Totori (Daughter of a Powerful Lady) Atelier Resleriana Character Guide #18

Totori (Daughter of a Powerful Lady), a powerful single-target healer and boosts team durability! See why she's a valuable asset.

Character Introduction

Totori (Daughter of a Powerful Lady), stands out as a single target healer capable of removing status ailments hindering your allies. Her skills not only provide restoration but also significantly increase the durability of your team through recovery and physical damage reduction, making her particularly well-suited for content where sustaining your alchemist is crucial. Previously, we have covered other healers like Iksel (Fighting Chef) and Ayesha (MARIA of Dusk).

Totori (CV: Kaori Nazuka) An alchemist from a fishing village. With the goal of traveling outside the continent, she currently works in the bay area of the royal capital. Although she is usually quite gentle, she may sometimes unintentionally demoralize others by speaking her mind without thinking.

Official by Resleriana Character Introduction @Resleriana_EN

Basic Information

Character NameTotori (Daughter of a Powerful Lady)
Initial Rarity When Summoned2 stars
Main RoleSupporter

Totori's Stats at Level 60

These stats represent the character's fully leveled and maxed-out state (Lvl.60)

Attribute resistance

fire attributeice attributeLightning attributewind attributeSlash attributeHitting attributespecial attribute

Skill Set

Skill 1: Cane Impact

AttributeIceRangeSingle Target (ONE)
After attacking, reduces own physical damage received by 15% for 2 attacks.
Skill stats and effects depicted are as when character is fully maxed out (Lvl.60)

Skill 2: Freeze Breeze

AttributeIceRangeSingle Target (ONE)
After recovery, remove's target's status effects. Also reduces target's physical damage received by 15% for 2 attacks.
Skill stats and effects depicted are as when character is fully maxed out (Lvl.60)

Burst Skill: Melty Runway

AttributeIceRangeAoE (ALL)
After attacking, reduces all allies' physical damage received by 50% for 1 attack.
Skill stats and effects depicted are as when character is fully maxed out (Lvl.60)

Character Abilities

Advance All - M. ATK I
All allies gain M. ATK +5%
Blindness Resistance Up
Boost Blindness resistance by 30%

Character Gifts

totori gift colorLeftRight

Gift Effects

Ample Healing
Boost HP Recovery given by 1-8%.
M. DEF Blessing
Boosts M. DEF by 1-8% for 1 attack.
Recovery Boost
Boosts recovery given by 2-15%.

Gift Bonus

If this character is in the party during Synthesis, the odds of a rank IV or V trait appearing increases by 80%

Character Guide

Combat Guide

Targeted Healing and Status Ailment Removal

Totori excels at providing focused healing to individual allies. Her Skill 1, "Cane Impact," deals ice damage while granting her a temporary defense boost. Skill 2, "Duplicate," prioritizes healing and ailment cleansing, restoring the target's health and applying a physical damage reduction buff. These skills effectively address individual needs within your team composition.

Boosting Team Durability

Totori's true strength lies in her ability to enhance your entire team's resilience. Her Burst Skill, "Rocket Ice Bomb," unleashes a powerful ice attack that grants all allies a significant physical damage reduction buff. This ability proves invaluable in challenging encounters where sustaining your team is paramount.

Recommended Equipment

Stylish BroomBeast ArmorPhantom Ice Ring
Note: These recommendations does not consider past or future missable event recipes

Recommended Memoria

Welcome to the Party!Under the Starry SkyAn Adventurous PremonitionDelicious Tea Time


Totori (Daughter of a Powerful Lady) unique combination of healing, status ailment removal, and team-wide durability buffs makes her a valuable asset for any team composition, particularly in content where sustaining your heroes is key to success.

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Mr. Rapha
Mr. Rapha

Mr. Rapha, a lifelong gamer with over 20 years of TCG experience and 30 years of video gaming, brings his passion and expertise to writing. He creates informative and entertaining guides and tier lists for fellow gamers.

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