convenience of being able to view your earned mail directly from the Search Phase.


4. Arena Improvement (2.1% of the inquiries)

 We've received a lot of suggestions about the Arena, and we want to make sure we fill in the gaps and improve it.


The Arena should reward you for competing against a diverse group of Teammates that our Regulars have grown, but we've found that this hasn't always been the case, and we want to improve it.


However, we recognize that we have a diverse group of Regulars playing the game, so we'll try to find the right balance.


A. On 08/30 we'll be adjusting ranking rewards for [High Ranker Arena] and [Regular Arena].

We're reviewing the details of the compensation plan, and once we've updated it, we'll be able to offer a higher reward than before.

We'll provide a little more detail in an update notice.


B. Adjusted opponent list from 3 to 10 in [Ranker Arena].   

The Ranker Arena only showed 3 opponents, which made it frustrating to have to keep refreshing to find a match.


To counterbalance this, we'll be changing the opponent list to show up to 10 opponents at a time.

We hope we've made some adjustments to make it easier for you to find the right matchups from the list and make your Arena experience more helpful.


C. [High Ranker Arena] Guidance & Improvements   

Let's start with a walkthrough of the logistics of High Ranker Arena.


The High Ranker Arena is a group of 16 servers, one for each of the top 20 players in the Ranker Arena, to determine the strongest.

The preliminary rounds are sorted by combat power, with the higher combat power going to the higher seeds, forming 64 groups of 5 players.

This means that qualifiers will be organized in a way that doesn't cluster high combat power teams together, and full league battles will be used to determine the finalists.


The 1st place finishers in each of the preliminary rounds will advance to the final 64.



Since we were #1 in the Preliminary Rounds, we wanted to have neighboring numbers play each other in the round of 64 without any seeding, but we ran into the problem of having the strongest #1 and #2 qualifiers in the round of 64 Preliminary Round.


(The best showdown in the final was in the round of 64, which is an oversight we missed).




We'll be addressing this inconsistency, and we'll be implementing randomized matchmaking for the round of 64 starting with the next High Ranker Arena season.


We've also heard from players that newly created servers don't meet the requirements to start the High Ranker Arena season, making it difficult for them to participate.


In the case of the High Ranker Arena, its content requires preparation time, such as going through the Preliminary Round Arena called the Ranker Arena, growing multiple deck companions, and fulfilling the conditions sequentially for the event.


However, we are considering various improvements, such as allowing players to use the cheer system even if the High Ranker Arena is not held, to ensure equity for all Regulars



[Other Improvements & Updates]


Other than the previously mentioned improvements, I wanted to share what our Regulars can expect in future updates.


1. New Story Mode: Act 6

 Story Act 6 will be added in the 8/30 Update.


This Act will wrap up the first season of the original webtoon, and I’m sure those of you who read it will get that excitement and anticipation all over again.


We hope you look forward to the ‘Final Test’ episode, where we get to see the ending and new beginning of the boy and the girl’s story!


Stay tuned for Season 2!


Final Test: Uninvited Guests


Final Test: The Boy's Only Star


2. About Mobile Devices Heating Up

Another topic we received a lot of messages about was about devices heating up and related inconveniences.

As of now, we provide alternatives such as PC and emulator support, but even so, we will do our best to keep improving the game optimization so that the optimal game settings are applied to each device more naturally.


By default, we recommend the player select the ‘Recommended’ graphics options when first installing the game.

If the device heats up immensely, or if frame drop situations occur, please change your current settings to a lower one.


The game supports a Play Speed of up to 60 frames speed (Very High), while 30 frames (High) is recommended for good mobile devices.

When it comes to Graphics Quality, if your device heats up or the frames drop, we also recommend reducing the option you are playing in.


We will do our best to optimize the game so that it can be enjoyed with the best quality on as many devices as possible.


3. Red Dot Notification Improvements

When it comes to red dot notifications, it is usually much more comfortable to be able to remove all of them.

Settings improvements are necessary to split real-time notifications, convenience, and notifications you don’t want to receive.


The 1st batch of improvements will cover the following cases:

- Origin Orb: This will prevent the red dot from appearing in the ‘Growth’ button in the Main Lobby when Origin Orb is available.

- Exclusive Equipment Enhancement: This will prevent the red dot from appearing in the ‘Teammate’ button in the Main Lobby when Enhance Equipment is available for certain Teammates.

- Event Exchange Shop: This will prevent the red dot from appearing in the ‘Event’ button in the Lobby when Event Exchange Shop exchanges are available.


We will do our best to continue improving the notification settings.


4. Function to Improve Alliance Member’s Experience

Regulars who are active in their Alliance's activities are probably the most frequent users of the Check-in feature.

The current setup does not indicate the daily attendance information, but only the total, cumulative Check-in count. Taking into consideration the suggestions we received mentioning how it is inconvenient, we are currently preparing a new function to improve Alliance Administrators’ management.

This feature should be ready by the 9/20 update.


5. New Teammate: [Flame User] Yihwa Yeon

The 8/30 Update welcomes a Teammate many Regulars have been waiting for! [Flame User] Yihwa Yeon will join our line-up soon.

Along with them, a brand new Training event will take place to showcase the new addition.

This is a new way to help our Regulars know more about the new Teammate and try out their key moves and performance! I hope you find it useful.





* Skill videos are currently being made in Korean, and will be translated once they are finalized.


6. Other Improvement Suggestions

We personally read all suggestions submitted by our Regulars, and taking those into consideration, I wanted to share that the following improvements are also being prepared:


8/30 Main Build Update Improvements:

-   Issue where after clearing Stage 25-60, 3x Speed was not applied properly.

-   Issue where Quant’s Exclusive Equipment Recovery Skill (Lv.3 and Lv.4) was not activated properly.

-   Issue when using [Data] Zahard’s Exclusive Equipment at Lv.4, the Ultimate Move cut scene is played when dying.

-   Issue where the Teammate model occasionally was not recovered normally after using Khun’s sealing skill.

-   Issue where Teammates occasionally end up floating in the air when using Airborne Attacks.


Other fixes and improvements will be applied. More details will be available through the official Update Details.



We carefully reviewed and discussed our Regular’s suggestions and complaints, and sincerely apologize for being one step behind in our communication.


I will do my best to talk about what our Regulars are curious about first-hand.


We will keep doing our best to make Tower of God: New World a fun game that is loved by the players.


Thank you.



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