5/22 In-game Events


Greetings, Regulars!

This is the Tower of God: New World team.


Here's the in-game event news for 5/22.


To celebrate the release of SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung, various events are being held!

Yellowy's Bingo Time, as well as more exciting events are waiting for you!


For more details about the events, please check below. ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡



◆ New Teammate Trial & Event Missions ◆


✅ Event Period



Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Starting Time

After the 5/22 maintenance

Application deadline for the Teammate Trial

6/2 08:59:59

6/2 00:59:59

6/1 18:59:59

6/1 15:59:59

Ending Time

6/5 08:49:59

6/5 00:49:59

6/4 18:49:59

6/4 15:49:59


 Application Deadline for the [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung Trial

- Since [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung allows for a 3-day trial experience, please take note that you can apply by pressing the "Start Free 3-Day Trial" button until 6/2 08:59:59 (UTC+9), which is three days before the event ends.

* The trial option to play [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung will no longer be available after the application period ends, so be sure to apply and experience playing it within the specified period.



- During the event period, you can experience SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung for 3 days as a new Teammate.


How to Play


① You can experience playing it by pressing the [Teammate Trial] button on the left side of the main lobby.


② Among the Teammates in possession, you can select a Teammate to cast the Soul-binding spell on.

* Casting the Soul-binding spell can only be performed with Teammates of the same grade.

* If you start the trial without selecting a Teammate of the same grade as the Trial Teammate, the basic stats will be applied.

* During the trial period, if you acquire a Teammate of the same grade, you can set him/her as the target to cast the Soul-binding spell.  


③ The Trial Teammate shares stats and equipment with a Soul-bound Teammate that you’ve selected.

- Shared Stats: Limit Break, Normal Equipment, Exclusive Equipment Level, Ignition Weapon, Proficiency Level, Rapport Level, Archive, Research Lab, Origin Orb, Revolution

* The Trial Teammate cannot be developed or have their equipment changed.

* When the Soul-bound Teammate grows, it also applies to the Trial Teammate.


④ The Trial Teammate can be used in PvE game modes without restrictions.

- Available Content: Adventure, Trial Area, Mock Battle Facility, Underground Laboratory, Conquest Mode, Guardian's Test

- Unavailable Content: Regular Arena, Ranker Arena, High Ranker Arena, Alliance Expedition, Tower of Alliances

- Unsettable Functions: Friend Support, Formation Preset, Envoy Teammate, Customize Profile, Main Lobby Teammate

* The Trial Teammate and Soul-bound Teammate can be deployed in the same Deck. 


⑤ After the 3-day trial period ends, the Trial Teammate will be removed from the saved Deck and slots.


Missions & Rewards

- Event missions will open once the New Teammate Demo starts.

- Clearing missions with the Trial Teammate SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung will earn you rewards.

* In the event that you fail to complete the missions within the trial period, you can still complete them by using the SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung acquired through the Summon or borrowed from your friend.






Try the New Teammate

Loot Compound

 Amplification (2H) x 1


Attempt Adventure Mode Stages with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung on the team 1 time

Loot Compound

 Amplification (2H) x 1


Attempt Adventure Mode Stages with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung on the team 10 time

[Rapport] Bubblegum x 5


Attempt Trials with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung  on the team 1 time

Loot Compound

Amplification (2H) x 1


Attempt Trials with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung  on the team 10 times

Loot Coin Amplification (24H) x 5


Attempt 1 battle with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung on the team

STR Crystal x 1,000


Attempt 25 battles with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung

 on the team

Loot Compound

 Amplification (8H) x 1


Attempt 50 battles with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung  on the team

Loot Coin Amplification (24H) x 5


Attempt 1 Mock Battle with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung on the team.

DEX Crystal x 1,000


Attempt Underground Lab with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung on the team 1 time

Loot Compound Amplification (2H) x 1


Attempt Guardian’s Tests with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung on the team 1 time

INT Crystal x 1,000

Complete All Missions

Master Key x 20


✅ Notes

- The event schedule and rewards may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. You will be notified via announcement if any changes are made.

- The Trial Event Mission rewards may only be obtained once per server.

- Once the Trial Event ends, you will not be able to receive mission rewards, so please make sure to collect them before the event ends.

- The 'Attempt 1 battle with [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung on the team’ mission will not be cleared if an attempt is made by playing content that does not grant Proficiency.

 * Content where Proficiency is not gained: High Ranker Arena / Clearing The Secret Floor.



◆ Story Event  - Murder on the Express Train - The Reunion-  ◆



✅ Event Period




Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Starting Time

After the 5/22 maintenance

Ending Time

6/5 08:49:59

6/5 00:49:59

6/4 18:49:59

6/4 15:49:59


✅ How to Participate

① The Story Event can be accessed after clearing the Adventure Stage 1-6 by going to the [Event] → [Murder on the Express Train Event Missions] tab on the left side of the main lobby.

② In the [Murder on the Express Train] Story Event, you can access the [STORY] Stage and [FREE] Stage.

③ Clearing the [STORY] stages allows access to the [FREE] stage.

④ [FREE] stages can be played repeatedly by consuming [Express Train Ticket], and upon clearing stages, you can obtain [Event-exclusive items] and [Event Points].

⑤ Accumulating a certain amount of Event Points allows you to unlock the next [STORY] stage.

* One Express Train Ticket automatically recharges every 6 minutes and can be immediately purchased with Suspendium.

* The amount of Suspendium purchases increases with the number of purchases of Express Train Tickets.


 📌 Tips for effectively utilizing the [FREE] stage!!


 ① Event Currency Acquisition Amount

 - When [Wings of Destruction] Horyang Kang participates, the amount of [Nail Polish Remover] acquisition increases

 - When [Idol] Ha Yura and  [Forever Prepping] Wangnan Ja participate, the amount of [Lipstick] acquisition increases

- When [Child] Endorsi participates, the amount of [Lollipop] acquisition increases 


 - When [Data] Zahard participates, the amount of [Nail Polish Remover] acquisition increases

 - When [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung participates, the amount of [Lollipop] acquisition increases 


 ② Event Point Acquisition

 - When Teammates who own Shining Secret (Ha Yura), Elegant Prelude (Child Endorsi), Secret Contact (Ha Jinsung) or Strange Dream (Data Zahard) Costumes participate, the amount of event points earned increases by 5%.


Rewards for Clearing Stories



Story Event Act 1

Nail Polish Remover x 300

Story Event Act 2

Lipstick x 300

Story Event Act 3

Lollipop x 300

Story Event Act 4

Nail Polish Remover x 300

Story Event Act 5

Lipstick x 300

Story Event Act 6

Lollipop x 300

Story Event Act 7

Nail Polish Remover x 300

Story Event Act 8

Lipstick x 300

Story Event Act 9

Lollipop x 300


Story Point Ranking Rewards

- You can obtain ranking rewards based on the points earned in the Story Event.

- Point rankings can be viewed in [Event] → [Murder on the Express Train Event - Reunion] → [Event Story].





Title: [Express Train Fixer] x 1

Revolution Fragment x 500

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 7


Title: [Detective Bing Bong] x 1

Revolution Fragment x 450

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 7


Title: [Ace Detective] x 1

Revolution Fragment x 400

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 7


Title: [Mystery Enthusiast] x 1

Revolution Fragment x 300

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 7


Title: [Mystery Enthusiast] x 1

Revolution Fragment x 200

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 7

Top 1%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  5

Top 5%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  4

Top 10%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  4

Top 20%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  3

Top 30%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  3

Top 40%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  3

Top 50%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  3

Top 60%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  2

Top 70%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  2

Top 80%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  1

Top 90%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  1

Top 100%

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x  1




Growth Resource Selection Chest(24H)

[Select one of the following items]

Loot Coin Amplification(24H) x 2

Loot Shinsu Amplification (24H) x 1

Loot EXP Amplification (24H) x 1


✅ Notes

- The event schedule and rewards may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. You will be notified via announcement if any changes are made.

- Proficiency cannot be earned after battling in [FREE] stages.



◆ Murder on the Express Train Check-in ◆


✅ Event Period



Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Starting Time

After the 5/22 maintenance

Ending Time

6/5 08:49:59

6/5 00:49:59

6/4 18:49:59

6/4 15:49:59


Count Time






✅ Details

- During the event period, all Regulars who log into the game will receive check-in rewards.

- The check-in rewards can be viewed by navigating to the [Event] → [Murder on the Express Train Celebration Check-in] tab on the left side of the main lobby.



Day 1

Suspendium x 1,000

Day 2

Normal Summon Ticket x 10

Day 3

[Rapport] Bubblegum x 5

Day 4

Suspendium x 1,000

Day 5

Normal Summon Ticket x 10

Day 6

Loot Coin Amplification (6H) x 5

Day 7

Normal Summon Ticket x 10

Day 8

[Rapport] Bubblegum x 5

Day 9

Soul Crystal x 100

Day 10

Common Enhancement Extract x 20

Day 11

Loot Coin Amplification (6H) x 5

Day 12

Loot Shinsu Amplification (6H) x 3

Day 13

Suspendium x 1,000

Day 14

Normal Summon Ticket x 10


✅ Notes

- Event schedule and rewards are subject to change. In the event that any changes occur, you will be notified via announcement.

- The rewards for the Murder on the Express Train Celebration Check-in event can be collected in the Mailbox and can be viewed and used in the Bag.

- Even if you missed out on logging into the game for the day, you can continue receiving the check-in rewards moving forward for the duration of the event.

- If the event comes to an end before claiming your rewards, you will not be able to receive the reward for the next day. Therefore, please be sure to log into the game during the event period to collect the rewards.



◆ Ha Jinsung Boost Missions ◆


✅ Event Period



Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Starting Time

After the 5/22 maintenance

Ending Time

6/5 08:49:59

6/5 00:49:59

6/4 18:49:59

6/4 15:49:59



- Complete missions to earn rewards through Black Market Summons and by acquiring/growing SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung. 

- You can collect rewards from the [Event] > [Ha Jinsung Boost Missions] tab on the left side of the main lobby.

- Upon collecting rewards for completed missions, they will be automatically added to the number of items you possess in your Bag.






Summon from the Black Market 10 times

Mission Point x 10


Summon from the Black Market 50 times

Mission Point x 10


Summon from the Black Market 100 times

Mission Point x 10


Summon from the Black Market 150 times

Mission Point x 10


Summon from the Black Market 200 times

Mission Point x 10


Summon from the Black Market 250 times

Mission Point x 10


Summon from the Black Market 300 times

Mission Point x 10


Summon from the Black Market 400 times

Mission Point x 10


Summon from the Black Market 500 times

Mission Point x 10


Summon from the Black Market 600 times

Mission Point x 10


Obtain SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung

Common Enhancement Extract x 10


Reach Rapport Lv.2

with SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung

Common Enhancement Extract x 20


Reach Rapport Lv.3

with SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung

Uncommon Enhancement Extract x 10


Reach Proficiency Lv.3

with SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung

Uncommon Enhancement Extract x 20


Reach Proficiency Lv.5

with SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung

STR, DEX, INT Crystal Chest x 1

* Using the chest will grant you 1,000 each of STR, DEX, and INT Crystals


Reach Proficiency Lv.10

with SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung

STR, DEX, INT Crystal Chest x 1

* Using the chest will grant you 1,000 each of STR, DEX, and INT Crystals


Reach Limit Break Tier 13

with SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung

[Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung Title x 1


Reach Limit Break Tier 21

with SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung

[Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung Title Background Effect x 1


✅ Reward



Required Mission Point


Revolution Fragment x 300



Shining Revolution Fragment x 1,000



SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung x 1



SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung x 1



SSR+ Soulstone x 60



✅ Notes

- The event schedule and rewards may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. You will be notified via an announcement if any changes are made.

- Boost Missions Rewards may only be obtained once per server.

- Once the Boost Missions Event ends, you will not be able to receive mission rewards, so please make sure to collect them before the event ends.



◆ Murder on the Express Train Event Missions ◆


✅ Event Period



Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Starting Time

After the 5/22 maintenance

Ending Time

6/5 08:49:59

6/5 00:49:59

6/4 18:49:59

6/4 15:49:59


✅ How to Participate

- During the event period, you can obtain various rewards such as Tower's Blessing Break Stones, 70 SSR Soulstones, Normal Summon Tickets, and more by completing missions of the Murder on the Express Train Story Event.

- Missions for the Murder on the Express Train will be unlocked upon clearing Adventure Mode Stage 1-6, the unlocking condition for the Murder on the Express Train Story Event.
- You can check the mission details and rewards in the [Events] > Murder on the Express Train Event Missions] tab on the left side of the main lobby.


✅ Notes

- Event schedules and rewards are subject to change depending on the circumstances. In the event that any changes occur, you will be notified via announcement.

- The Event Mission rewards can be claimed once per server.

- Once the Story Event ends, you will not be able to receive mission rewards, so please make sure to claim them before the event concludes.



Murder on the Express Train Event Exchange Shop ◆


✅ Event Period



Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Starting Time

After the 5/22 maintenance

Ending Time

6/5 08:49:59

6/5 00:49:59

6/4 18:49:59

6/4 15:49:59


✅ How to Participate

- Event currency items required for exchange can be obtained from Murder on the Express Train event, Bingo Event, and Ren Event Boss Battle.

* You can possess a maximum of 999,999 of each event currency item.

Event Currency Item

Where to Obtain

Nail Polish Remover

Obtainable from the Murder on the Express Train Event.



Ha Jinsung's Badge

Obtainable upon completing a bingo line in the Yellowy's Bingo Time! Event


Ha Jinsung's Sunglasses

Ha Jinsung's Watch

Obtainable by taking on the Ren Event Boss Battle


✅ Exchange Shop

- In the [Event] > [Murder on the Express Train] > [Event Exchange Shop] tab on the left side of the main lobby, you can exchange various items such as Data Zahard’s new Costume, SSR Tower's Blessing Break Stones, Bingo Tickets, Special Bingo Tickets, etc.

* Collect the currency items and exchange them for priority items that are essential to you.

- Press the [Exchange] button to check the remaining quantity and directly set the quantity to exchange.


✅ Notes

- The event schedule and rewards are subject to change depending on the circumstances. In the event that any changes occur, you will be notified via announcement.

- Exchangeable items can only be exchanged a limited number of times.

- When the Story Event Exchange Shop closes, Ha Jinsung's Badge / Ha Jinsung's Sunglasses / Ha Jinsung’s Watch will be converted into 500 coins per unit. 

- When the Story Event ends, Nail Polish Remover / Lipstick / Lollipop items will be converted into Coins.

* 20 Coins per 1 Nail Polish Remover / 100 Coins per 1 Lipstick / 500 Coins per 1 Lollipop



◆ Loot Bonus Time Event ◆

* No additional maintenance will be conducted prior to the Loot Bonus Time Event going live on 5/24 (UTC+9)


✅ Event Period



Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Starting Time

5/24 09:00

5/24 01:00

5/23 19:00

5/23 16:00

Ending Time

5/31 08:59:59

5/31 00:59:59

5/30 18:59:59

5/30 15:59:59


✅ Details

- During the Bonus Time event period, the rewards obtained from Loot will be doubled.

Bonus Time Effect

The accumulated quantity of [Coin, Shinsu, Link EXP] rewards Loot will double.

* This does not apply to the quantity of items obtained.

* This does not apply to the "Obtain Quick Loot" acquisition.


✅ Notes

- The event schedule and reward distribution are subject to change depending on circumstances. In the event that any changes occur, we will inform Regulars through an announcement.

- The bonus time effect applies only during the event period, and it only affects the quantity of Coins, Shinsu, and Link EXP gained as loot rewards. It does not apply to the acquisition quantity of other items.



◆ [Punisher] Ren Event Boss Battle ◆

* No additional maintenance will be conducted prior to the Event Boss Battle going live on 5/29 (UTC+9).   


✅ Event Period



Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Starting Time

5/29 09:00

5/29 01:00

5/28 19:00

5/28 16:00

Ending Time

6/5 08:49:59

6/5 00:49:59

6/4 18:49:59

6/4 15:49:59


✅ Details

Opening Conditions

After the 5/29 09:00 (UTC+9)

The Murder on the Express Train event will unlock upon clearing the Story and receiving all rewards.

* Even if you have cleared the Story and received all rewards, you can still play after the above-mentioned opening time.

How to Enter

① Navigate to [Event > Story Event > Event Boss Battle] on the left-hand side of the main lobby to enter. 

② Enter by pressing the [Expedition] tab at the bottom of the main lobby, then [Mock Battle Facility > Next Station].

Event Details

① Upon entering the Event Boss Battle, the SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung in your possession will be automatically applied to your Deck.

* For Regulars who do not possess the SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung, the Ha Jinsung appearing in the Story Event will be provided and applied to the Deck.

* SSR+ [Ancient Monster] Ha Jinsung can be freely changed in your Deck.


When entering the Boss Battle, you can choose one of two Power Cards that will be applied during the battle.

* Power Cards can be switched to a different card each time you enter.


The Event Boss Battle ends when all players (allies) are defeated or when the challenge time expires.

No of Challenge Attempts

3 times daily

* When obtaining rewards after the battle ends, the number of Remaining Attempts is deducted, and the challenge count resets daily at 09:00 (UTC+9).



- Challenge Reward: Making attempts will grant various items such as coins, equipment, and Ha Jinsung’s Watch.

- Ranking Reward: According to your ranking, you can obtain Borders, Suspendium, and Data Shards.


✅ Notes

 - The event schedule and rewards may be subject to change depending on circumstances. In the event that any changes occur, you will be notified via announcement.

- If the event ends during Event Boss Battle play, Challenge Rewards will not be given, and damage will not be reflected in the rankings.

- In the Ren Event Boss Battle, similar to other event boss battles, damage of the previous tier does not accumulate when the boss tier increases during battle.



◆ Bingo Ticket Consumption Race◆

* No additional maintenance will be conducted prior to the Bingo Ticket Consumption Race Event going live on 5/29 (UTC+9).


✅ Event Period



Southeast Asia






Time Zone





Starting Time

5/29 09:00

5/29 01:00

5/28 19:00

5/28 16:00

Ending Time

6/5 08:49:59

6/5 00:49:59

6/4 18:49:59

6/4 15:49:59


✅ Details


① During the event period, using Bingo Tickets in the Bingo event automatically enrolls you into the race.


Regulars participating in the race will be assigned to a group based on the order of participants.

* Matching takes place for a certain period of time after the race starts. After matching ends, Regulars who used Bingo Ticket items will be matched for a new race.


③ After the race ends, rankings are determined based on the order in which Bingo Tickets and Special Bingo tickets are most used.

* In case of tie scores, the rank of the selected participant who achieved it first will be applied higher.


③ Regulars participating in the race are ranked based on the order in which they reach the goal using Bingo Tickets.

* In the event that Regulars reach the goal line at the same time, rankings are treated as tied.


✅ Rewards

- Rewards will be granted upon achieving the final ranking and completing missions in the race event.


● Race Event Ranking Rewards

- Rewards will be distributed based on the race standings.

Race Ranking



Race Point x 3,000

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 15


Race Point x 2,500

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 13


Race Point x 2,000

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 10

4 - 10th

Race Point x 1,200

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 5

11 - 20th

Race Point x 700

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 5

21 - 30th

Race Point x 500

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 5

31 - 40th

Race Point x 400

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 3

41 - 50th

Race Point x 300

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 3

51 - 100th

Race Point x 250

Growth Resource Selection Chest (24H) x 1

101 - 300th

Race Point x 200

301st -

Race Point x 150


● Race Event Mission Rewards

- Rewards can be obtained by achieving mission objectives in the race.





Consume a total of 10 Bingo Tickets, including Normal and Special Bingo Tickets


Race Point x 10


Consume a total of 30 Bingo Tickets, including Normal and Special Bingo Tickets


Race Point x 20


Consume a total of 50 Bingo Tickets, including Normal and Special Bingo Tickets


Race Point x 30


Consume a total of 100 Bingo Tickets, including Normal and Special Bingo Tickets


Race Point x 40


Consume a total of 200 Bingo Tickets, including Normal and Special Bingo Tickets


Race Point x 50

Clear All Missions

Master Key x 10


✅ Event Exchange Shop

- The Race Points obtained from various future events can be exchanged for items.

* Take this opportunity to collect Race Points to exchange them for priority items that are essential to you.

* Race Points cannot be earned in Stage Races. 


Event Currency


Exchange Limit

Race Point x 5,000

Yihwa Yeon Costume (Evening Flower) x 1

1 Time

Race Point x 2,000

Exchange Shop VIP Title x 1

1 Time

Race Point x 4,000

Exchange Shop Title Background x 1

1 Time

Race Point x 1,000

Regular Exchanger Title x 1

1 Time

Race Point x 2,000

Regular Exchanger Title Background x 1

1 Time

Race Point x 5,000

SSR+ Selection Chest x 1

2 Times

Race Point x 2,000

SSR Selection Chest x 1

5 Times

Race Point x 500

Master Key x 10

 9,999 Times

Race Point x 700

Premium Exclusive Equipment Enhancement Chest Ⅱ x 1

999 Times

Race Point x 500

Enhancement Extract

Selection Chest x 1

999 Times

Race Point x 300

Growth Resource Selection Chest (12H) x 1

 9,999 Times

Race Point x 100

STR Crystal x 500

 9,999 Times

Race Point x 100

DEX Crystal x 500

 9,999 Times

Race Point x 100

INT Crystal x 500

 9,999 Times




Growth Resource Selection Chest (12H)

[Choose one of the following items]

Loot Coin Amplification (12H) x 2

Loot Shinsu Amplification (12H) x 1

Loot EXP Amplification (12H) x 1


✅ Notes

- The event schedule and rewards may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. You will be notified via announcement if any changes are made.

- Exchangeable items can only be exchanged a limited number of times.



That’s it from the <Tower of God: New World> team.

We’ll continue to do our best to provide our Regulars with an epic and adventurous gaming experience.


Thank you.





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