📢 Introducing New BrownDust2 Merchandise!!!

Hello, this is BrownDust2.

Get ready to be thrilled by our special collection, designed just for you.
Without further ado, let's check out what goodies we have prepared!

※ The images of the merchandise below are prototypes and may differ at the time of actual sale or distribution. 
※ Details for the goods, including those not yet revealed, will be provided in a detailed notice closer to events or occasions. Please stay tuned.

🧸 Introduction to BrownDust2 NEW GOODS

1) 1.5th Anniversary Commemorative Illustration Tapestry (A2 size)1. 브라운더스트2_A2_태피스트리.png

2) 1.5th Anniversary Commemorative Illustration Acrylic Stand
2. 브라운더스트_아크릴_디오라마.png

3) 1.5th Anniversary Commemorative Character Acrylic Stand
3. 브라운더스트2_아크릴스탠드.png

4) Trading Cut-Scene Can Badge
4. 브라운더스트2_캔뱃지.png

5) Trading Special Photo Card
5. 브라운더스트2_포토카드.png6. 브라운더스트2_스페셜_포토카드.png

6) Mini Square Cushion
7. 브라운더스트2_사각쿠션.png

7) Beachside Angels Mouse Desk Pad
8. 브라운더스트2_마우스장패드.png

8) Acrylic Carabiner
9. 브라운더스트2_카라비너.png

9) 1.5th Anniversary Commemorative Character Acrylic Corotto
10. 브라운더스트2_아크릴_코롯토.png

10) Keycap Keyring
11. 브라운더스트2_키캡키링.png

11) 1.5th Anniversary Commemorative T-Shirt
12. 브라운더스트2_티셔츠.png

12) 1.5th Anniversary Commemorative Hoodie
13. 브라운더스트2_후드티.png

We hope you'll take a great interest in these goodies made for you.

Thank you.


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