Future Communication Plans


Greetings, Regulars!


This is <Tower of God: New World> PD. Eonsan Jeong.


Although we have tried to address as many suggestions as possible since launch, we would like to apologize once again for the lack of communication with our Regulars, and for not sharing opinions on the overall content.


Taking that into consideration, as mentioned in the Dev. Note #6, we’d like to share more details on how we intend to improve communication with our Regulars.


The overall communication plan is summarized in the table below.



Communication Details


Suggestion Board

Information about the development direction for the main suggestions after collecting the suggestions

Every 2 weeks

Dev. Note

 Information on plans such as major content development status and update time

Once per month


Disclosure of next month's plans through a calendar

Once per month

Quarterly Plan

Disclosure of major quarterly update contents and plans

Once per quarter


2024 New Year special broadcast
Planning to prepare other video communications



First, we opened the [Suggestions] Board on the Tower of God Official Forum on 11/17 so that our Regulars can check suggestions made by other Regulars. We highly encourage you to share your opinion and send suggestions on the Official Forum.
Regarding the suggestions you have made so far, we will respond to you on the progress within the next week.

Afterwards, we will collect suggestions received over a two week period, address them, and talk a bit more about the current development progress on a regular basis through the [Dev. Notes] Board.


In addition, the Dev. Note will be uploaded regularly once a month to provide screenshots and videos of the actual development status and supplementary explanations for our Regulars' suggestions.


As for the monthly calendar, we will share the following month's plan in as much detail as possible in advance around the last day of each month.

We will also share larger-scale quarterly plans in the form of a Roadmap.


However, we would like to inform you in advance that the development schedule provided in Dev. Notes, Monthly Calendars, Roadmaps, and so on may be subject to change based on developing circumstances. If any changes occur, we will notify you in advance to minimize confusion.


Lastly, at the beginning of the upcoming New Year, we would like to have a special broadcast to talk about our plans for 2024.

* Regarding the broadcast, the contents are still in the planning phase and we will provide additional information once the details are confirmed.


In addition, we are currently evaluating and making plans to communicate through video rather than text in the future.


We will continue to implement and adjust the plan mentioned above to improve the quality and how often we communicate with our Regulars.


We will prepare well for the upcoming 11/29 Update to show you a better TOG, and hope that some of the discomfort previously caused can be alleviated through more active communication.


Thank you.





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