Last Night – Quickstart Guide


Last Night is a new game mode that makes use of your entire costume collection. Once you have played it and gotten a score, every day you will get gold and ancient crystals depending on your highest score. Ancient crystals are very valuable because they are a time-gated currency that is necessary for UR gear crafting.

Putting aside gold, these are the thresholds for increasing daily ancient crystal rewards:

ScoreAncient Crystals

Getting a high score is a long-term goal, because your damage increases based on the size of your costume collection and the combat power of all your characters (even those who are not participating).

Intermediate players (with most 3 and 4 star costumes collected to +5, but not yet at end game content) should be aiming for the 3 Ancient Crystal bracket, which is comfortably achievable with the right set up. The 4 and 5 Ancient Crystals bracket requires a mature account with many costumes, most of the characters at Lv 100 and many high rank gears.

Generally speaking, your costume order should be:

  1. Damage and crit rate buffers, then
  2. Multi-hit costumes, preferably with 5 or more hits (in the order of lowest damage to highest damage), then
  3. Your strongest damage costumes

Below are some tips to get you started quickly.

All buffs applied during battle are halved

All buffs applied during battle are halved. E.g. Arines would only give +35% ATK and +15% crit rate.

The enemy has no element, so "property damage" does not work.

H.Lathel, B.Helena and MC.Teresse are all good choices. PWB.Refi is by far the most impactful buffer thanks to her chain buff.

If you don't

Self-buffs do not work across costumes

  • Masquerade Bunny Celia's skill does not stack chains on subsequent costume hits.
  • Lathel's ATK buffs do not apply to subsequent costume hits.
Zenith into 3 Celias gave a total of 24 chains (6+6+7+5)

Enemy debuffs do not work

  • Zenith does not apply taunt or amplify damage, so Ventana cannot activate her bonus damage.
  • End of turn burns (e.g. Liatris) do not work, so Maid Liatris cannot activate her bonus damage.
Liatris did 44,619 damage on the initial hit.
Final score shows no burn damage applied.

Stack as many chains as you can

Since buff effects are halved, the best way to improve your damage is to stack chains. Each chain increases the damage of the next hit by 10%. For more info on how chains work, check the FAQ.

After applying all necessary buffs, use costumes with the highest number of multi-hit attacks to ramp up chain stacks. Then, put your best attackers at the end.

To find multi-hit units quickly, look at the chain counter on the bottom left of each unit.

By far the most important buffer is PWB.Refithea. Even +0 is fine. Refi gives a buff that allows you to stack chains more quickly.

Crit damage is king: keep retrying if you miss

It's best to equip gears that have high crit damage.

Units that cannot crit (Justia, Alec) are not recommended, as they have relatively low damage potential.

Note that if you miss a crit on any of your main attackers, you can retry as many times as you like. However, it is still recommended that you boost your crit rate if possible, because it is difficult to fish for full crits across so many attacks.

Level up and equip every unit you have

Damage is amplified based on the total level and equipment power of your non-participating costumes. The total support bonus can be found at the top right of the team selection menu.

Therefore to maximize damage, you need to:

  1. Have a lot of costumes,
  2. Have enough slimes to max level all your characters, and
  3. Have high level gears for all your characters.

As you can see, trying to reach higher tier rewards is a very end-game goal, and trying to reach top rankings is a whale's game. It's fine to take your time. It is not recommended to be spending your precious resources on slimes and gears just for Last Night.

Note that when equipping gears, there is an "auto-equip" button to help quickly put gears onto your characters.

If you don't have enough good gears for all your characters, consider removing gears from your supporters and equipping to your benched costumes instead: this will increase your support bonus. You can also remove strong gears from your weak chain stackers (e.g. Celia), who are mainly there to stack chains rather than deal damage.

Recommended costumes for the best damage

The best costumes for dealing high damage at the end are:

  1. Units with very high damage multipliers and stats: e.g. Promise of Vengeance Lathel (1000%+50% ATK), Comeback Idol Yuri (700%+100% C.DMG). It's best to aim to use costumes that have a damage multiplier of 600% or more.
  2. Units that deal HP% based damage: Pool Party Angelica, Fallen Angelica, Nature's Claw Rou. These costumes are not as good as top tier attackers, but they provide access to high damage even without very strong gears.