Goddess of Victory: Nikke
1st Anniversary Celebration Cake

1st Anniversary Celebration Cake

Anis: Done! The 1st Anniversary Cake is here! Neon: Wait, one last decor! Anis: What? Wait a second, aren't you gonna...! Neon: Fireeeeepppppower! Anis: Gosh! Why did you shoot the bullets onto the cake?! Neon: Because my firepower is excellent. Anis: Are you insane? Rapi: It's all ruined... Anis: I don't suppose we have time to make another one. Rapi: Yeah. Anis: ... Guess we have to keep it that way. Neon: I hope Master will be happy to see this! Anis: Don't get ahead of yourself! *Use it to get a random General Gift.