Costume Guide – Emerging Desire Roxy

Official Patch Notes



  • 1 SP cost
  • Long vertical range with potential upgrade


  • Pathetic damage
  • Nothing special about her utility, plenty of other units that can silence

Roxy for PVE

It's really hard to think of a situation where you might want to use ED.Roxy in PVE.

First of all, ED.Roxy's damage is truly pathetic. Even at +5 and full potential, Roxy only does 3x70%, which doesn't come anywhere near the damage of most magic attackers. For example, at +5 full potential, base Schera (Lapis Witch) deals 3x225%, and base Eclipse (Dimension Witch) deals 3x200%, and base Loen (Last Hope) deals 1x750%.

So if you're not bringing ED.Roxy for her damage, then all that's left to her skill is her silence. There are a number of other options when it comes to silencing, including:

  1. Code Name S Schera (2 turns, 3 tile AOE)
  2. B-Rank Eleaneer (2 turns, plus-shape AOE)
  3. Fiend Scholar Olstein (4 turns, 3x3 AOE)
  4. Lucrezia (6 turns, plus-shape AOE)

If you want a serve of damage with your silence, then Schera and Eleaneer are clearly the best choices. For multi-turn silences over a wide AOE range, Olstein and Lucrezia work fine (and are easy to obtain for free). Olstein also has the bonus of being a good mana battery.

The only niche that Roxy has is that, with her potential upgrade, she can hit a full column with silence. There might be a fiend hunt or boss battle sometime in the future where a full column silence will be needed and Olstein/Lucrezia can't reach far enough... but that's a very niche use, and also a very niche reason to invest a valuable Tear for the potential upgrade.

Roxy for PVP

Usually, 1 SP costumes are very exciting for PVP and are often high value picks. Unfortunately, even though Roxy costs only 1 SP, it's hard to make good use of her.

PVP is all about consistency. It's a numbers game, so being effective against many different types of enemy formations is what makes a costume good for PVP.

For Roxy, since her costume damage is so low, hitting for lethal is not very likely. You might get lucky and take out a low HP unit with no M.RES, but the odds of that happening are too slim to justify use in competitive PVP, compared to an attacker who can reliably kill.

The same goes for her silence. You might get lucky and silence a full column of enemies. On the other hand, you could also silence a lone tank for negligible damage and waste your SP. There is just not enough consistency to recommend her for competitive PVP.

Roxy is quite fragile in terms of her defensive stats. If her skill doesn't land effectively, she can't even act as a shield for your team.

What's more, Roxy's other costume is also not well suited for PVP. 6 SP is a very, very high cost, so chances are that you might not even survive long enough to activate her second skill.


It's unclear why the devs went so hard on making Roxy weak. A reasonable damage multiplier would have made this a great costume. Sadly, the costume we got has barely any offensive power and nothing unique in terms of support power. Collectors may want to pull a copy for the art or for the FOMO, but otherwise there's not a lot of gameplay incentive to max her out.