Limbus Company: Öufi Assoc. South Section 3 Heathcliff

Stats (At Uptie IV)
Ineffective [x0.5]Fatal [x2]Normal [x1]


Execution Advised

42 (40+2)
Atk Weight
Coin Amount
Skill Power3 (+4 per )
Coin Power +1 for every 3 Tremor on target (Max 2)
[On Hit]
Inflict +2 Tremor Count

Final Warning

42 (40+2)
Atk Weight
Coin Amount
Skill Power4 (+6 per )
Coin Power +1 for every 6 Tremor on target (Max 2)
[On Hit]
Inflict 2 Tremor
[On Hit]
Inflict 2 Tremor

Execution Sentencing

42 (40+2)
Atk Weight
Coin Amount
Skill Power5 (+4 per )
Coin Power +1 for every 6 Tremor on target (Max 2)
[On Hit]
Inflict 1 Tremor
[On Hit]
Inflict 1 Tremor
[On Hit]
If the sum of the target's Tremor Potency + Count is 20 or higher, trigger Amplitude Conversion on target, converting Tremor to Tremor - Decay

(Amplitude Conversion: Converts Tremor or already converted Tremor on target to a different type of Tremor. Potency and Count values carry over with the conversion.)


Do Not Obstruct

40 (40+0)
Atk Weight
Coin Amount
Skill Power10 (+4 per )
(At Uptie IV)

When attacked while this unit has Shield, inflict +1 Tremor Count on the attacker (this effect does not stack with multiple uses)


Passives, Grave Attendance x4 Owned
Deal +10% more damage for every 6 When attacked while this unit has Shield, inflict +1 Tremor Count on the attacker (this effect does not stack with multiple uses)Tremor Potency on target (Max 30%)
When converting Tremor to Tremor - Decay with this unit's Skill effects, trigger Tremor Burst on target
Support, Verify Obligation Fulfillment x6 Owned
To 1 ally with the fastest Speed: Clash Power +1 to Skills that apply Tremor Potency or Count


A simple Tremor ID with a new gimmick that involves turning Tremor on an enemy into Tremor Decay if they have enough Tremor stacked on them.

His rolls are decent enough, going from 11/16/17 at the start while managing to reach 15/20/23 when he reaches his conditionals for his skills. He doesn't have a lot of coins overall though, meaning his damage is rather limited despite his great skill and clashing power.

Despite being a Tremor ID, his Tremor infliction for both Count and Potency is also rather poor. Instead, his main draw comes from being able to convert Tremor into Decay with his Skill 3.

Turning Tremor into Decay means that, potentially, he can enable Tremor teams to inflict a maximum amount of 24 Defense Down on an enemy, increasing the damage you can deal against them significantly. However, since his own Tremor application is poor as stated earlier, he really needs a Tremor team to assist him get to the condition of his S3 to convert Tremor into Decay in the first place.

Overall, a good support ID. Great clashing, has a unique Tremor status effect, but inflicts low Tremor on his own and doesn't do a lot of damage.


-Decent skills numbers, becomes even better when conditions are fulfilled

-Inflicts a unique Tremor-based debuff that can decrease enemy defense


-Tremor Count on his own is poor

-Cannot reach the condition of his S3 without Tremor Support

-Low coins with not a lot of special effects means his damage isn't that special