Table of Contents
Okay, how is water fiery—they just recolored him!
"Fiery" YuKwang is back in a blue form that's supposed to be water, granting buffs to the units hit with its attacks. It also has 90 DEF and MRES, mitigating most of the damage you deal outside of key turns. You'll have to prepare for these key turns if you want to clear this Hunt.

Key Points
- Fiend Stats: 90 DEF, 90 MRES, 100 Water DMG, 50 Fire Resist
- The Fiend cannot be shredded! You will have to reduce its resistances through triggering either of its conditional skills. The Fiend's ATK cannot be debuffed either.
- The head takes 400% more damage, while the other weak spots take 100% more damage.
- 5 Initial SP, 4 SP gained per turn.
- Because we will only be damaging the Fiend in key turns, there is no need to worry about SP.
- Build DEF gear.
- Your DPS units need to tank some skills to receive the elemental DMG buff from the Fiend.
- Key turns are right after either C1 or C2, depending on whether your carry is physical or magic.

Skill Rundown
S1 — Unleashed Resentment

Only your physical Wind DPS needs to tank this hit. Put them on the right lane, and everyone else on the left lane, so only the DPS takes the hit. They then get a Property DMG bonus.
If you're using a magic DPS, you can have someone else tank the hit so the magic DPS can more easily tank S3.
C1 — Breaking Sky Flame Tiger Roar

If one of your physical units got hit by S1, C1 will trigger.
The Fiend loses all of its DEF, allowing you to deal damage to it. Unleash your damage right after this turn if you're using a physical team.
S2 — Right Flame Demon's Halberd

The Fiend deals extra damage to your units that got hit by C1, but if you only had your DPS take that hit, they can simply dodge its AoE.
S3 — Left Flame Demon's Halberd

Have your magic wind DPS tank this hit if you have one for a property DMG boost. Have the unit that was hit by S1 dodge this attack if need be.
C2 — Blaze Tiger's Great Roar Strike

If one of your magic units got hit by S3, C2 will trigger.
The Fiend loses all of its MRES, allowing you to deal damage to it. Unleash your damage right after this turn if you're using a magic team.
S4 — True Annihilation Flame Rain
A team wipe! Your next team then takes the stage as the Fiend loops back to S1 and resets its conditional skills.
Hunting the Fiend
There isn't any nuance to this fiend's conditional skills—it will simply cast C1 after S1 if a physical unit got hit, and C2 after S3 if a magic unit got hit. All you have to do is nuke after C1 if your DPS is physical, or after C2 if your DPS is magic.
Team Building
Example Physical Composition:

Gray (Physical DPS) — Gray has pretty good damage for this Fiend Hunt. Vanguard allows him to hit so many tiles on the nuke turn, and if you invest in the DMG upgrades, his multiplier can go from 25% → 65% (5 hits). This is all the damage that matters on this costume since the Fiend isn't magic, which means this strategy works even if you only have +0.
On top of that, if you upgrade Sharpshooter of the Mist's range upgrade to make it , it allows him to hit the head and one of the middle weak points, giving him a ton more damage on top of Vanguard if you use it right before C1. Do keep in mind that Gray needs multiple dupes to make this work, since the multiplier at +0 is not enough.
The rest of the physical team are just amplifiers for Gray. Since the Fiend gives a ton of elemental DMG to Gray, Diana becomes less than ideal compared to using Game Club Rafina. Arines is a fine alternative to either of the physical buffers, and you can run Liatris for chain utility if Celia is occupied in another team.
Reminder: Celia cannot debuff this Fiend's ATK.
Example Magic Composition:

Dalvi (Magic DPS) — She's good enough for this Fiend. She can hit the level 10 threshold if she's built enough. Since there is no magic counterpart to Game Club Rafina, Diana is still fine in this composition. Elpis is a decent alternative to either magic buffer.
Closing Thoughts
I was considering to start adding gameplay videos to these guides now that we have mock battles, but this Fiend is way too simple to justify one. Do let me know if you want to see them for future Hunts.
I'm also a bit sad that Lecliss isn't good for this Hunt. They really made C1 single hit and C2 five hits to prevent Lecliss from working here.