Iksel (Fighting Chef): Atelier Resleriana Character Guide #14

Burn and heal! Iksel (Fighting Chef), the offensive healer, deals continuous burn damage and buffs fire alchemists with unique skills.

Character Introduction

Meet the coolest cook in the entire Atelier Series universe: Iksel (Fighting Chef)! Iksel shines as a unique healer who not only heals but also inflicts burns on enemies, dealing continuous damage over time. His burn debuffs stacks making his utility particularly potent against bosses with high HP. If you have this character, he goes well with Fire attribute alchemists like Ryza (One Summer Story) and Marie (Lovely Bomber).

Iksel (CV: Shinnosuke Tachibana) A passionate chef. He is in charge of the kitchen at a cafe in the royal capital. His favorite frying pan, which he uses for cooking, at times doubles as a weapon against monsters.

Official Resleriana Character Introduction (from X: formerly Twitter)

Character Details

Basic Information

Character NameIksel (Fighting Chef)
Initial Rarity When Summoned3 stars
Main RoleSupporter

Iksel's Stats at Level 60

These stats represent the character's fully leveled and maxed-out state (Lvl.60)

Attribute resistance

fire attributeice attributeLightning attributewind attributeSlash attributeHitting attributespecial attribute

Iksel (Fighting Chef) Skill Set

Skill 1: Pan Attack

AttributeFireRangeSingle Target (ONE)
After attacking, there is a moderate chance of inflicting the target with Burns
Skill stats and effects depicted are as when character is fully maxed out

Skill 2: My Greatest

AttributeFireRangeSingle Target (ONE)
After recovery, boosts target's Fire damage by 20% for 2 turns.
Skill stats and effects depicted are as when character is fully maxed out

Burst Skill: Full Course Meal

AttributeFireRangeSingle Target (ONE)
After attacking, there is a very high chance to inflict the target with Burns. Boost own magic attack by 15% for 3 turns.
Skill stats and effects depicted are as when character is fully maxed out

Abilities (Passive Skills)

Advance All - M. DEF I
All allies gain magic defense +5%
Poison Resist Up
Boosts Poison resistance by 30%

Character Gifts

Gift Colors

Ixel gift colorLeftRight

Gift Effects

Magic Defense Blessing
Boost M. DEF by 1-8% for 1 attack.
Ice Curse
Reduces target's Ice resistance by 1-10% for 1 attack.
Stab Resistance Up
Boost Stab resistance by 1-10%

Gift Bonus

If this character is in the party during Synthesis, the odds of a rank IV or V trait appearing increases by 80%

Character Guide

Combat Guide

Healer and Burner: Unlike traditional healers, Iksel can dish out damage while keeping your team healthy. His Skill 1 and Burst Skill inflict burns, dealing continuous damage to enemies based on their max HP. This proves especially effective against bosses with high HP, chipping away at their health throughout the battle.

Note: Burns are permanent and stack, meaning the longer the battle lasts, the more damage Iksel inflicts through them. This makes him a valuable asset in long-term fights where sustained damage is key.

Awesome Fire Supporter: Ixel's true strength lies in his synergy with fire attribute alchemists like Ryza and Marie. His Skill 2 heals a single target while boosting their fire damage by 20%, increasing the team's overall damage output as the battle continues. Slap his Skill 2 on Ryza before she does her Burst Skill and see enemies melt away.

Recommended Equipment

Stylish BroomSkuller CoatFire Spirit Ring
Note: These recommendations does not consider past or future missable event recipes

Recommended Memoria

Under the Starry SkyAn Adventurous PremonitionA Melody on the WindDeal of the Day


Iksel's unique blend of healing, burning, and fire buffing makes him a versatile addition to any team, particularly fire-focused compositions. His ability to deal consistent Burn damage via his Skill 1 and Burst Skill solidifies his position as a valuable asset in various combat scenarios.

Thank you for exploring Iksel's versatile capabilities with us at DotGG. We hope this guide has been insightful for you. Don't forget to bookmark us for future updates, tier list and guides on optimizing your Atelier Resleriana experience.

Official Links

Mr. Rapha
Mr. Rapha

Mr. Rapha, a lifelong gamer with over 20 years of TCG experience and 30 years of video gaming, brings his passion and expertise to writing. He creates informative and entertaining guides and tier lists for fellow gamers.

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