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For players trying to find the right agents to play or aiming to climb the ranks, this Valorant Controller tier list could be a handy guide.
Every role in Valorant matters, but even in pro play, it's pretty much impossible to have a team without a Controller. As the name implies, Controllers are all about controlling the map. They're in charge of smoking key spots, like chokepoints, to help the team secure areas or make enemies think twice about pushing. Right now, there are six Controllers in the game, each with their own unique smoke mechanics and ways to take control of the match. Some agents can be played more laid-back, while others shine best when played aggressively. That said, not all Controllers are built equal. Some just outshine the rest.
This tier list ranks all Controllers in Valorant from S to C, highlighting how they stack up against each other across different ranks. The rankings are based on their viability and performance within the current map pool.
Best Valorant Controller Tier List
Here’s a breakdown of all the Controller agents in Valorant, ranked from the weakest to the strongest. C-tier agents are having a rough time in the current meta or map pool, struggling to keep up with the competition. B-tier agents are decent and can make a difference if played well, albeit still fall short compared to the top picks. A-tier agents are solid choices, reliable and effective. As for the S-tier, these agents are either overpowered or exceptionally strong, allowing them to dominate the game with ease.

Omen might’ve lost some handy one-way smokes, which toned down his power a bit. but he’s still putting in work as one of the best controllers out there for both VCT and ranked games. Omen is among the best agents with huge carry potential and is often a staple pick on many maps, especially on Ascent. His smokes might not last as long as Brimstone’s, but they recharge, which is way more useful for default setups and offers better range. He can also pull off solo plays and get aggressive with his teleport flash combo, or help the team take picks through his blind. As a well-rounded agent who can pretty much act as a duelist and an initiator, there’s no doubt he’s one of the best solo queue agents. With the recent nerf to Clove’s kit, it is also expected that many players will pick up Omen instead of them.
Astra has become a decent pick thanks to the buff that increased her stars to five. In terms of utility, she’s an agent that’s hard to beat. Her smokes last longer, have no range restrictions, and her global abilities let her support the team from across the map. Pairing her crowd control with Raze and Tejo’s skills can also result in easy kills.
The problem is, like Yoru, Astra’s not the easiest agent to play, so most people avoid her. She needs good team coordination and communication, which is usually missing in low and mid elo. Plus, Omen’s generally the more popular pick on most maps.
Over the years, Viper has been consistently dragged down by nerfs, and multiple adjustments have made her more catered to pro play rather than competitive. Toxins replenish slower, her smokes cannot be redeployed, and she currently only has one molly. Even with lineups, she isn’t nearly as effective as she was before. With the changes to her kit, she’s mostly played on maps she excels at, like Icebox and Breeze, or as part of a double-controller setup. In ranked queue, however, this is often not the case, as double duelist or double initiator setups are more common.
However, she can still bring significant impact in the right hands and with a team that knows how to think. She can place lurk walls to create pressure elsewhere and confuse enemies, effectively acting as a pseudo-sentinel capable of protecting a site. Viper also has one of the best ultimates in the game, which can even help clutch some rounds.
When it comes to smokes, though, she’s in a rough spot. Clove’s smokes last the shortest and now have a 40-second cooldown. Not to mention, her smokes have a range restriction, which can be a problem on certain maps. Still, the team can find huge value in the fact that she can drop smokes even when she’s dead, albeit at a shorter range. Especially now that players can no longer ping the spike when it’s smoked off, having Clove on the team can be a good thing.
Brimstone’s pretty average and mostly shines on his best maps, Bind and Fracture. His smoke’s range restriction makes him struggle on bigger maps, which is why Omen usually feels like a better pick. That said, his kit’s still great for setting up executes, stopping pushes, and clutching post-plants.
Harbor has to be Valorant’s biggest loser in this Valorant Controller Tier List and it’s been that way for quite a while. Without changes to his kit, it’s likely to stay that way. Harbor’s entire kit revolves around smokes, with no abilities to stall or help secure kills. His smokes are too slow to set up and reveal his location when doing so. Without a good team comp that can fully utilize his utility and outside of his best maps, he’s practically useless. Because of this, players have been asking for a complete overhaul of his kit or at least some buffs. But until that happens, he'll stay at the bottom of every tier list.