Oliver Fog

Oliver Fog


Psychube Recommendations

6 Star: His Bounden Duty
5 Star: A Free Heart

Oliver Fog Skills

Working Hours

Level 1 / 3

1-target attack. Deals 160% Reality DMG. This attack enjoys Leech Rate +30%.

Ten Minutes Later

Level 1 / 3

Mass buff. Gives all allies 1 stack of [Sturdiness]; Reality DEF and Mental DEF +10% for 2 rounds.

Meaningless as Expected

1-target attack. Deals 450% Reality DMG. This attack enjoys Penetration Rate +30%.

Oliver Fog Inheritances

Home of the Fog

When a round ends, loses (Current HP x15%) HP and gains a Shield with (HP Lost this time x150%) HP which lasts until the start of the next round. While the Shield is active, DMG Taken -20%.

Home of the Fog โ…ก

Reality DEF and Mental DEF +10% when the caster enters battle.

Oliver Fog Portrays

โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: deals 500% Reality DMG.
โ–ฉ1%s's effect changes to: this attack enjoys Leech Rate +50%.
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: Penetration Rate +40%.
โ–ฉ0%s[Shield] Effect changes to: shield DMG of lost HP*200%
โ–ฉ3%s's effect changes to: Penetration Rate +50%.