


Psychube Recommendations

6 Star: Brave New World
5 Star: The Footloose

Mondlicht Skills

A Silver Bullet

Level 1 / 3

Mass attack. Deals 120% Reality DMG to 2 enemies. If the target's HP is above 50%, this attack also deals 50% more Reality DMG.

A Dance

Level 1 / 3

Mass attack. Deals 120% Reality DMG to 2 enemies. If the target's HP is below 50%, this attack also deals 50% more Reality DMG.

More Deadly than the Big Bad Wolves

1-target attack. Deals 450% Reality DMG. HP +(this attack's DMG x50%).

Mondlicht Inheritances

Hunter Instinct

After entering battle and for every 3 rounds afterwards, loads 1 [Silver Bullet].

Hunter Instinct โ…ก

ATK +5% when the caster enters battle.

Mondlicht Portrays

โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: deals 500% Reality DMG.
โ–ฉ1%s's effect changes to: additionally deals Reality DMG when the target's HP is above 40%.
โ–ฉ2%s's effect changes to: additionally deals Reality DMG when the target's HP is below 60%.
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: deals 550% Reality DMG.
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: deals 600% Reality DMG.