Mesmer Jr.
Psychube Recommendations
6 Star: Her Second Life
5 Star: The Footloose
Mesmer Jr. Skills

Magnetic Current
Level 1 / 3
1-target attack. Deals 200% Mental DMG.

Inhibition Ring
Level 1 / 3
Mass buff. Mental DEF +10% for all allies for 2 rounds and gives the caster 1 stack of [Stabilize].

Artificial Somnambulism Therapy
Mass attack. Deals 200% Mental DMG and inflicts 1 stack of [Paralyze] on all enemies. Also inflicts 1 stack of [Paralyze] on the main target.
Mesmer Jr. Inheritances
Blocking Agent
At the end of every 2 rounds, inflicts 1 stack of [Stabilize] on the ally with the lowest HP percentage.
Blocking Agent โ ก
Reality DEF and Mental DEF +10% when the caster enters battle.
Mesmer Jr. Portrays
โฉ3%s's effect changes to: deals 225% Mental DMG.
โฉ1%s's effect changes to: at 1/2/3 stars, deals 220/280/500% Mental DMG.
โฉ3%s's effect changes to: deals 250% Mental DMG.
โฉ3%s's effect changes to: deals 275% Mental DMG.
โฉ3%s's effect changes to: deals 325% Mental DMG.