John Titor

John Titor


Psychube Recommendations

6 Star: His Bounden Duty
5 Star: Decode

John Titor Skills

Not a Decoration!

Level 1 / 3

1-target attack. Deals 200% Reality DMG.

A True Genius!

Level 1 / 3

Self heal. Grants DMG Dealt +20% and enters [Self-healing]: when a round starts, HP +(Lost HP x20%). Lasts 2 rounds.

65,536 Bytes

Mass buff. Dispels [Stats Up], [Pos Status], and [Counter] statuses from all enemies. Purifies [Stats Down], [Neg Status], and [Control] from all allies. All allies also gain (the caster's ATK x100%) [Shield] for 3 rounds.

John Titor Inheritances

Garbled Coding Log

After the caster acts, HP +(Lost HP x15%).

Garbled Coding Log โ…ก

When entering battle, DMG Heal +10%.

John Titor Portrays

โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: inflicts a [Shield] with (the caster's ATK x130%) HP on all allies.
โ–ฉ1%s's effect changes to: at 1/2/3 stars, deals 220/330/550% Reality DMG.
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: inflicts a [Shield] with (the caster's ATK x160%) HP on all allies.
โ–ฉ2%s's effect changes to: at 1/2/3 stars, DMG Dealt +25/30/40% for the caster.
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: inflicts a [Shield] with (the caster's ATK x200%) HP on all allies.