Darley Clatter

Darley Clatter


Psychube Recommendations

6 Star: Her Second Life
5 Star: A Free HeartA Free Heart

Darley Clatter Skills

Clatter Trample

Level 1 / 3

1-target attack. Deals 160% Mental DMG. This attack enjoys Penetration Rate +30%.

Commanding Aura

Level 1 / 3

1-target attack. Deals 150% Mental DMG. HP +(the caster's ATK x40%) for the ally with the lowest HP.

Great Inspirer

Mass buff. Moxie +1 and 3 rounds of DMG Bonus +30% for other allies. HP +(Lost HP x15%).

Darley Clatter Inheritances

Glory Restored

If the caster's HP goes below 50% after being attacked, Moxie +3 (only triggers 1 time).

Glory Restored โ…ก

When entering battle, DMG Heal +10%.

Darley Clatter Portrays

โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: Moxie +2 for other allies.
โ–ฉ1%s's effect changes to: Penetration Rate +40%.
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: DMG Dealt +35% for all allies.
โ–ฉ2%s's effect changes to: at 1/2/3 stars, HP +(the caster's ATK x56/84/140%) for the ally with the lowest HP percentage.
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: HP +(Lost HP x25%) for the caster.