List of All Rides in

Riding a wolf is fun during the beta and I missed my best friend very much afterwards!

In Supercell's latest game in development, rides provide players with a 50% increase in movement speed across the world map. Despite the variety of rides available, ranging from common to legendary, all rides offer the same benefits to players regardless of their rarity. Consider them as giant pets that you can mount and ride alongside to defeat enemies.

Players retain full use of their weapons and gadgets while riding, and their mounts' health will not be depleted in the midst of enemy encounters. Rides serve primarily as aesthetic enhancements rather than game-changing equipment. Below is a list of all rides available during the MO.CO beta testing phase.

List of Rides

RarityChicken RidesDoggo Rides
Common RideTurbo Chicken
Crimson Fury
Silver Streak
Amber Breeze
Indigo Dream
Silver Shadow
Copper Comet    
Epic RideRaven Wing
Sunset Phoenix
Arctic Blaze
Midnight Manace
Legendary RideRonin SpiritKatanas Edge
Rogue Lightning

Turbo Chicken

Crimson Fury

Silver Streak

Amber Breeze

Indigo Dream

Raven Wing

Sunset Phoenix

Ronin Spirit

Silver Shadow

Copper Comet

Arctic Blaze

Midnight Manage

Katanas Edge

Rogue Lightning


This concludes our coverage of the beta testing phase. We hope you found the information provided to be helpful and informative. We eagerly anticipate the next round of beta testing or the soft launch of by Supercell, as it will allow us to uncover new details about the game and share them with our readers. Stay tuned to for all future news and updates. In the meantime, we remain dedicated to providing the best gaming site for future players worldwide once the game launches globally. Until then, farewell.

Mr. Rapha
Mr. Rapha

Mr. Rapha, a lifelong gamer with over 20 years of TCG experience and 30 years of video gaming, brings his passion and expertise to writing. He creates informative and entertaining guides and tier lists for fellow gamers.

Articles: 92