Come one come all, Silas Darkmoon and his Darkmoon Faire will start making regular appearances in Warcraft Rumble later in Season 5. Once the Darkmoon Faire arrives, you can tap the Darkmoon Faire icon in the center of the map to complete challenges, earn prize tickets for you and your guild and then exchange tickets for marvelous rewards of your choice.
Ahead of You, Down the Path
A Majestic, Magical Faire!
Ignore the Darkened, Eerie Woods
Ignore the Eyes That Blink and Stare
Fun & Games & Wondrous Sights!
Music & Fireworks to Light Up the Night!
Do Not Stop! You're Nearly There!
Behold, My Friend: THE DARKMOON FAIRE!

Eerie and mysterious things have been happening to quests since the arrival of Silas and his captivating collection of curiosities. The Darkmoon Faire event will be available to players that are at or above 40 Sigils. Complete challenges to earn tickets and every ticket earned will also be shared with your guildmates.
Any tickets earned for a guild are locked to that guild and will not be removed if a player leaves or transfers to a new guild. At the end of the weeklong event, unspent tickets will not carry over and will be converted to Arclight Energy.

As with anything at the Darkmoon Faire you must pick your path carefully! Connected rewards must be purchased before the next row is unlocked.
Darkmoon Faire themed chests have been spotted -- what wonder or mystery could they hold?

Silas has assured us that opening the Darkmoon Faire Chaos Chests will not do any of the following: *
- Permanent polymorphs
- Spawn massive beasts
- Open the door for many goblins
- Change Mini costs
- Any other such nonsense...
* One, Two, C’luc is coming for you! Opening Chaos Chests will do everything listed and much more. Open as many chests as possible to unleash random magical mysteries on the map.
What would you like to see unleashed from Chaos Chests in the future?