Brown Dust 2 Mirror Wars (PvP) Tier List – May 2024

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Meta Report - May 2024: The Season of Stale

It's official - the PvP meta is stale...

After several re-run banners and a few PVP-irrelevant releases, nothing has been released in the past month to change the PvP meta landscape. Further, there were no new potential updates for existing units (because the potential rollout has now been completed).

The meta is now so well settled and so one sided that many top-ranking players are achieving attack win rates of close to 100%. Pretty much the same few units are being used over and over in competitive play. Although it's satisfying to achieve high win rates, it's also a sign of an unhealthy meta. Devs have previously mentioned that their aim for a balanced meta is 70/30 win rate, but we're a long way off from that at the moment.

One of the few movements in the May meta was the increasing popularity of B.Helena as more players unlocked her potential upgrades. This in turn made NB.Eclipse especially deadly with the combination of B.Helena's buff and dark season buff.

Here's to hoping that we get some fresh PVP costumes next month!

How to use this tier list

Brown Dust 2 is a unique game because each character has multiple costumes, which are used together in PVP. Some costumes are not great on their own, but better when paired with other costumes on the same character. Further, the power level of each costume changes significantly with duplicates (up to +5 costume level). Therefore, there are some important things to note when using this tier list.

+5 costumes and full potential are assumed

All of the ratings compare power levels at the +5 version of the costume with full potential (where applicable). You should know that a +5 costume on your roster may be better in PVP than a +0 costume from a higher tier in the tier list. Full potential upgrades are usually worth around 2-3 costume levels.

Note also that for a lot of costumes, SP cost reduces at +3, which makes a big difference in PVP. If you don't have the reduced SP version of the costume, it will not perform at the stated tier level.

Primary tier and Secondary tier

Primary tier means how good the costume is when used first.

Secondary tier means how good the costume is when used as a follow up to your primary costume.

You can use these tier rankings to help decide which costume you should play first in PVP.

Example: Desert Flower Sylvia is not very good when used on the first turn, but performs much better when used as a finisher, preferably after Sword Queen and/or Admiral.

Ratings explained

Tier ratings are given on the following basis:

  • S: The best at what they do.
  • A: Better than average.
  • B: Average, but not bad.
  • C: Worse than average.
  • D: Not recommended.

The Mirror Wars (PVP) Tier List - May 2024

CharacterCostumePrimary tierSecondary tierComments
AlecDestructionAAAlec has very high pure damage which ignores all DEF, M.RES and damage reduction skills, but low HP stats. Takes out almost anything that's not energy guard buffed (e.g. Granhildr) and not Glacia.
AlecSword BreakerAAAlec has very high pure damage which ignores all DEF, M.RES and damage reduction skills, but low HP stats. Takes out almost anything that's not energy guard buffed (e.g. Granhildr) and not Glacia.
AnastasiaFire GraffitiAAHigh damage and deep reach once her potential upgrade is unlocked. Requires buffs or late-game gearing to perform well, as she needs to crit reliably to access her crit damage bonus.
AnastasiaGentle MaidBBVery high damage and good AOE. Requires buffs or late-game gearing to perform well, as she needs to crit reliably to access her crit damage bonus.
AndrewSpecialistBBQuite tanky with his evasion skill, is able to taunt, but his SP cost is high and he has no offensive skills. Useful in lower rank defense teams, but drops off in higher ranks in favor of the S-tier tanks described above.
AndrewLoyal ButlerDDLow damage, SP drain is nice but not very good value.
AngelicaThe FallenAAHigh damage but heavily reliant on crits and crit damage. Reasonably tanky stats.
AngelicaPool PartyBAHigh damage but heavily reliant on crits and crit damage. Reasonably tanky stats. High cost makes her difficult to play on Turn 1.
AngelicaNeon SaviorCCHigh SP cost, low initial damage with moderate burn damage. Only recommended as a backup to Angelica's other two costumes.
ArinesPriest of VitalityCCThe only 3-star to be rated in this tier list. +70%/+80% ATK and +30% crit rate is pretty strong for lower rank PVP, and almost makes up for her very low stats. For high rank PVP though, H.Lathel is better for his lower cost and higher stats, and there are higher value plays for 2 SP.
BernieRighteous Raider GirlDN/ANot good value for cost, and not recommended
CeliaMasquerade BunnyBBMasquerade Bunny now provides Celia with access to reasonable AOE damage for a reasonable cost of 3 SP. Damage is on the low side, but it is a cheap 3x3 AOE attack.
CeliaDescendant of the Great WitchCBLow damage is not good value for SP cost, but can be effective when paired with Masquerade Bunny.
CeliaThe CurseCBLow damage is not good value for SP cost, but can be effective when paired with Masquerade Bunny.
DalviBright MoonAN/AHigh magic damage, better than usual base crit damage, with a very useful vertical AOE and skip targeting. At +5, Energy Guard can meaningfully improve survival, especially when paired with B.Helena's buff.
DianaAnti-dystopiaAA1 SP cost is cheap, very strong energy guards if her M.ATK is buffed. Range limitations can be overcome with potential. Despite being very strong, she is let down by a lack of follow up options (Adventurer Diana is weak in PVP).
DianaAdventurer of the UnknownDCUseable as a follow up to Anti-dystopia Diana, but not good on her own.
EclipseNightmare Bunny01High damage, massive range, SP drain, and enough M.RES shred to overcome most units that build for high M.RES.
EclipseDimension WitchAASolid damage, especially once potential upgrades are unlocked. Best paired with Nightmare Bunny.
EleaneerMagic Bow01Only one of two buff removers that cost 2 SP, the other being Pool Party Schera (limited). Her low SP cost buff removal and high damage makes her one of the best Granhildr counters.
EleaneerB-Rank IdolBAB-Rank Idol is a high cost silencer with good damage, but usually used as a secondary to Magic Bow Eleaneer.
EliseLovely LadyABUseful plus-shaped AOE with skip targeting. Low base attack stats, but she somewhat makes up for it with DEF and M.RES shred.
EliseCode Name OBBBase damage is on the low side (even with potential upgrades), but skip targeting can be disruptive and SP charge is welcome.
GlaciaAlice11Best magic tank when equipped with exclusive gear. Now has access to great follow up attack with Disciplinary Committee Glacia.
GlaciaDisciplinary CommitteeBADamage is on the low side due to Glacia's low offensive stats, but it's still a very good fixed damage attack for a low cost.
GranhildrComeback Idol11The only taunt that can pre-emptively activate at the start of battle. Much of the metagame revolves around her existence. Used mainly in defense teams.
GranhildrThe VoidAAPowerful if placed correctly, but not always consistent. Unlike Comeback Idol, Void does not protect your team, and relies on luck to get hit on the first turn by someone who isn't a buff remover.
GrayB-Rank ManagerAALow SP cost and DEF shred makes B-Rank Gray a reliable killer, and ideal for sniping backrow targets with his skip targeting. Wind-element is also a favorable typing in the current meta given that there are water tanks but no fire tanks.
GrayPool PartyBADespite the high SP cost, it's decent value for the plus-shaped AOE and high damage. Wind-element is also a favorable typing in the current meta given that there are water tanks but no fire tanks.
GrayVanguardBBReally needs potential to be playable in PVP. Low damage against physical units, but with his wide AOE, in the current NB.Eclipse dominant meta there is some chance of hitting a magic opponent for high burn damage.
GraySharpshooterBBReally needs potential to be playable in PVP. Low initial damage with conditional bonus. Unreliable in PVP unless you can accurately predict your opponent's formation.
HelenaB-Rank Idol1BGreat magic supporter and crit buffer, but needs +5 and SP reduction from potential. Note that crit rate buff doubles from 25% to 50% at +5, allowing for "guaranteed crit" gear builds.
HelenaTop IdolAATop Idol Helena now makes a viable Turn 1 turtle strategy opener. For 1 SP, she improves the survivability of all your units and boosts your SP for a big Turn 3. Can also be used as a follow up to B.Helena.
JaydenBeautiful Girl DevoteeDDNot good value for cost, and not recommended
JaydenManga Research ClubDDNot good value for cost, and not recommended
JustiaWhite Reaper11White Reaper has very high pure damage which ignores all DEF, M.RES and damage reduction skills. Vertical 2-tile AOE is a useful range in PVP.
JustiaBlood Glutton11Blood Glutton's rework makes her a formidable choice in PVP. She deals relatively low fixed damage, but in a wide 3x3 AOE and for only 2 SP. Great for clearing non-tanks, can clear tanks if buffed.
JustiaKendo Club11High fixed damage and good range, SP cost reduced to 2 with potential upgrades.
JustiaKnight of BloodA1High fixed damage and good range with potential upgrade. However, the higher 3 SP cost makes it less suitable for Turn 1 play compared to other skills.
JustiaPool PartyACPotentially powerful setup for a very low SP cost, but vulnerable to buff removals. Utility in the current meta has increased due to a) turtling on Turn 1 attack becoming a viable strategy to counter Granhildr and b) strong synergy with Blood Glutton Justia.
KryViolent StudentABViolent Student Kry has one of the best knockbacks in the game, and is a very strong opener for only 1 SP. Has good odds of lethal if the knockback connects, and also helps set up the board for vertical AOE attackers. Also has a pretty good followup on Turn 2 with Marauder Kry. Drops off in higher tier PVP in favor of White Cat Rou.
KryLiberated MarauderBBDespite being a 4-star unit, Marauder Kry deals fairly good damage, and is reliable thanks to his 50% damage reduction. Kry's main weakness is that, as a 4-star unit, his stats are capped at Lv80. Great as a follow up to Violent Student.
LathelHomunculus1BBest physical supporter for PVP, only costs 1 SP, so he can be easily slotted into a physical attacking team.
LathelLonely SurvivorAAVery high damage and deep reach for 2 SP (with potential SP reduction). Versatile follow up options with other Lathel costumes. However, a drawback is that you cannot buff him with H.Lathel on the same turn.
LathelPromise of VengeanceBAVery high single target damage and low SP cost, but no AOE. Although he can be used on Turn 1 as a tank breaker, in most cases the better use is as a finisher following H.Lathel.
LathelMedicinal Herb TrackerBBDamage is not quite as good as POV.Lathel, but there is a small chance of catching something on his diagonal AOE.
LathelPool PartyBBGreat damage potential if built for full crit damage, but a full crit damage build does not synergize well with other costumes. Cost is on the high side compared to impact.
LathelDark KnightCBDark Knight gives a massive Energy Guard and can turn around games if timed correctly. However in a fast meta where buff removers are ever popular, he usually is not reliable enough to justify using over one of Lathel's strong offensive costumes.
LaylaAnvil of CreationDN/ANot good value for cost, and not recommended
LeclissAndroid Queen11One of the best physical tanks when equipped with exclusive gear. The reflect from a high level Android can win games.
LeclissKiller Doll11Now that she only costs 3 SP with potential, she's an excellent physical defender on par with Alice Glacia
LiatrisMaid Name RBBWide 3x3 AOE is great, but damage is on the low side and it's difficult to trigger her bonus burn damage.
LiatrisNeon StalkerBBExcellent reach, but damage is slightly on the low side. Struggles against tanks. The advantages of her reach are also somewhat overshadowed by NB.Eclipse who has far better range and also comes with SP drain.
LiatrisRodev's StarCBHuge AOE, but very high SP cost at 5 SP (4 with potential).
LisianneWandering PriestDN/AUseless
LucreziaSeductive WingsDN/ANot good value for cost, and not recommended
NartasUnknown SageCN/AHigh damage against physical types, but 4 SP cost means an "all or nothing" opener with unpredictable results.
OlsteinFiend ScholarBCAn effective Turn 1 disabler and tank if positioned correctly. In addition to draining SP, his skill silences units in a 3x3 AOE for 2 of your opponent's turns, which can completely shut down your opponent's strategies.
OlsteinSage of the Blue CloudsDC70% damage reduction for 1 SP is nice, but there's no guarantee you'll hit your opponent's strong damage dealers. Not reliable.
RafinaCode Name ABARafina has naturally tanky stats due to high base HP. DEF reduction skill and skip AOE is great, but held back by low base ATK stats.
RafinaGame ClubAADamage amplification and 3x3 AOE is great, but base ATK is on the low side, and she is weak to wind (Lecliss and Zenith).
RafinaSteel EngineBBGood stats, damage and AOE, but barrier removal effect activates after damage is dealt, which is disappointing and makes the effect mostly useless.
RefitheaPure White BlessingCCProperty damage and chain buffs have relatively low impact in PVP. Full team energy guard can help, but the power level is a weak substitute for RH.Rou who costs the same SP. She is also very SP hungry as she needs to re-apply her buffs every turn.
RoxyRespected MasterDCUnreasonably high SP cost makes her very difficult to use in PVP. HP is also very low.
RoxyEmerging DesireBCViable with B.Helena, but very low damage makes her difficult to use in PVP. Her cheap silence can be effective if you get lucky, but overall it can be hit and miss. HP is also very low.
RouWhite Cat11Evasion based tank. 1 SP cost, high offensive power on knockback, versatile follow up options with multiple other costumes.
RouRed Hat00Energy guards are big and 50% crit buff allows for reliable crits. Costs only 2 SP with potential upgrades. Can be used either as a follow up to White Cat or as an opener for turtle strategy attack teams.
RouStray CatCBHigh damage, but not a good opener due to high SP cost. Best used as a finisher to follow other Rou costumes.
RouNature's ClawBAHigh single target damage is very good for breaking tanks. Evasion makes Rou very hard to kill.
RubiaMaid Name C1AEvasion for only 2 SP is very powerful. Best used on Turn 1 to improve her survivability.
RubiaEmpress of the OceanAAHigh SP cost, but makes up for it with huge range and DEF reduction for reliable damage. Rubia has great offensive stats.
RubiaThorn of the DesertBBGood offensive stats, decent skill damage, average SP cost.
SamayKind StudentBBWith potential unlocked, she is the only unit to buff for 0 SP. With her base costume (Kind Liberator), Samay is also able to follow up with a decent attack on the second turn, making her a versatile unit. Held back by low stats.
SamayKind LiberatorCBA decent skill that is held back by Samay's low base M.ATK stat. M.RES shred can be useful in a magic team. Best used as a followup to Kind Student Samay.
ScheherazadeLapis Witch11Schera is hands down the best buff remover, as all her costumes remove buffs and have good AOE and damage.
ScheherazadeCode Name S11Schera is hands down the best buff remover, as all her costumes remove buffs and have good AOE and damage.
ScheherazadePool Party01Only one of two buff removers that cost 2 SP, the other being Magic Bow Eleaneer. Her low SP cost buff removal makes her one of the best Granhildr counters.
ScheherazadeMagic ProfessorCCHigh SP cost, but damage is too low to justify the cost.
SeirDemon's DaughterAAVery cheap taunt with potential unlocked. High HP like Lecliss and Glacia, but ranks below Lecliss and Glacia due to lack of offensive skills and vulnerability to Light (Justia).
SeirB-Rank IdolBCCheap skill, but no taunt makes it unreliable. High HP like Lecliss and Glacia, but ranks below Lecliss and Glacia due to lack of offensive skills and vulnerability to Justia.
SylviaSword Queen1AOne of the very few attack costumes that has 1 SP cost. High base crit and very versatile for an attacking team. Pairs well with H.Lathel to get past high DEF opponents. Weak against Lecliss.
SylviaAdmiralAAVery good damage and AOE on her own, but even better when used after SQ.Sylvia (SQ.Sylvia's ATK buff improves Admiral's damage and energy guard). Energy Guard creates a good set up for Desert Flower Sylvia on the following turn.
SylviaDesert FlowerCBSylvia has very low base HP so she is not well suited to play as a tank. Not a good opener, but can be used as finisher, once your opponent's strongest skills have been exhausted. Best played following Admiral Sylvia (who gives an energy guard that improves survivability during the Desert Flower skill period).
TeresseMedical ClubCCCost is too high for impact, and aura range is difficult to make use of.
TeresseAngel of DestructionBBTeresse is a decent tank as she has very high base HP, tying with Lecliss for highest in the game. Despite having a better stats and knockback than Kry (Teresse hits 3 units instead of 2, and has better collision damage), Teresse ranks lower than Kry because she currently has no good offensive followup.
VentanaComeback IdolDCSuper high SP cost is not justified for her single target damage.
VentanaSnow WhiteCCHigh SP cost, mediocre damage (unless opponent has taunt or concentrated fire applied).
YuriComeback IdolAAHuge physical damage (one of the highest raw numbers in the game) with reliable full row reach. Great synergy with Whitebolt. “Stealth” skill improves survivability if placed properly.
YuriWhiteboltAAA very solid buff removal skill with great damage and reasonable SP cost. Great synergy with Comeback Idol.
ZenithRobin Hood0N/ADon't be fooled by her art, she's built like a tank rather than a damage dealer. Her skill does not do much damage, but it costs 0 SP, has no cooldown, and is very good for setting up followup lethal attacks or for breaking evasion/Gran's reflect.