March Suggestion Feedback


Greetings, Regulars.


This is <Tower of God: New World> PD, Eonsan Jeong.


As we approach mid-March, it seems that the weather is becoming warmer and more pleasant. I wonder if Regulars from various parts of the world can also feel the spring breeze that is prevalent in Korea.


Above all, we aim to ensure that you can enjoy the game as pleasantly as this warm spring weather. Now, we would like to respond to the suggestions posted on the suggestion board from mid-February to mid-March and address the concerns and thoughts that our developers have been contemplating.


We appreciate your patience in awaiting our response.


For further details, please see below.



Q. Regarding the Delayed Response of Specific Buttons, Including Equipping Normal / Ignition Weapons After Playing the Tower of Alliances Event


First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude for the great interest and participation in the Tower of Alliances event, and we apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.


It has come to our attention that there have been instances where multiple battle deployment screens

were being loaded due to fast-paced battles, leading to delayed responses of specific buttons or forced closures compared to the previous setup.


We promptly identified the issue and made necessary corrections, however, we understand that it took some time for everything to return to normal, which regrettably caused an inconvenience to our Regulars.


As part of our ongoing efforts for optimization, we will continue to strive for a smoother gameplay experience. Additionally, we will do our best to inform you through in-game notifications to ensure that any issues are addressed more promptly in the future.


Q. Lowering the Reset Cost of the Agency Service Center / Improving Weekly Missions


Firstly, through Dev Note #9, we mentioned increasing the number of Requests of the Agency Service Center.


Many of the Regulars have provided feedback regarding lowering the reset cost of Requests at the Agency Service Center. After careful consideration, we are preparing to adjust the reset cost in the 3/28 update. From the update onwards, the reset cost will be reduced from the existing 300 Suspendium to 100 Suspendium.


Additionally, we have noted feedback from players who have made significant progress in their growth journey and have expressed that achieving the "Enhance Shinsu Link Ranks 1 Time" weekly mission has been too challenging. With the 3/28 update, we will address this by adding new weekly missions to expand the source of earning mission points.


Q. Improvement of Adventure Difficulty


With the update on 3/13, we have been proactive in adjusting the difficulties of Adventure Floors 3 to 60. We hope that this update will alleviate any frustrations that players have experienced thus far, and we will continue to monitor closely to ensure that further adjustments can be made accordingly.


Q. Convenience Improvements for Using Selection Type Box Items and the Friends List


Regarding the convenience improvements for using Selection type box items, we are preparing to integrate features that will allow for direct selection of minimum and maximum values and inputting a specific quantity. These enhancements are scheduled to be implemented in the 3/28 update.


Additionally, with respect to a feature to sort the Friends List by Combat Power, we intend to implement this feature by 3/28.


Q. Teammates Balance Improvements


When it comes to the Teammate balance, we are preparing to address it through the Revolution system as outlined in the Dev. Note #9, which will provide additional stats through the Limit Break.


With the upcoming 3/28 update, the first phase will involve implementing a stat addition feature for all Teammates. Subsequently, additional stats will be granted through updates in multiple stages.


Q.  Improvement of Auto-Progress Mode


In the early stages of gameplay, it's necessary to have a learning phase of how to arrange Teammates and differing Decks. As we mentioned in the response to the suggestion board in the second week of February, we remarked that we are maintaining the current conditions for unlocking the Auto-Progress Mode to fulfill its intended purpose.


However, considering numerous feedback of wanting to experience the convenience of the Auto-Progress Mode sooner, we plan to adjust the Auto-Progress mode to unlock much earlier. This mode will unlock at the point of clearing Chapter 4 instead of the existing Adventure 14-20 clear condition. This adjustment will be implemented with the 3/28 update.


Q. Improvements for the Tower of Alliances Event


Thank you for providing various suggestions for Tower of Alliances Season 2. We appreciate all the feedback received, and rather than providing immediate answers regarding the improvement schedule, we will organize specific implementation items and timelines first and will inform you through an additional Dev Note. For now, we would like to address the points you mentioned.


First, we deeply empathize with the opinion that the practice of granting equal rewards based on simple victories and defeats, as well as clearing the Tower to both highly competitive and non-competitive Alliances, can cause a sense of deprivation among actively participating Regulars.


To make improvements, the direction we’ve discussed involves dividing the system into segment-based tiers since the strength of the Alliance is calculated when the matching criteria are established and will allocate greater rewards for higher tiers.


We also received suggestions for penalties for giving up on challenges. We are concerned about the potential drawbacks such as demotivation and the possibility of more challenges being abandoned in the face of hurdles. Therefore, as an incentive, we are considering providing certain benefits or rewards for setting up strong Defense Decks that have induced more give-ups. We mentioned this before by sharing an example such as solving easier problems first and then later tackling the harder ones.


In addition, we received some requests for an auto-battle feature. However, if strategies are not devised according to the availability of Shinsu on each floor, relying solely on Automatic Progression may still result in Floors being unconquerable. Therefore, we will focus on making the current fast-paced battles more enjoyable.


Furthermore, you provided suggestions for improvements such as strengthening the conditions for defending or giving up in the Ferocious Battlefield where intense battles are taking place, adding a new feature to view the list of Ferocious Battlefields all in one section, and introducing a function to view opponent Alliance’s Ferocious Battlefield information and defense status.


We appreciate all the valuable feedback given during this Tower of Alliances Season 2 challenge. We assure you that we've identified many areas for improvement during this season. We promise to return for Season 3 with a more pleasant and enjoyable gaming experience based on the compilation of all these suggestions.


Q. Improvements for Ignition Weapons


Regulars have suggested the idea of directly changing the Secondary Stats assigned to Ignition Weapons using Currencies like Suspendium, but this approach may conflict with the farming intent of Ignition Weapons. Therefore, instead of directly changing them with Suspendium, we will focus on expanding opportunities for farming new Ignition Weapons while fulfilling the need you mentioned.


The Master Key, which allows you to farm Ignition Weapons, can be exchanged through missions and the Workshop Store. Suspendium needed for enhancement can be periodically obtained through the Event Exchange Shop. However, to increase opportunities for farming Ignition Weapons, we will expand ways to acquire Master Keys through gameplay in addition to existing methods. Initially, we plan to run the Hell Train Arena event in April to allow players to obtain additional Master Keys.


Many Regulars made requests for the interface to display the unlock status of Ignition Weapons on the profile images of Teammates in possession in the Teammates list. Due to the limited space already occupied by numerous pieces of information, we will improve the filter functions to allow for more efficient management of Ignition Weapons.


Please understand that the slots for equipping Ignition Weapons were designed considering factors such as set effects from the outset, making it currently impossible to expand them further. We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.


Q. Enhancements and Improvements to Existing Content


We anticipate a more enjoyable challenge compared to before since the difficulties of the Adventure, Trial of Chaos, Trial of Origin, Conquest, Guardian's Trial, The Secret Floor, and Alliance Expedition (Search Phase) content have been nerfed as of the 3/13 update.


Furthermore, we will continue to monitor the situation post-update to determine if additional difficulty adjustments are necessary.


Q. Addition of Various Formation Types


Currently, we offer various Formation types through the Underground Laboratory or specific content. However, implementing them in basic content like Adventures might introduce too many variables and make it feel overly complex. Therefore, we will focus on providing more enjoyment through specialized content where players can experience these Formations to a greater extent.


Q. Improvement of the Status Display During Battles


Due to the limitations of vertical resolution on mobile devices, there are challenges in displaying multiple pieces of information in a limited space.


As the game currently offers the Replay feature, we will consider whether we can utilize it to enhance the clarity of information conveyed during battles.


Q. Addition of Content that Allows for Utilizing Leveled-up Shinsu More Effectively


We are currently contemplating various forms of PvP modes, and we will do our best to take your suggestions into consideration when developing new content.


However, it's important to take into account the Combat Power gap between Regulars. Therefore, once the details of the new content are finalized, we will promptly inform you through a Dev Note.


Q. A Feature to Continue the Adventure Play


If the game shuts down before its data transmission is completed, you may not be able to resume your gameplay from where it ended. Such occurrences may happen due to the vast amount of battle records being saved. We are continuously working to minimize such instances.


Additionally, please note that battle records are saved at the point when battle results are displayed on the screen. Therefore, if retries are made prior to viewing the results, the battle record may not be saved. We kindly ask for your understanding of this necessity, as it is a part of the connectionless system logic to reduce network overload.


We will conduct reviews of various cases to minimize inconveniences related to resuming battles.


Q. Improvement of Resource Acquisition and Utilization Methods for Growth


As much as a diverse group of Regulars is playing Tower of God: New World, the Currencies that every Regular wants or needs for their growth may vary due to differing play styles, playtime, as well as many other factors.


Tower of God: New World offers various growth Currencies, items, and content, allowing players to tailor their gameplay experience according to their preferences. To further enhance player satisfaction, we aim to improve Currency acquisition methods.


We will prepare a feature that allows you to exchange items or Currencies for other resources that you need more through dismantling and Fusion.


We will continuously review the balance of each Currency and content. Once a more concrete implementation timeline is confirmed, we will provide you with detailed updates.


Q. Timeline of Live Broadcasts for Tower of God: New World


We sincerely appreciate all of those who have taken the time to read the Dev Notes and provided words of encouragement and support.


However, in order to fulfill our promise with Regulars in the new year, 2024, we have been primarily focusing on reviewing and implementing many suggestions and feedback provided through various channels. Due to this, preparing an additional live stream has presented practical difficulties for us.


Our top priority at this time is to ensure that all Regulars can enjoy smooth and pleasant gameplay. Therefore, we plan to prioritize game improvement efforts, and it seems unlikely that we will be able to commit to live broadcasts in the near future.


However, we assure you that we will organize a live stream to celebrate the first anniversary, allowing us to communicate with our Regulars in a more intimate manner. Also, we will do our best to prepare for any additional live communication opportunities that may arise in the future.



Up until this point, we have responded to the suggestions you have provided.


Moving forward, the direction of communication will involve responding to the feedback posted on the suggestion board once a month. We will address areas of concern by sharing the thoughts of the developers and will provide explanations regarding improvements and the future direction of the game through monthly Dev Notes.


We will continue to listen attentively to the opinions and feedback shared by Regulars and strive to ensure an epic gaming experience.


Thank you.






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