Resonate - Reverse: 1999

Resonate Guide

Learn about the character Resonate system in Reverse: 1999.

When we’re looking at the Resonate system in Reverse: 1999, think about it like this: Psychubes are your weapons basically and Resonate is your equipment. The great thing about this game is that it doesn’t have any gacha systems for their “weapons” which are Psychubes nor does it have any gacha or RNG artifact grinding system like Genshin Impact but adopts a unique “equipment” system known as Resonate. In this guide we’ll be looking into some explanation about the system, what does each “ideas” that’s in the Resonate system does and how best should we equip each ‘ideas’ in our character’s ‘brain’.

The Basics of the Resonate System

Demonstration of adding ideas into the brain for the Resonate system in Reverse: 1999.

As seen in the picture above, we have the ‘brain’ area where you’ll be inserting ‘ideas’ into to give your character bonus stats. The brain area can be understood as your equipment slots and the ideas are equipment to be put simply. When you level up your character’s Resonate, you will more ideas and the brain area will also increase to enable you to insert more ideas in it.

Checking an idea's stats and shape for the Resonate system in Reverse: 1999.
Each idea has different sizes and different stats.
Placing an idea into the brain for the Resonate system in Reverse: 1999.
You’ll be placing each ‘idea’ in the ‘brain’ area like a puzzle. Pro-tip: you can rotate ideas to make it fit in said area.
Leveling up the Resonate level in Reverse: 1999.
The higher the resonate level, the more ideas you can equip which directly effects how your character performs during battle.

Resonate Materials for Every Character

Check out the farming guide here.

6 Star

The Crystal Casket should be opened according to the character you are need to level.

Centurion | Lilya | Voyager | Changeling | Black DwarfDruvis | Regulus | Pickles | Shamane |
LevelReso itemitem 1item 2item 3LevelReso itemitem 1item 2item 3
25Moment of Dissonance25Moment of Dissonance
35Moment of Dissonance4Magnesia Crystal35Moment of Dissonance4Trembling Tooth
45Moment of Dissonance4Shattered Bones3Solidus45Moment of Dissonance4Silver Ore3Solidus
55Brief Cacophony3Liquefied Terror4Rough Silver Ingot55Brief Cacophony3Milled Magnesia4Esoteric Bones
65Brief Cacophony30kSharpodonty3Clawed Pendulum65Brief Cacophony30kSharpodonty3Clawed Pendulum
76Brief Cacophony4Salted Mandrake76Brief Cacophony4Biting Box
86Brief Cacophony4Bifurcated Skeleton5Rough Silver Ingot86Brief Cacophony4Salted Mandrake4Rough Silver Ingot
98Brief Cacophony6Holy Silver6Spell of Fortune98Brief Cacophony5Bifurcated Skeleton6Milled Magnesia
101Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell6Prophetic Bird8Biting Box101Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell6Holy Silver6Biting Box
111Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell120kSharpodonty4Platinum Ouija111Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell120kSharpodonty4Platinum Ouija
121Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell4Wyrmling Skeleton5Salted Mandrake121Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell4Bogeyman5Prophetic Bird
131Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell5Silver Bullet6Biting Box131Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell5Incorrupt Monkeypaw5Holy Silver
141Crystal Casket Material8Sonorous Knell2Mistilteinn4Silver Bullet141Crystal Casket Material8Sonorous Knell2Fruit of Good and Evil4Wyrmling Skeleton
151Crystal Casket Material8Sonorous Knell3Golden Fleece4Murmur of Insanity151Crystal Casket Material8Sonorous Knell3Mistilteinn4Incorrupt Monkeypaw
A Knight | An-an Lee | Medicine Pocket | Melania |Sotheby | Eternity | Ms. NewBabel | Tooth Fairy |
LevelReso itemitem 1item 2item 3LevelReso itemitem 1item 2item 3
25Moment of Dissonance25Moment of Dissonance
35Moment of Dissonance6Spell of Banishing35Moment of Dissonance5Silver Ore
45Moment of Dissonance4Shattered Bones3Solidus45Moment of Dissonance4Magnesia Crystal3Solidus
55Brief Cacophony4Spell of Fortune3Liquefied Terror55Brief Cacophony3Esoteric Bones3Milled Magnesia
65Brief Cacophony30kSharpodonty3Clawed Pendulum65Brief Cacophony30kSharpodonty3Clawed Pendulum
76Brief Cacophony5Bifurcated Skeleton76Brief Cacophony5Holy Silver
86Brief Cacophony3Holy Silver5Milled Magnesia86Brief Cacophony4Prophetic Bird6Esoteric Bones
98Brief Cacophony5Prophetic Bird8Esoteric Bones98Brief Cacophony4Biting Box5Liquefied Terror
101Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell6Biting Box6Holy Silver101Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell6Salted Mandrake8Prophetic Bird
111Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell120kSharpodonty4Platinum Ouija111Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell120kSharpodonty4Platinum Ouija
121Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell4Murmur of Insanity5Biting Box121Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell4Incorrupt Monkeypaw5Holy Silver
131Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell5Bogeyman6Bifurcated Skeleton131Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell5Wyrmling Skeleton7Salted Mandrake
141Crystal Casket Material8Sonorous Knell2Golden Fleece3Incorrupt Monkeypaw141Crystal Casket Material8Sonorous Knell2Fruit of Good and Evil3Bogeyman
151Crystal Casket Material8Sonorous Knell3Fruit of Good and Evil4Silver Bullet151Crystal Casket Material8Sonorous Knell3Mistilteinn4Wyrmling Skeleton
Source: Yumedere Cake Insight Reso Material sheet

5 Star

Baby Blue | Sonetto | Satsuki | Matilda |Bkornblume | Click | Blonney | X |
LevelReso itemitem 1item 2item 3LevelReso itemitem 1item 2item 3
24Moment of Dissonance24Moment of Dissonance
34Moment of Dissonance6Spell of Banishing34Moment of Dissonance4Trembling Tooth
44Moment of Dissonance4Shattered Bones3Solidus44Moment of Dissonance4Silver Ore3Solidus
54Brief Cacophony4Spell of Fortune3Liquefied Terror54Brief Cacophony3Milled Magnesia4Esoteric Bones
64Brief Cacophony25kSharpodonty3Clawed Pendulum64Brief Cacophony25kSharpodonty3Clawed Pendulum
75Brief Cacophony5Bifurcated Skeleton75Brief Cacophony4Biting Box
85Brief Cacophony3Holy Silver5Milled Magnesia85Brief Cacophony4Salted Mandrake4Rough Silver Ingot
96Brief Cacophony5Prophetic Bird8Esoteric Bones96Brief Cacophony5Bifurcated Skeleton6Milled Magnesia
101Crystal Casket Material4Sonorous Knell6Biting Box6Holy Silver101Crystal Casket Material4Sonorous Knell6Holy Silver6Biting Box
111Crystal Casket Material4Sonorous Knell100kSharpodonty3Platinum Ouija111Crystal Casket Material4Sonorous Knell100kSharpodonty3Platinum Ouija
121Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell3Murmur of Insanity5Biting Box121Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell3Bogeyman5Prophetic Bird
131Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell4Bogeyman6Bifurcated Skeleton131Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell4Incorrupt Monkeypaw5Holy Silver
141Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell1Golden Fleece3Incorrupt Monkeypaw141Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell1Fruit of Good and Evil4Wyrmling Skeleton
151Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell2Fruit of Good and Evil4Silver Bullet151Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell2Mistilteinn4Incorrupt Monkeypaw
Sweetheart | Dikke | Necrologist | Diggers | Kanjira |Charlie | Balloon Party | Tennant | Horropedia |
LevelReso itemitem 1item 2item 3LevelReso itemitem 1item 2item 3
24Moment of Dissonance24Moment of Dissonance
34Moment of Dissonance4Magnesia Crystal34Moment of Dissonance5Silver Ore
44Moment of Dissonance4Shattered Bones3Solidus44Moment of Dissonance4Magnesia Crystal3Solidus
54Brief Cacophony3Liquefied Terror4Rough Silver Ingot54Brief Cacophony3Esoteric Bones3Milled Magnesia
64Brief Cacophony25kSharpodonty3Clawed Pendulum64Brief Cacophony25kSharpodonty3Clawed Pendulum
75Brief Cacophony4Salted Mandrake75Brief Cacophony5Holy Silver
85Brief Cacophony4Bifurcated Skeleton5Rough Silver Ingot85Brief Cacophony4Prophetic Bird6Esoteric Bones
96Brief Cacophony6Holy Silver6Spell of Fortune96Brief Cacophony4Biting Box5Liquefied Terror
101Crystal Casket Material4Sonorous Knell6Prophetic Bird8Biting Box101Crystal Casket Material4Sonorous Knell6Salted Mandrake8Prophetic Bird
111Crystal Casket Material4Sonorous Knell100kSharpodonty3Platinum Ouija111Crystal Casket Material4Sonorous Knell100kSharpodonty3Platinum Ouija
121Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell3Wyrmling Skeleton5Salted Mandrake121Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell3Incorrupt Monkeypaw5Holy Silver
131Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell4Silver Bullet6Biting Box131Crystal Casket Material5Sonorous Knell4Wyrmling Skeleton7Salted Mandrake
141Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell1Mistilteinn4Silver Bullet141Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell1Fruit of Good and Evil3Bogeyman
151Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell2Golden Fleece4Murmur of Insanity151Crystal Casket Material6Sonorous Knell2Mistilteinn4Wyrmling Skeleton
Source: Yumedere Cake Insight Reso Material sheet

Is Resonate Level 15 Worth It?

Consider building your team evenly first before investing characters beyond Resonate level 10. More information can be found below:

Resonate Build for Each Character

Find the spreadsheet here.

Why You Should Manually Equip the Ideas?

  1. Most guides available form veteran players that played in the CN servers only provide character guides up until Resonate 10.
  2. If you’re planning to max out your 6-star character’s Resonate in the long run, it’s best you understand the fundamentals and basics about the system so you can manually design your own brain area when you reach Resonate 11 – 15.
  3. The Resonate system does looks confusing at first but if you can grasp what each idea does, you’ll be able to min-max your character to fit their role within a team you’re putting together.
Example brain/ideas setup as a general guide
Credit: unknown as per Official Discord Server Community

We will now look into what the bonus stats are given from each ideas, depending on their size.

1-Square Ideas

  • HP %
  • DMG Bonus %
  • HP %
  • DMG Taken Reduction %

2-Square Ideas

  • Critical DMG %
  • DMG Taken Reduction %

3-Square Ideas

  • ATK %
  • Critical Rate %
LevelATKCritical Rate

4-Square Ideas

  • Critical Resist Rate %
  • Critical DEF %
  • DMG Taken Reduction %
LevelCritical Resist RateCritical DEFDMG Taken Reduction
  • Critical Rate %
  • Critical Resist Rate %
  • DMG Bonus %
LevelCritical RateCritical Resist RateDMG Bonus
  • ATK %
  • Reality DEF %
  • Mental DEF %
LevelATKReality DEFMental DEF
  • Critical Rate %
  • Critical Resist Rate %
  • Critical DMG %
LevelCritical RateCritical Resist RateCritical DMG
  • Critical Rate %
  • Bonus DMG %
  • Damage Taken Reduction %
LevelCritical RateBonus DMGDamage Taken Reduction
  • HP %
  • ATK %
  • Reality DEF %
LevelHPATKReality DEF
  • HP
  • ATK
  • Mental DEF
LevelHPATKMental DEF

5-Square Ideas

  • The biggest size ideas are basically the main ideas of each character
  • These ideas have the highest stats
  • You must equip this in the brain area
  • Since these ideas should be in the character's brain, we will look at the possible positioning of these idea blocks
  • The main reasoning is to help you get some ideas to fit in the empty spaces with the list of ideas shown earlier
  • Future articles will also include some example builds
  • At the mean time, let's look at the basics first
  • Balanced idea

Possible positioning the Big-Z-shape idea in a 7x7 grid

  • Support idea

Possible positioning the Inverted-T-shape idea in a 7x7 grid

  • Defensive idea

Possible positioning the U-shape idea in a 7x7 grid

  • Critical rate and Critical DMG focused idea

Possible positioning the Cross-shape idea in a 7x7 grid

Things to Remember When Designing Your Own Brain Area

  • Remember that the max brain area is 7x7 which comes at Resonate lvl.10 (increasing Resonate levels past lvl.10 will not increase brain area).
  • Most veteran players will advice to stop levelling Resonate at lvl.10 and start building other character’s Resonate.
  • You should build your characters according to how you want them to be during battle. For example, your main DPS carry keeps dying during battle? Just chuck in some more ideas that gives more HP% bonuses. Want to deal more damage? Try to fit in more ideas that has ATK, Crit Rate and Crit DMG bonuses.
  • Always increase your main DPS carry’s Resonate level to lvl.10 as a priority.
  • Boosting ATK stats is a straightforward way to enhance damage output, especially for genesis damage-dealing units.
  • Genesis damage is solely influenced by ATK stats and isn't affected by the game's diverse damage multipliers, making this an effective strategy.
  • This approach aligns well with most sustain units as a majority of healing and shielding mechanics in the game also rely on ATK stats.
  • DEF stats aren't usually the main focus when building resonance, as leveling up your sustain unit is a more effective way to boost survivability.
  • DEF is sometimes used when a unit needs to be able to sustain damage during battles.
  • Examples of units that benefit from DEF resonate include Balloon Party, and The Fool.
  • Might as well just build your healing characters and focus your main carries to be built to deal as much damage possible during battles.

We hope this write-up helped you as an introduction about the Resonate system in Reverse: 1999. In the future, we’ll be looking into example builds for characters and discuss about whether or not “Quick Load” function to build your ‘brain’ is good or bad. Therefore, don't miss out on our future entries and please drop by again at DotGG! Thanks for reading and see you in the next article.

Mr. Rapha
Mr. Rapha

Mr. Rapha, a lifelong gamer with over 20 years of TCG experience and 30 years of video gaming, brings his passion and expertise to writing. He creates informative and entertaining guides and tier lists for fellow gamers.

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