DC: Dark Legion The Bleed & Hypertime Tracker Schedule

Calendar of upcoming Champions in the Hypertime Tracker.

In DC: Dark Legion, The Bleed is where you summon the latest Champions in the Hypertime Tracker banner. The schedule depends on the age of the server, rotating every 4 weeks. They require World Anvil Fragment, the premium currency to summon characters. The featured Champion also comes with boosted odds for three other existing characters.

Week 1 - 3: Superman

Class: Warrior

Tags: Justice League, Superman Family, Metahuman


  1. Ultimate: Under a Yellow Sun - Physical DMG to an enemy.
  2. Heat Vision - Physical DMG to an enemy.
  3. Freeze Breath - Physical DMG & Freeze (incapacitate) an enemy.
  4. Man of Steel - DEF buff on self, plus ATK buff when Superfamily allies present.

Other Boosted Odds: Captain Cold, Atom, Vixen

Week 3 - 5: Joker

Class: Intimidator

Tags: Arkham's Most Wanted, Weapon Master


  1. Ultimate: Joker Venom - Spiritual DMG to an enemy, plus AoE spreads target's existing debuffs, plus chance of DoT.
  2. What a Gas - Spiritual DMG to enemies within range, plus chance of DoT.
  3. Big Laugh - Spiritual AMP buff, plus adds chance of DoT to base attacks.
  4. Buzz Off - ATK buff when Arkham's Most Wanted allies present.

Other Boosted Odds: Catwoman, Mera, Killer Croc

Week 5 - 7: Scarecrow

Class: Guardian

Tags: Legion of Doom, Arkham's Most Wanted, Weapon Master


  1. Ultimate: The Scent of Fear - AoE Spiritual DMG, plus incapacitate + MEN debuff if target is [SCARED].
  2. Terror Strike - AoE Spiritual DMG, plus inflicts [SCARE], plus chance of MEN debuff.
  3. Haunting Visions - AoE Spiritual DMG, plus inflicts [SCARE], plus chance of ATK debuff.
  4. Growing Terror - Physical DEF and MEN buff for every [SCARE], plus MEN buff for Arkham's Most Wanted allies.

Other Boosted Odds: Red Hood, Black Adam, Green Arrow

Week 7 - 9: Deathstroke

Class: Assassin

Tags: League of Assassins, Legion of Doom, Weapon Master


  1. Ultimate: Slade's Blade - Physical DMG to an enemy.
  2. Eye On You - Phyical DMG to an enemy.
  3. Stroke of Genius - ATK buff when Legion of Doom allies present.
  4. ACTH Serum - HP recovery over time

Other Boosted Odds: Black Adam, Killer Croc, Vixen

Week 9 - 11: Sinestro

Class: Magical

Tags: Legion of Doom, Energy Wielder


  1. Ultimate - Mind Over Matter: Spiritual DMG to a chain of enemies.
  2. Bondage of Fear: Spiritual DMG to an enemy.
  3. Strong Will: RestoresEnergy to self.
  4. Fear Grows: When Legion of Doom allies are present, buffs own ATK every time ally kills an enemy.

Other Boosted Odds: Killer Croc, Red Hood, Catwoman

Week 11 - 13: Zatanna

Class: Support

Tags: Justice League Dark, Energy Wielder


  1. Ultimate - Eht Wohs Tsum Og No: Buffs allies' ATK and Physical DEF, plus adds Spirital DMG to Zatanna's basic attacks.
  2. Elbuod Elbuort: Creates clone that attacks with basic attacks, including Spiritual DMG from Ult.
  3. Delgnis Tuo: Buffs ATK of ally (including self) with the highest ATK.
  4. Epon: Buffs all Justice League Dark allies' Spiritual AMP every few secs, stacking up to a certain limit.

Other Boosted Odds: Black Adam, Mera, and Green Arrow

Week 13 - 15: Constantine

Class: Magical

Tags: Justice League Dark, Energy Wielder


  1. Ultimate - Summoned Flame: AoE Spiritual DMG.
  2. Exorcism Blast: AoE Spiritual DMG.
  3. Power Curse: Chance for Summoned Flame or Exorcism Blast to inflict [Burn] on target for DoT.
  4. Black Magic Surge: Increases range of Exorcism Blast and DMG of Summoned Flame. Buffs own ATK when JLD allies are present.

Other Boosted Odds: Red Hood, Atom, Vixen

Week 15 - 17

Coming soon...

It's looking like 200-201 will get another special repeat. But after that, be ready to soar.