Reward Distribution for the “First Conquest Event – New Floors” Event (65th Floor)


Greetings, Regulars!

This is the Tower of God: New World team.


We sincerely thank you for your interest in the [First Conquest Event - New Floors] that was prepared for the update of the new Adventure chapter on 3/13.


We're excited to announce that ⭐혜성, the Regular from server 32⭐ has conquered the 65th floor of the new Adventure first! Let's all congratulate him together. 👏👏👏


Congratulations to 혜성 for clearing the 65th floor following the conquest of the 61st floor!👏


The Regular who conquered the 65th floor first will receive a congratulatory push message and a special gift!


Not only that but also, in celebration of the Regular who conquered the 65th floor, we are sending out rewards to all Regulars.


Please check below for more details.



◆ Reward Distribution for the “First Conquest Event - New Floors” Event (65th Floor) ◆


✅ Event Rewards



The Regular who conquered the 65th floor first

Nickname: 혜성 (Server 32)

Accomplished Time: 03/14/24 16:25 (UTC+9)

SSR+ Selection Chest x 1

All Regulars

Normal Summon Ticket x 10


✅ Reward Distribution Schedule



Southeast Asia






Time Zone






 Notification Time

3/15 19:00 

3/15 11:00

3/15 05:00

3/15 02:00

Reward Claim Period

Within 7 days after receiving the push notification

* Push messages will be sent out sequentially, therefore, the time at which Regulars receive them may vary.


✅ Notes

- Please log in to the game according to the push notification schedule and check [Mailbox > Notices] to receive your rewards.

- You can view and use the received rewards in your [Bag].

- In the event that the reward expires, no additional assistance can be provided.

- In order to receive push notifications without any issue, check that the settings allow for receiving them upon installing the game.

* In the case of having already selected ‘Don’t allow’, push notifications can be received by enabling ‘Allow Notifications’ under [Settings > Tower of God: New World].



We offer our sincerest congratulations to the Regular who conquered the 65th floor first and ask for everyone’s support to conquer the next mission, the 70th floor, swiftly.


[▶ Check out the first conqueror of the new 61st floor]


Thank you.   







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